--- title: Creation myth id: creation-myth genre: verse project: title: Autocento of the breakfast table class: autocento ... | So two hyperintelligent pandimensional beings | walk into a bar. One turns to the other and says, | "Did you remember to check the end state | of that simulation we were running?" The other | says, "No, I thought that you did?" To which | the first replies, "[Oh shit][], we missed it. | I suppose we must do all of this again. Barkeep, | two beers please." The bartender nods in that way | that bartenders do, pours the two beers, | expertly, by the way, just so, and hands them | to the first [hyperintelligent pandimensional][] being. | The second one pulls a few singles out of his | wallet, places them on the bar, and the pair | turn around and begin walking toward a table | in the middle of the mostly-empty bar. The bar- | tender picks up the money, fans it out, frowns, | and calls to his patrons' backs: "Hey, this | isn't enough!" The two turn around simultan- | eously, with parity, and stare at him. A beat. | One of them, the one without the beer, breaks | the silence by exclaiming, "Oh dear god, I'm | sorry! I didn't know your prices went up since | last time. What do I owe you?" The bartender | says, "Oh, just another [dollar][]-fifty." The being | reaches in his back pocket, slides out his | wallet, looks in smiling, and frowns when he sees | it's empty. He looks to the other and says, | "You got a [buck][]-fifty I can borrow?" | The second hyperintelligent pandimensional being | considers this. He sets the beers down | on the table, pulls out his own wallet, opens | it, and frowns. "I'm broke too," he says. [hyperintelligent pandimensional]: http://hitchhikers.wikia.com/wiki/Mice [Oh shit]: movingsideways.html [dollar]: 100-lines.html [buck]: plant.html