Autocento of the breakfast table: a README ================================ Part I: in which our hero explains the goal ------------------------------------------- The goal in this book, *Autocento of the breakfast table*, is to explore the workings of revision and recursion through words, both in the head and on paper. It's a hypertextual imagining of how things could have been, in all of their possibilities. Part II: How to use this repo ----------------------------- This project uses John McFarlane's wonderful program [pandoc][], and its markdown flavor, to encode the poems and stories and things contained within. To see the source text files, navigate to the [src/]( folder. At the top of each file, there is a YAML metadata block that looks something like this: ````yaml --- title: Title of poem subtitle: Subtitle # optional genre: verse # verse or prose epigraph: # optional - content: 'Quote from outside' # req'd if epigraph exists link: 'Link to online version of epigraph' # optional attrib: 'Who said the epigraph' # optional dedication: John Doe # optional project: title: Original project name order: 1 # original project order prev: - title: Title of previous thing in original project link: link to that thing - title: Title of other previous thing link: link to that thing next: - title: Title of next thing in original project link: link to that thing - title: Title of other next thing link: link to that thing ... ```` To compile all the markdown into glorious, glorious HTML (visible at ), run `` (`bash` in Windows) in the root directory of this git repository. [pandoc]: