Autocento of the breakfast table

hapax legomena

//en //github //nau 0 05 19 1970s 1977 1994 1997 20 2000 2006 2015 203 22 28 2x 30 32 4/10 40 50 55 58 70s 80s a-z abandoned abel abounds absence absent-mindedly absolute absolution accent accentuated accept accounting accounts accurately ache aching acknowledges activities actor’s adage adam adapting addition additionally additive adds adjust adjusted admin admired admits advantages advertisements aesthetic affairs affective afford africa afterbend afterbirth afterthought age agent agree agreeable agreed ah aimed aisle akin alarm alberto alcoholic alert algae alien alight alights alike alive allen allowing allows aloof alpha alternatively amazing amble america american amicable analogue analytic ancient and’ll anemones animal ankle annoy annoyances ant anticipation any-sized apologize apologizing apology appeared appears applied applies appointment appreciate aquarium arabic arbitrary arcade archers area arises ark arrow arson articles1 ascribe ashbark asleep aspect aspects aspiration ass asserting assertion assets associations assumptions astonished asylums atlanta atlanta’s atmosphere atom atoms attached attack attempt attila attributes audience aunt authors authorship autograph automobile average avoiding aw awake awful awk axis b babel babies back-to-front backdrop backfires backgrounded backpacks badgers bahamas baked-in baking ballads balloons bang bangs baobab barbecue barefoot barkeep barking barley barrels barrier bars bartenders bastards bastion bathtub bats batteries bawls beach’s beached beam beams bearded bearing beavers beckoned beckons bede bedside beer beetles beggar begging begun belfries belie believable bellowing bemused ben bend berth beside betray betrays biebs biggest binoculars biological birth birthed bite bits black-walled blackdirt blackened blacker blackness bladder blade blame blamed bleating bleed blemish blended blinds blink blister blocks bloomed blown blubber blushed boar boasts bogged boggle’s bold bolts bone bonfire bookended bookstores boomed boot boots bored boredom borrow boruch boss bother bottle bouncing boundaries bounded bowels bowl bowler bowls boy’s boyscout branchcrotch branched branching braying breakdown breakroom breast breastbone breasts breathe breathes bred breed breeds bride briefcase brilliant bro broad broadcasts brooks brothel brownbranching brownspotted bruises brush brushed bubbling bubbly buck buck-fifty buffet bugs bulbs bunk bunny bunyon bunyons buried burnt burrows buses bush business businessman butter button buttons buy-one-pair-get-two-pair-free buyer buyers buying buys buzz bye byproduct byte cabin cabins cackle cackling cacophonous caeiro cafe cain cake callous calm calmed calming calms camels cameras camped-out candidate canned canopy capability capacity capital-l capitalist capitalize capsule capturable careful caress caresses caring carrey carried carry cart cartoons cases casket casserole cat catalogued catches catching categories category catered causes cave cease ceased celebrate cemetery census century cept cereals cesare cetera chairback chairs challenge challenges challenging chamber chamberpot champion chances chapel’s chapped charge chasm chats chatting cheaper cheaply cheating checking cheeks chemistry chewing chiding chin chlorophyll chocolate choir choking choose-your-own-adventure choosing chopping chose christ’s christian chuckled chuckling chunk church-steeple churning cigarettes cincinnati cinnamon circles circuit circumstance cirrus citing claim claimed class classifying claus claw clawing claws clay cleaned cleaners cleft clenched clicking client’s cliff climbed clog clothesline clouded clown’s clue clutched cock cocky code-collaboration coffins cola colbert coldened coldness coleridge collapses collarbone collectible collective college column columns com/duckwork/autocento/blob/gh-pages/readme com/index combination combine comely comfortable comfortably comforts command-line commentators commercials commits committed communicably communicate communicates communion commute comparable compare compartmentalizes compile compiling complain complaining complexities complicated compose composed composing compresses comprising compromise compromising computers con concentrate conception conceptually concerned concession conch conciousness concrete condemned confectioner’s-sugar confessed confessional congratulate considers consisted consists constantin constructed consumable consumed contempt contemptibly content continued continues continuity contorting contract contraposition conversations convert converted converter cooked cooking cookout cooler coolness cop copulation coronas coroner’s corpus correct correcting correspondence cosmology costumed costumes cotton couches counter counting counts coupled courage court cousin cover coveralls covers covino cowardly cowboy coworkers cozy crabs cracked cracker crackers cracking cradle cradled craned cranking cranky crawfish crawled crawling cream cream-colored creamer creases creation creativity’s creatures credits creeks creeping creepy crevice crew cried cries crime-ridden criminal criminals crippled criteria croaks crocodiles cross-references