From 2e15be1fdcaaf5a6eb8bb676ada8d8440336e323 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Case Duckworth
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 10:51:48 -0700
Subject: Remove lua cruft
img/amber.jpg | Bin 0 -> 20805 bytes
lua/jttm.lua | 193 ------------------------------
lua/sample-writer.lua | 324 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lua/sample.lua | 324 --------------------------------------------------
lua/test.lua | 304 ----------------------------------------------
5 files changed, 324 insertions(+), 821 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 img/amber.jpg
delete mode 100644 lua/jttm.lua
create mode 100644 lua/sample-writer.lua
delete mode 100644 lua/sample.lua
delete mode 100644 lua/test.lua
diff --git a/img/amber.jpg b/img/amber.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b70b35
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/amber.jpg differ
diff --git a/lua/jttm.lua b/lua/jttm.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ba101a..0000000
--- a/lua/jttm.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
--- Pandoc "Just the text, Ma'am"
--- (JTTM): a custom writer that
--- strips everything except for
--- the TEXT from a pandoc source
--- vim: fdm=marker
--- invoke with: pandoc -t jttm/jttm.lua
--- Table to store footnotes so they are at the END of the document
-local notes = {}
--- This function is called once for the whole document. Parameters:
--- body is a string, metadata is a table, variables is a table.
--- One could use some kind of templating
--- system here; this just gives you a simple standalone HTML file.
-function Doc(body, metadata, variables)
- local buffer = {}
- local function add(s)
- table.insert(buffer, s)
- end
- if metadata['title'] and metadata['title'] ~= "" then
- add(string.upper(metadata['title']))
- end
- if metadata['subtitle'] and metadata['subtitle'] ~= "" then
- add(": " .. metadata['subtitle'])
- end
- add("\n")
- -- TODO: epigraph.content, epigraph.attrib, dedication, other metadata?
- add(body)
- -- TODO: add notes at the end.
- return table.concat(buffer, '\n')
--- TODOs {{{
-function align(align)
- -- TODO: is this necessary?
-function Note(s)
- -- TODO
--- convert Tables to csv? or tab-separated?
-function Table(caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows)
- local buffer = {}
- local function add(s)
- table.insert(buffer, s)
- end
- add("\n\n")
- if caption ~= "" then
- add("[" .. caption .. "]")
- end
- -- TODO: finish
--- }}}
--- Remove all formatting {{{
-function Blocksep()
- return "\n\n"
-function Emph(s)
- return s
-function Strong(s)
- return s
-function Subscript(s)
- return s
-function Superscript(s)
- return s
-function SmallCaps(s)
- return s
-function Strikeout(s)
- return s
-function Code(s, attr)
- return s
-function CodeBlock(s, attr)
- return s
-function InlineMath(s)
- return s
-function DisplayMath(s)
- return s
-function Span(s, attr)
- return s
-function Cite(s)
- return s
-function Plain(s)
- return s
--- Links only include the link text
-function Link(s, src, tit)
- return s
--- Images have nothing to give us
--- (but add a space just in case)
-function Image(s, src, tit)
- return " "
-function Str(s)
- return s
-function Div(s, attr)
- return s
-function Space(s)
- return " "
-function LineBreak()
- return "\n"
-function Para(s)
- -- add paragraphing
- return s .. "\n\n"
--- }}}
--- Leave just a little formatting {{{
-function Header(lev, s, attr)
- if lev == 1 then
- return "\n\n " .. string.upper(s) .. "\n\n"
- elseif lev == 2 then
- return "\n " .. string.upper(s) .. "\n"
- else
- return s
- end
-function Blockquote(s)
- return "\n\n" .. string.gsub(s, "*\n", " %0")
-function HorizontalRule(s)
- return "\n\n\n"
-function BulletList(items)
- local buffer = {}
- for _, item in pairs(items) do
- table.insert(buffer, "- " .. item .. "\n")
- end
- return "\n\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n\n"
-function DefinitionList(items)
- local buffer = {}
- for _, item in pairs(items) do
- for k, v in pairs(item) do
- table.insert(buffer, "\n" .. k .. ":\n " ..
- table.concat(v, "\n "))
- end
- end
- return "\n\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n\n"
--- }}}
--- The following code will produce runtime warnings when you haven't defined
--- all of the functions you need for the custom writer, so it's useful
--- to include when you're working on a writer.
-local meta = {}
-meta.__index =
- function(_, key)
- io.stderr:write(string.format("WARNING: Undefined function '%s'\n",key))
- return function() return "" end
- end
-setmetatable(_G, meta)
diff --git a/lua/sample-writer.lua b/lua/sample-writer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c3c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/sample-writer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+-- This is a sample custom writer for pandoc. It produces output
+-- that is very similar to that of pandoc's HTML writer.
+-- There is one new feature: code blocks marked with class 'dot'
+-- are piped through graphviz and images are included in the HTML
+-- output using 'data:' URLs.
+-- Invoke with: pandoc -t sample.lua
+-- Note: you need not have lua installed on your system to use this
+-- custom writer. However, if you do have lua installed, you can
+-- use it to test changes to the script. 'lua sample.lua' will
+-- produce informative error messages if your code contains
+-- syntax errors.
+-- Character escaping
+local function escape(s, in_attribute)
+ return s:gsub("[<>&\"']",
+ function(x)
+ if x == '<' then
+ return '<'
+ elseif x == '>' then
+ return '>'
+ elseif x == '&' then
+ return '&'
+ elseif x == '"' then
+ return '"'
+ elseif x == "'" then
+ return '''
+ else
+ return x
+ end
+ end)
+-- Helper function to convert an attributes table into
+-- a string that can be put into HTML tags.
+local function attributes(attr)
+ local attr_table = {}
+ for x,y in pairs(attr) do
+ if y and y ~= "" then
+ table.insert(attr_table, ' ' .. x .. '="' .. escape(y,true) .. '"')
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(attr_table)
+-- Run cmd on a temporary file containing inp and return result.
+local function pipe(cmd, inp)
+ local tmp = os.tmpname()
+ local tmph =, "w")
+ tmph:write(inp)
+ tmph:close()
+ local outh = io.popen(cmd .. " " .. tmp,"r")
+ local result = outh:read("*all")
+ outh:close()
+ os.remove(tmp)
+ return result
+-- Table to store footnotes, so they can be included at the end.
+local notes = {}
+-- Blocksep is used to separate block elements.
+function Blocksep()
+ return "\n\n"
+-- This function is called once for the whole document. Parameters:
+-- body is a string, metadata is a table, variables is a table.
+-- One could use some kind of templating
+-- system here; this just gives you a simple standalone HTML file.
+function Doc(body, metadata, variables)
+ local buffer = {}
+ local function add(s)
+ table.insert(buffer, s)
+ end
+ add('')
+ add('')
+ add('
+ add('' .. (metadata['title'] or '') .. '')
+ add('')
+ add('')
+ if metadata['title'] and metadata['title'] ~= "" then
+ add('' .. metadata['title'] .. '
+ end
+ for _, author in pairs(metadata['author'] or {}) do
+ add('' .. author .. '
+ end
+ if metadata['date'] and metadata['date'] ~= "" then
+ add('' .. .. '
+ end
+ add(body)
+ if #notes > 0 then
+ add('')
+ end
+ add('')
+ add('')
+ return table.concat(buffer,'\n')
+-- The functions that follow render corresponding pandoc elements.
+-- s is always a string, attr is always a table of attributes, and
+-- items is always an array of strings (the items in a list).
+-- Comments indicate the types of other variables.
+function Str(s)
+ return escape(s)
+function Space()
+ return " "
+function LineBreak()
+ return "
+function Emph(s)
+ return "" .. s .. ""
+function Strong(s)
+ return "" .. s .. ""
+function Subscript(s)
+ return "" .. s .. ""
+function Superscript(s)
+ return "" .. s .. ""
+function SmallCaps(s)
+ return '' .. s .. ''
+function Strikeout(s)
+ return '' .. s .. ''
+function Link(s, src, tit)
+ return "" .. s .. ""
+function Image(s, src, tit)
+ return "
+function Code(s, attr)
+ return "" .. escape(s) .. "
+function InlineMath(s)
+ return "\\(" .. escape(s) .. "\\)"
+function DisplayMath(s)
+ return "\\[" .. escape(s) .. "\\]"
+function Note(s)
+ local num = #notes + 1
+ -- insert the back reference right before the final closing tag.
