
Autocento of the breakfast table is a hypertextual exploration of the clockwork of inspiration, revision, and obsession. It represents a compilation of most of my writing, linked together along thematic lines into a sort of whole. It lives on the web. Instead of hand-coding all of the HTML files you’re reading now, I’ve relied on a process that leverages open-source technologies to publish my work onto a web platform.

The source files are authored in Vim using an extended version of Markdown. It’s compiled into the HTML you’re reading, as well as a few other formats, with Pandoc, a document-conversion tool. The site is hosted on Github and Namecheap. You can view the repository at

I use a Makefile to compile the text source files into HTML, and to generate a series of appendices and other site functionality with the help of a compilation shell script.

I use this system because it’s fairly simple, extensible, and open. It’s available for anyone to examine, learn from, and use. See the license for more details.

with questions or accolades, or submit a pull request or issue on Github.