--- title: 'The ocean overflows with camels' project: 'Elegies for Alternate Selves' project-order: 12 genre: 'verse' ... We found your [shirt][] deep in the dark water, \ caught on the clothesline of sleeping pills. \ Your head on the shore was streaming tears \ like sleeves or the coronas of saints saved \ from fire. The burning bush began crying \ like a child who misses his mother. Traffic \ slammed shut like an eye. God's mean [left hook][] \ knocked us out, and we began swimming. \ Bruises bloomed like algae on a lake. \ Your [father][] beat your chest and screamed \ for someone to open a window. The air \ stopped breathing. Fish clogged its gills. \ Birds sang too loudly, trying to drown out \ your father's cries, but all their sweetness \ was not enough. No polite noises will be made \ anymore, he told us, clawing your breastbone. \ He opened your heart to air again. Camels \ flowed from you both like water from the rock. \ God spoke up, but nobody listened to him. \ We hung you up on the line to dry. [shirt]: lovesong.html [left hook]: roughgloves.html [father]: angeltoabraham.html