i did not write this sestina yesterday it is the first time i fell behind in my task and hopefully the only time it will this means that today i must write two sestinas if i do not write them today i will have to write two later down the line although i feel i'm slogging through each line i think i'm doing better every day though maybe this is wishful thinking i showed my friend my just-completed task two days ago my god was it two entire days i've no idea what i'll do after thirty-nine days i think i'll feel like inigo montoya who'd been in the line of revenging for so long he did not know what to do with the rest of his life and he deigned to be polite but i could tell the task was hard for him he told me finally that i had made a noble effort but that ultimately i failed so my question when will i be a decent sestina writer for this is my task maybe if i just keep cranking out line after line i'll finally figure it out maybe one more day or another week will do it or maybe i'll need two or maybe it'll never happen maybe a sestina's too involved too much weaving of words too fine and i will never write a good one even on my best day even if i employ all my skill and all my will i'm not used to writing poems with thirty-nine lines that must be the problem must be why this task is herculean he only had to finish twelve tasks and i have one less one thousand five hundred twenty-two and it is nothing but complaining lines about how hard it is to be a person i am getting sick of myself with these poems and will soon be loathe to get out of bed every day but i tasked myself with this which may be the worst i ever do to myself i thought a poem nanowrimo would be fun would line my resume give me something i could publish someday