crossword crosswords crotch crouch crowing crown cruel crumble crumpet crunch crushed crust crusty crux cubicled cubicles culminates curled currently customer’s cycle cyclical dairy dances dangling dappled dapplegray dare daredevil daring darkly date dated daughter daughter’s deadbranch deaf deafening dealing decay decaying decency decent decide decides declaration declaration-of-poetry decompress dedicated deepened deeper defeat define defining definitely deflate deigned delegate demand demanded demolished demon dependant depicted depiction derivation described describes deserve design designation desired desktop destroy destroyed destruction detergent detractors devastating develop developed devices devil devised devotion dewdrop dialectic diary dice differentiated differently difficult dig dimension dimensionality dimes dimly dimming dipped dipping directly dirty disagree disagree1 disallowed disallows disappearing disappears disappointing disassociated disband disciplinary discontent discretion dishes disingenuous disintegrating disinterested dismantled dismay dismember disorder disproving disregard distant distinctions distorts distracting diversions divine doctor’s document docx doe-eyed dog’s doggy dollar-fifty don donate donut doppelgangers dotted dotting doubles doubt doubtful doughboy dove doves downs dragged dragons dreamed dreamt dressed dresser dressing-room dried dried-out dripping driver’s drool dropped dropturned drum drums du duality dub ducts dude duff dumbass dumbly dump dumpster dungeons dusk dwelling e earthworms eaten eclipse economic economically ecstatic eden editor edo edu/cal/english/degrees-programs/graduate/mfa/ ee efficiently effort ego egyptian eight-fold eighty-four electricity elegies element elementary elements elephant elevated eleven em email embarrassment embodiment emotional/heart-based empire employ emptiness enables encased end-rhymes endeared enemy engagement enliven entanglement enterprises enters entirely entirety entities entity entry-level entwined environment environments eously epicenter epigraph epitome equation era eraser erases errant escape ess essays estimate et ethiopian etymology etymonline europe evaporate eve evergreen everyone’s evolved exacerbates examined exchange exciting exclaiming excused exegesis exercise exhausted existed expand expanded expect expectation expel experienced experiencing experiments expertly explained explains explanation expressed expression extract extrapolate extrapolating eye-contact eyelid eyelids face-up facebook facepaint facial factor factories factory facts factual/logical/brain-based fade fails faithfully fallibility fallow false familiar famously fan far-away far-off farming farms fateful father’s favor feared feathers feature features fecundity fed feeds feign feigned feminist ferry festive fever fibonnacci fickle fiddleheads fiercely fighting figment figurine file filled filling filtered filtering final finger-loops finish finisher finishing finite fins firestarter firewood firm first-person fish-eyed fisheye fishing fitting fixtures flagellum flagstaff flailing flame flanks flannel flatten flea fleeting flesh fleshy flew flex flicked flies flip flipping flocks flopping flops flowed flower flung fluorescence foam fold folded folks fondly fool fooling footnotes footprints footrest forcefully forces forestroads forests forgetful forgetting forgot forlorn formation formats formula fortinis fortress fossil fought founding four-wheeler fourth-grade fox fozzie fractal-dimensionality fragile fragment fragments fragrance frail francis franco frank franksgiving frayed freestones freezing french frequency freshly fringe frolic front-to-back frost-cold frosted frosting froth frowning fruit fruits frustrated ftw fulfill full-throated fundamental fundamentally-different fungi further furthers futility gallery gamble gambles gander gang gangs garbage garment gasping gate gather gazebo gee generality generated generations genesis genetics genres gently genuine germ ghazal’s ghosts gilbert’s gilded gills gina giraffes git glance glancing gleamed glib global glowing gluing gnashing gnawer goad goats god-lover goddammit goddamn goddess goldheaded goodness goofy gossips gotta grab grammar grandeur grasp grasping grassland grassmade grayish-blue graze grecian grep grieving grilled grinch grinned grins gritty grotesque grouped groups growl growler growling grown grows guessed guide gut guys gyroscope hairier half-empty half-gallon half-heartedly half-hours half-inch halfway hall halloween halls hallways hammered handed handiwork handle handwritten hang hangs haphazardly happier harboring hardworking hardy harvest hate hating hawk hawks heading headless headstone health heart’s heartache heartwarming heaven heavy hefted heightened hen heraclitus herculean herein heretofore hers hid hide hiding-place hierarchy higher highway highways hijack hills hips hiss hitchcock hitting hoarsely hobo hoggle’s hoisted hoisting hollows home-for-death homecoming homeless hometown honesty honey-golden honking honor hooks hoop hopefully hopes horizontal horn horror horse hotel hovering how’d huge hugging huh human-formed humming hums hunt hurl hurried husks hyperfiction