+ s = string.gsub(s,
+ '(.*)', '%1 ↩')
+ -- add a list item with the note to the note table.
+ table.insert(notes, '' .. s .. '')
+ -- return the footnote reference, linked to the note.
+ return '' .. num .. ''
+function Span(s, attr)
+ return "" .. s .. ""
+function Cite(s)
+ return "" .. s .. ""
+function Plain(s)
+ return s
+function Para(s)
+ return "" .. s .. "
+-- lev is an integer, the header level.
+function Header(lev, s, attr)
+ return "" .. s .. ""
+function BlockQuote(s)
+ return "\n" .. s .. "\n
+function HorizontalRule()
+ return "
+function CodeBlock(s, attr)
+ -- If code block has class 'dot', pipe the contents through dot
+ -- and base64, and include the base64-encoded png as a data: URL.
+ if attr.class and string.match(' ' .. attr.class .. ' ',' dot ') then
+ local png = pipe("base64", pipe("dot -Tpng", s))
+ return '
+ -- otherwise treat as code (one could pipe through a highlighter)
+ else
+ return "" .. escape(s) ..
+ "
+ end
+function BulletList(items)
+ local buffer = {}
+ for _, item in pairs(items) do
+ table.insert(buffer, "" .. item .. "")
+ end
+ return "\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
+function OrderedList(items)
+ local buffer = {}
+ for _, item in pairs(items) do
+ table.insert(buffer, "" .. item .. "")
+ end
+ return "\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
+-- Revisit association list STackValue instance.
+function DefinitionList(items)
+ local buffer = {}
+ for _,item in pairs(items) do
+ for k, v in pairs(item) do
+ table.insert(buffer,"" .. k .. "\n" ..
+ table.concat(v,"\n") .. "")
+ end
+ end
+ return "\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
+-- Convert pandoc alignment to something HTML can use.
+-- align is AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignCenter, or AlignDefault.
+function html_align(align)
+ if align == 'AlignLeft' then
+ return 'left'
+ elseif align == 'AlignRight' then
+ return 'right'
+ elseif align == 'AlignCenter' then
+ return 'center'
+ else
+ return 'left'
+ end
+-- Caption is a string, aligns is an array of strings,
+-- widths is an array of floats, headers is an array of
+-- strings, rows is an array of arrays of strings.
+function Table(caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows)
+ local buffer = {}
+ local function add(s)
+ table.insert(buffer, s)
+ end
+ add("")
+ if caption ~= "" then
+ add("" .. caption .. "")
+ end
+ if widths and widths[1] ~= 0 then
+ for _, w in pairs(widths) do
+ add('')
+ end
+ end
+ local header_row = {}
+ local empty_header = true
+ for i, h in pairs(headers) do
+ local align = html_align(aligns[i])
+ table.insert(header_row,'' .. h .. ' | ')
+ empty_header = empty_header and h == ""
+ end
+ if empty_header then
+ head = ""
+ else
+ add('')
+ end
+ local class = "even"
+ for _, row in pairs(rows) do
+ class = (class == "even" and "odd") or "even"
+ add('')
+ for i,c in pairs(row) do
+ add('' .. c .. ' | ')
+ end
+ add('
+ end
+ add('
\n" .. s .. ""
+-- The following code will produce runtime warnings when you haven't defined
+-- all of the functions you need for the custom writer, so it's useful
+-- to include when you're working on a writer.
+local meta = {}
+meta.__index =
+ function(_, key)
+ io.stderr:write(string.format("WARNING: Undefined function '%s'\n",key))
+ return function() return "" end
+ end
+setmetatable(_G, meta)
diff --git a/lua/sample.lua b/lua/sample.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a0c3c29..0000000
--- a/lua/sample.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
--- This is a sample custom writer for pandoc. It produces output
--- that is very similar to that of pandoc's HTML writer.
--- There is one new feature: code blocks marked with class 'dot'
--- are piped through graphviz and images are included in the HTML
--- output using 'data:' URLs.
--- Invoke with: pandoc -t sample.lua
--- Note: you need not have lua installed on your system to use this
--- custom writer. However, if you do have lua installed, you can
--- use it to test changes to the script. 'lua sample.lua' will
--- produce informative error messages if your code contains
--- syntax errors.
