so it is the fucking moon big deal as if you have not seen it before hanging in the sky like a piece of rotten meat nailed to the wall a maudlin love letter the i's dotted with hearts tacked to the sky's door like ninety-eight theses do not stare at it like it means anything do not give it the chance to collect meaning from your hand like an old pigeon do not dare ascribe it a will or call it fickle or think it has any say in your affairs it is separated from your life by three hundred eighty-four thousand miles of space the same distance you stepped away from time that night you said your love was broken a crippled gyroscope knocking in the dark it was then that time fell apart had a nervous breakdown and started following you everywhere moonfaced always asking where you're going you keep trying to get away from it but it nuzzles closer and sings you songs that sound like the cooing of a dove that will only escape again into an empty sky at dawn