hypertext hypertextual hypertextually hypothesis i’s ibiblio ice-skater icicle id ideal ideals ignorance ill-timed imagery imagination imdb immaculately immediately impatience impatient impenetrable imperceptibly implementations implements improving improvise inability inaccurate inasmuch inborn incarnation incidences incidentally included includes including inclusive increase increasingly independent indescribable index indicating individually-numbered inevitable inexorable infinity inflatable inflate influenced ingots inhaled inherently inherited inigo injunction inkpot insane insecurities insecurity insert inside-out insist insists inspiration insults intended intense intentional interactions interest interested interior interpreted interrelate interstate intervals interview intimately introduction intuition invariably invention inventory invest invests involves ipod ironic irreducible irrelevant isaac’s israel issue issues iv ix jack-of-all-trades jackson japanese jar javascript jay jeans jelly jenkins jerked jerking jerry jerry’s jessica jewel jeweleyed joey jogged join judgement judges judging judgment judgmental juice juicecrush jujubes jukebox jump jumped jumps junction junior junk just-completed just-woken-up justice justifiable justifies justin keats’s kerosene khaki kick kicks kid’s kill killed kindling knee knees knelt knife knitting knob knock knocker knowable knowingly kong kudzu l l’appel la la-z-boy lables labored lacks ladle ladled lady lambs lame lamented lamp lampoons lamps land-features land-like landlocked largely las lasting lately latin laughed laughter launches lava lawnmower layers lazily leading leaking leaned leans leaped learned leaving lectures led leering legends legomena lent lessons lets letters letting lettuce levelly levels lever lick lie life-as-lived lifetime lifetimes lift limbaugh limitations limiting linear linguistic linguistics linking linoleum lion’s lip lists littered living-room load loaded loathe local location locked lofty logarithms loneliness lonely lonesome long-fibered longest longing longish looms looping loopy lot’s louder lousy lovable lover loving loz lumpy lure lvaro lyrically ma’am machinations machine’s machines mad magazines majesty major maker mammals management manager managing mane manic manipulation manner manufacturers manuscript marianas marianne mario mark marked maroon marriages marvell marvelous mary mascots mash-up mass massful masturbation mates mathematical maudlin maurie maw maybe2 mcdonald mcfarlane’s mcnugget meacham meal meandering measured meddling media mediating meditate meek meets melted melting memento memory’s mental mentioned mercury merrily merseinne mess message messick metal metaphors mfa michelangelo midair middle midway mighty mild mildly million millions minded mindful minds mini-drama mini-wheats minimum mirage misattributed miserable misplace misplaced misses mission mistake mistaken mister misty mnemonic moans mobility mock mocking mockingbirds moist molds molested momentarily moments monsoon monsters month-old montoya monuments mood moonfaced morale more-than-a-fortnight mori mortal mostly-empty motes motion motoring motto mount mountainous mounted mourning mouse movies movings mr mr/mrs muffins muffled mug mulberry multiversity mummy mundane murder murmer murmuring museum musk mutter myriad nagging nailed namesake nanowrimo narrowed near-unattainable neck necks needing negation negative negatives neglected neighbor’s neither nemesis nerves nest neuron never-spoken neverending nevertheless nezzer nib nightgown nightly nightmares ninety-eight nirvana noble non-disappointment non-important non-stop nonexistent noon northern nostril not-wings notably notational noted notfurniture noting notions novels novelty now-empty nozzle nozzle’s npr nuances nuclear nurses nuzzles o o’clock oblivion oblivious observant observer obsessive obstructs obtain occasions occupied occurrence occurring odd-numbered ode odes odt off-brand off-shore offbeat offense offering official olds one’s one-of-a-kind one-set-of-footprints-in-the-sand open-mouthed opportunities opposed optics opulent orange-glo oranges orbiting orchid orders org/eldritch/owh/abt org/wiki/wikipedia origin originality origins orion ostentatious out-of-state outfit outputs outta over-expansive overalls overnight overtake overtime owe owned owner ox pace package packed padowan pages painfully paint pairs pale pallbearers pandoc panic paradox paragraph paranoia paraphrase parceled parent parity participate partitioned parts passenger passion pastor’s pastorals pastors patches patchwork pathology patrons patting pause pavese pawed paws payday paying pays pdf peace peaceful peach-habanero peachtree peachtrees peaks peanut peas pee peeing peered penelope penetrated pennies penny peppermints percent perception perchance percolating perfected perfectly performances period personally pessoa’s pet petals petted pew pg phase philosophers philosophical philosophy phineas phoenix phones photo php phrase physical physics pickle picture’s pierce pigs pile piled pilgrim pilgrims pillar pillow pills pillsbury pincers pine pine-sol pink pinstripe pipe pipes pisses piston pit pitchers pithy pizzazz plane