Autocento of the breakfast table

User guide and manual

or whatever. I don't care.

Part I: in which our hero explains the goal

The goal in this book, Autocento of the breakfast table, is to explore the workings of revision and recursion through words, both in the head and on paper. It's a hypertextual imagining of how things could have been, in all of their possibilities.

Part II: Enough of that high-faluting bullshit; down to brass tax

A.K.A. Using Pandoc to compile them pages, neff

This project uses John MacFarlane's amazing, etc. pandoc for the fun, HTML-writing stuff. Use the script to compile the stuff down.

Note: you're on Windows right now, so make sure and type bash to run the program.

At the top of each file, there should be a YAML block that looks something like this:

title: 'Title of poem'
subtitle: 'Subtitle' # optional
genre: '[verse|prose]'

- title: 'Original project name'
  order: [number]
  - title: 'Title of previous thing in original project'
    link: 'link to that thing'
  - title: 'Title of next thing in original project'
  - link: 'link to that thing'

epigraph: # optional
- content: 'Quote from outside'
  link: 'Link to online version of epigraph'
  attrib: 'Who said the epigraph' # optional