# for windows only right now num=0 for file in src/*.txt; do # TODO: change this to work with globs & args & stuff echo -n "Compiling $file ..." pandoc -f markdown \ -t html5 \ --template=_template.html \ --smart \ --mathjax \ $file \ -o "${file%.txt}.html" echo " Done." ((num += 1)) done echo echo "Moving files to build directory ..." mv src/*.html ./ echo "Finished compiling $num files." ############################################### echo echo "Adding class=\"external\" to external links ..." sed -i 's,,,g' *.html echo "Finished." ############################################### echo echo "Updating js/lozenge.js with file list ..." lozengeList=( $(ls *.html | grep -v '\(_template\|loremipsum\|ipsumlorem\)') ) list=$(sed -e 's/\S\+\.html/"&",/g' -e 's/,$//' -e 's/^.*$/var files=[&]/' <<< "${lozengeList[@]}") sed -i "s/var files=.*/$list/" js/lozenge.js echo "Finished."