--- Character escaping
-local function escape(s, in_attribute)
- return s:gsub("[<>&\"']",
- function(x)
- if x == '<' then
- return '<'
- elseif x == '>' then
- return '>'
- elseif x == '&' then
- return '&'
- elseif x == '"' then
- return '"'
- elseif x == "'" then
- return '''
- else
- return x
- end
- end)
--- Helper function to convert an attributes table into
--- a string that can be put into HTML tags.
-local function attributes(attr)
- local attr_table = {}
- for x,y in pairs(attr) do
- if y and y ~= "" then
- table.insert(attr_table, ' ' .. x .. '="' .. escape(y,true) .. '"')
- end
- end
- return table.concat(attr_table)
--- Run cmd on a temporary file containing inp and return result.
-local function pipe(cmd, inp)
- local tmp = os.tmpname()
- local tmph =, "w")
- tmph:write(inp)
- tmph:close()
- local outh = io.popen(cmd .. " " .. tmp,"r")
- local result = outh:read("*all")
- outh:close()
- os.remove(tmp)
- return result
--- Table to store footnotes, so they can be included at the end.
-local notes = {}
--- Blocksep is used to separate block elements.
-function Blocksep()
- return "\n\n"
--- This function is called once for the whole document. Parameters:
--- body is a string, metadata is a table, variables is a table.
--- One could use some kind of templating
--- system here; this just gives you a simple standalone HTML file.
-function Doc(body, metadata, variables)
- local buffer = {}
- local function add(s)
- table.insert(buffer, s)
- end
- add('')
- add('')
- add('')
- add('' .. (metadata['title'] or '') .. '')
- add('')
- add('')
- if metadata['title'] and metadata['title'] ~= "" then
- add('' .. metadata['title'] .. '
- end
- for _, author in pairs(metadata['author'] or {}) do
- add('' .. author .. '
- end
- if metadata['date'] and metadata['date'] ~= "" then
- add('' .. .. '
- end
- add(body)
- if #notes > 0 then
- add('')
- end
- add('')
- add('')
- return table.concat(buffer,'\n')
--- The functions that follow render corresponding pandoc elements.
--- s is always a string, attr is always a table of attributes, and
--- items is always an array of strings (the items in a list).
--- Comments indicate the types of other variables.
-function Str(s)
- return escape(s)
-function Space()
- return " "
-function LineBreak()
- return "
-function Emph(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Strong(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Subscript(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Superscript(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function SmallCaps(s)
- return '' .. s .. ''
-function Strikeout(s)
- return '' .. s .. ''
-function Link(s, src, tit)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Image(s, src, tit)
- return "
-function Code(s, attr)
- return "" .. escape(s) .. "
-function InlineMath(s)
- return "\\(" .. escape(s) .. "\\)"
-function DisplayMath(s)
- return "\\[" .. escape(s) .. "\\]"
-function Note(s)
- local num = #notes + 1
- -- insert the back reference right before the final closing tag.
- s = string.gsub(s,
- '(.*)', '%1 ↩')
- -- add a list item with the note to the note table.
- table.insert(notes, '' .. s .. '')
- -- return the footnote reference, linked to the note.
- return '' .. num .. ''
-function Span(s, attr)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Cite(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Plain(s)
- return s
-function Para(s)
- return "" .. s .. "
--- lev is an integer, the header level.
-function Header(lev, s, attr)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function BlockQuote(s)
- return "\n" .. s .. "\n
-function HorizontalRule()
- return "
-function CodeBlock(s, attr)
- -- If code block has class 'dot', pipe the contents through dot
- -- and base64, and include the base64-encoded png as a data: URL.
- if attr.class and string.match(' ' .. attr.class .. ' ',' dot ') then
- local png = pipe("base64", pipe("dot -Tpng", s))
- return '
- -- otherwise treat as code (one could pipe through a highlighter)
- else
- return "" .. escape(s) ..
- "
- end
-function BulletList(items)
- local buffer = {}
- for _, item in pairs(items) do
- table.insert(buffer, "" .. item .. "")
- end
- return "\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
-function OrderedList(items)
- local buffer = {}
- for _, item in pairs(items) do
- table.insert(buffer, "" .. item .. "")
- end
- return "\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
--- Revisit association list STackValue instance.
