--- title: Colophon id: colophon genre: prose project: title: Front matter class: front-matter ... _Autocento of the breakfast table_ is a hypertextual exploration of the clockwork of inspiration, revision, and obsession. It represents a compilation of most of my writing, linked together along thematic lines into a sort of whole. It lives on the web. Instead of hand-coding all of the HTML files you're reading now, I've relied on a process that leverages open-source technologies to publish my work onto a web platform. The [source files][] are authored in [Vim][] using an [extended version][] of [Markdown][]. It's compiled into the HTML you're reading, as well as a few other formats, with [Pandoc][], a document-conversion tool. The site is hosted on [Github][] and [Namecheap][]. You can view the repository at . I use a [Makefile][] to compile the text source files into HTML, and to generate a series of [appendices][] and [other site][] [functionality][] with the help of a [compilation shell script][]. I use this system because it's fairly simple, extensible, and open. It's available for anyone to examine, learn from, and use. See the [license][] for more details. [Email me][] with questions or accolades, or submit a [pull request][] or [issue][] on Github. [source files]: https://github.com/duckwork/autocento/tree/gh-pages/text [Vim]: http://www.vim.org [extended version]: http://johnmcfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#pandocs-markdown [Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [Pandoc]: http://johnmcfarlane.net/pandoc/ [Github]: https://github.com [Namecheap]: http://namecheap.com [Makefile]: https://github.com/duckwork/autocento/blob/gh-pages/makefile [appendices]: hapax.html [other site]: https://github.com/duckwork/autocento/blob/gh-pages/scripts/randomize.js [functionality]: backlinks/in-bed.html [compilation shell script]: https://github.com/duckwork/autocento/blob/gh-pages/scripts/compile.sh [license]: license.html [Email me]: mailto:case.duckworth+autocento@gmail.com [pull request]: https://github.com/duckwork/autocento/pulls [issue]: https://github.com/duckwork/autocento/issues