--- title: Colophon id: colophon genre: prose project: title: Front matter class: front-matter ... This website is authored in [Vim][] using an extended version of John Gruber's [Markdown][] syntax. It's compiled into HTML and other formats with John McFarlane's [pandoc][] document-conversion tool. The site is hosted on [Github][] at . The content of this site has been compiled from a multitude of other projects, including _[Elegies for alternate selves][elegies]_, _[The book of Hezekiah][hez]_, _[Stark raving][stark]_ (later called _Everything changes_), and _[Buildings out of air][paul]_, as well as new poems written 2014--2015. The [appendices][], as well as the HTML itself and backlink functionality, are compiled with [this makefile][makefile]. The Javascript that randomizes the ξ link at the bottom of each page is located [here][randomizer]. Any questions or accolades can be directed to my [email][]. [Vim]: http://www.vim.org [Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [pandoc]: http://johnmcfarlane.net/pandoc/ [Github]: https://github.com [elegies]: elegyforanalternateself.html [hez]: prelude.html [stark]: table_contents.html [paul]: art.html [appendices]: hapax.html [makefile]: https://github.com/duckwork/autocento/blob/gh-pages/makefile [randomizer]: https://github.com/duckwork/autocento/blob/gh-pages/scripts/randomize.js [email]: mailto:case.duckworth+autocento@gmail.com