-function DefinitionList(items)
- local buffer = {}
- for _,item in pairs(items) do
- for k, v in pairs(item) do
- table.insert(buffer,"" .. k .. "\n" ..
- table.concat(v,"\n") .. "")
- end
- end
- return "\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
--- Convert pandoc alignment to something HTML can use.
--- align is AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignCenter, or AlignDefault.
-function html_align(align)
- if align == 'AlignLeft' then
- return 'left'
- elseif align == 'AlignRight' then
- return 'right'
- elseif align == 'AlignCenter' then
- return 'center'
- else
- return 'left'
- end
--- Caption is a string, aligns is an array of strings,
--- widths is an array of floats, headers is an array of
--- strings, rows is an array of arrays of strings.
-function Table(caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows)
- local buffer = {}
- local function add(s)
- table.insert(buffer, s)
- end
- add("")
- if caption ~= "" then
- add("" .. caption .. "")
- end
- if widths and widths[1] ~= 0 then
- for _, w in pairs(widths) do
- add('')
- end
- end
- local header_row = {}
- local empty_header = true
- for i, h in pairs(headers) do
- local align = html_align(aligns[i])
- table.insert(header_row,'' .. h .. ' | ')
- empty_header = empty_header and h == ""
- end
- if empty_header then
- head = ""
- else
- add('')
- end
- local class = "even"
- for _, row in pairs(rows) do
- class = (class == "even" and "odd") or "even"
- add('')
- for i,c in pairs(row) do
- add('' .. c .. ' | ')
- end
- add('
- end
- add('
\n" .. s .. ""
--- The following code will produce runtime warnings when you haven't defined
--- all of the functions you need for the custom writer, so it's useful
--- to include when you're working on a writer.
-local meta = {}
-meta.__index =
- function(_, key)
- io.stderr:write(string.format("WARNING: Undefined function '%s'\n",key))
- return function() return "" end
- end
-setmetatable(_G, meta)
diff --git a/lua/test.lua b/lua/test.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bfbafc2..0000000
--- a/lua/test.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
--- This is a sample custom writer for pandoc. It produces output
--- that is very similar to that of pandoc's HTML writer.
--- There is one new feature: code blocks marked with class 'dot'
--- are piped through graphviz and images are included in the HTML
--- output using 'data:' URLs.
--- Invoke with: pandoc -t sample.lua
--- Note: you need not have lua installed on your system to use this
--- custom writer. However, if you do have lua installed, you can
--- use it to test changes to the script. 'lua sample.lua' will
--- produce informative error messages if your code contains
--- syntax errors.
--- Character escaping
-local function escape(s, in_attribute)
- return s:gsub("[<>&\"']",
- function(x)
- if x == '<' then
- return '<'
- elseif x == '>' then
- return '>'
- elseif x == '&' then
- return '&'
- elseif x == '"' then
- return '"'
- elseif x == "'" then
- return '''
- else
- return x
- end
- end)
--- Helper function to convert an attributes table into
--- a string that can be put into HTML tags.
-local function attributes(attr)
- local attr_table = {}
- for x,y in pairs(attr) do
- if y and y ~= "" then
- table.insert(attr_table, ' ' .. x .. '="' .. escape(y,true) .. '"')
- end
- end
- return table.concat(attr_table)
--- Run cmd on a temporary file containing inp and return result.
-local function pipe(cmd, inp)
- local tmp = os.tmpname()
- local tmph =, "w")
- tmph:write(inp)
- tmph:close()
- local outh = io.popen(cmd .. " " .. tmp,"r")
- local result = outh:read("*all")
- outh:close()
- os.remove(tmp)
- return result
--- Table to store footnotes, so they can be included at the end.
-local notes = {}
--- Blocksep is used to separate block elements.
-function Blocksep()
- return "\n\n"
--- This function is called once for the whole document. Parameters:
--- body is a string, metadata is a table, variables is a table.
--- One could use some kind of templating
--- system here; this just gives you a simple standalone HTML file.
-function Doc(body, metadata, variables)
- local buffer = {}
- for k, v in pairs(metadata) do
- if type(v) == "string" then
- table.insert(buffer, string.upper(k) .. ': ' .. v)
- else
- table.insert(buffer, string.upper(k) .. ': ' .. table.concat(v))
- end
- end
- return table.concat(buffer, "\n")
--- The functions that follow render corresponding pandoc elements.
--- s is always a string, attr is always a table of attributes, and
--- items is always an array of strings (the items in a list).
--- Comments indicate the types of other variables.
-function Str(s)
- return escape(s)
-function Space()
- return " "
-function LineBreak()
- return "
-function Emph(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Strong(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Subscript(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Superscript(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function SmallCaps(s)
- return '' .. s .. ''
-function Strikeout(s)
- return '' .. s .. ''
-function Link(s, src, tit)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Image(s, src, tit)
- return "
-function Code(s, attr)
- return "" .. escape(s) .. "
-function InlineMath(s)
- return "\\(" .. escape(s) .. "\\)"
-function DisplayMath(s)
- return "\\[" .. escape(s) .. "\\]"
-function Note(s)
- local num = #notes + 1
- -- insert the back reference right before the final closing tag.
- s = string.gsub(s,
- '(.*)', '%1 ↩')
- -- add a list item with the note to the note table.
- table.insert(notes, '' .. s .. '')
- -- return the footnote reference, linked to the note.
- return '' .. num .. ''
-function Span(s, attr)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Cite(s)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function Plain(s)
- return s
-function Para(s)
- return "" .. s .. "
--- lev is an integer, the header level.
-function Header(lev, s, attr)
- return "" .. s .. ""
-function BlockQuote(s)
- return "\n" .. s .. "\n
-function HorizontalRule()
- return "
-function CodeBlock(s, attr)
- -- If code block has class 'dot', pipe the contents through dot
- -- and base64, and include the base64-encoded png as a data: URL.
- if attr.class and string.match(' ' .. attr.class .. ' ',' dot ') then
- local png = pipe("base64", pipe("dot -Tpng", s))
- return '
- -- otherwise treat as code (one could pipe through a highlighter)
- else
- return "" .. escape(s) ..
- "
- end
-function BulletList(items)
- local buffer = {}
- for _, item in pairs(items) do
- table.insert(buffer, "" .. item .. "")
- end
- return "\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
-function OrderedList(items)
- local buffer = {}
- for _, item in pairs(items) do
- table.insert(buffer, "" .. item .. "")
- end
- return "\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
--- Revisit association list STackValue instance.
-function DefinitionList(items)
- local buffer = {}
- for _,item in pairs(items) do
- for k, v in pairs(item) do
- table.insert(buffer,"" .. k .. "\n" ..
- table.concat(v,"\n") .. "")
- end
- end
- return "\n" .. table.concat(buffer, "\n") .. "\n
--- Convert pandoc alignment to something HTML can use.
--- align is AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignCenter, or AlignDefault.
-function html_align(align)
- if align == 'AlignLeft' then
- return 'left'
- elseif align == 'AlignRight' then
- return 'right'
- elseif align == 'AlignCenter' then
- return 'center'
- else
- return 'left'
- end
--- Caption is a string, aligns is an array of strings,
--- widths is an array of floats, headers is an array of
--- strings, rows is an array of arrays of strings.
-function Table(caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows)
- local buffer = {}
- local function add(s)
- table.insert(buffer, s)
- end
- add("")
- if caption ~= "" then
- add("" .. caption .. "")
- end
- if widths and widths[1] ~= 0 then
- for _, w in pairs(widths) do
- add('')
- end
- end
- local header_row = {}
- local empty_header = true
- for i, h in pairs(headers) do
- local align = html_align(aligns[i])
- table.insert(header_row,'' .. h .. ' | ')
- empty_header = empty_header and h == ""
- end
- if empty_header then
- head = ""
- else
- add('')
- end
- local class = "even"
- for _, row in pairs(rows) do
- class = (class == "even" and "odd") or "even"
- add('')
- for i,c in pairs(row) do
- add('' .. c .. ' | ')
- end
- add('
- end
- add('
\n" .. s .. ""
--- The following code will produce runtime warnings when you haven't defined
--- all of the functions you need for the custom writer, so it's useful
--- to include when you're working on a writer.
-local meta = {}
-meta.__index =
- function(_, key)
- io.stderr:write(string.format("WARNING: Undefined function '%s'\n",key))
- return function() return "" end
- end
-setmetatable(_G, meta)
cgit 1.4.1-21-gabe81