planet planets planning plant’s plate-glass plausible plays plexus plight plod plopped plowing plumbing plums plus plyboard plywood poem’s poet/writer poetic pointing poison poked poking policy polish polished pompom pond ponies pool poops poorly popcorn popped porcelain pork posh posited position posix posix-compliant possibilities possibility possum post postage posterity potential pound pounding pounds pouring powdered practiced practices prague prairie pray prayer pre pre-approved predator prejudices premeasured prenatal preoccupation preoccupations preparation prepositions prescription pressure-release pretended pretending prevalent prices priest primed primes prince princess printable privately probabilistic probability problems produced production professor profile progress progresses progression projecting prom proper prophecy-slash-advice propose prospective protagonist protective proved proven proves prybar pseudonyms psych publish puffy punched punches punctuation punished pupils puppet purses puzzle pvc pyramids quaking quality queer querulous questionable quick quicken quickness quietness quitting quivering race races radiate rags railroad rainbow rainfall rains ram rampage randomness ranges rasping ratio ratty raving raw razor reaching-out reader/listener/consumer readjust readme reads realer realizable realization reasoned reasons reasons/instructions receded receding receipt receive received receiver recent recently receptacle recipe recirculating reclassifying reclining recognize recoils recommend reconsidered recording records recycle redder reduced reeds reeling reese’s referenced refers reflect reflecting regex regular reis relation relative relax relaxed relaxing relic remain remark remarkable remarks remind reminding reminds remix remnants removed rendering rent rental reordering rep repeating repertoire repitition replaced replacement replaces replacing replies repo report representative’s represented represents repulsed requesting resemblance resembles resist resistant resonance resonances resonate resorted resorts respect respective resplendent responded restate resume retain retribution return returning revealed revenging revolves reward rewrote rhyming rhythm ribcage ricardo richard ride rides ridges right-side-out rightly rightness rigid ring rings ripe rippled rise rises riverdams rj roads roadway roaming robert robinsong robust rockin rockturned rod rode rogue rollercoaster roof rooting rosebushes rotation rotten rotten-smelling rotting row rub rugby ruins rule rumor runner rural sagging sail sailed saints sale salsa saltwater samovar sandbags sanded sandwich sandworms santa sap sapling sara’s satisfaction saturday saturn save scales scare scared schedule scheduled schools scientists scope scowled scrambled scraping screwdriver screws sculpture seagulls search-and-replace searched searching seasonal seasoning seasons seat second-to-last security seducer seed seeds seeped seething select selected self-confessed self-consciously self-consciousness self-deception self-extracting self-soothing semblance senile senselessness sensibilities sentence separation sequence serene sermon served service serviced sessions sestina’s setting seven sexually shades shakespeare shallow shame shapes share sharply shatter shaving she’d sheen sheets shell ship’s shiploads ships shipwreck shipwrecked shirt-sleeve shivering shoe-insert shooter shooting shoots shop shoreline’s short-shorts shorthand shot shouldered shower’s showering shrink shrugged shuffled shuffling shutting shuttle sickly sigh sighed sighing sight signs silences silent silhouetted silkworm silver simile simulation simultan simultaneously sin singed singer singles sinister sins sipped sipping sir sistine sites situation six-foot-long sixty sizzle’s skeletons skies skill skills skinning skinny skins skip sky’s slabs slammed slamming slathering sleeves slept slicks slide slides slight slime slipping slips slobbered slogging slough slow smallest smallness smallstone smoldering snake snakes snapped sneaking sneering sniffing sniffling snowquiet soap soars sobriety soccer social society’s sock socks socrates soggy solar solipsist solve solves somebody somehow-deeper something’s somewhat song’s songfilled soooo sorts soul sounding southern spaghetti spare sparkle speaker/writer/communicator special specifically specificity speculate speculations speech speeches speed spend spends sperm sphere spider spiders spill spilled spin spins spit-shined spittle split spooling spoon spray spreading springs sprouting square square-jawed squeal stage staged stages stagnant staining stairs stalk stamp standard standards stanzas star starblind stares stark starlight starvation starving station statuses steak steals steam steel steeped stem stemmed steven stewart sticks sticky-sweet stiff stimuli stitches stocked stockings2 stolen stones stoppard stops stories storm stranded strangely stranger strapped strawberries strawberry stray streaks stream-editing streams streetlamps streetlights stress stresses stretched stretching strike strings striped stripped strive strokes strolled strolls structure structured structuring stubbed stuck students studies stupid style styles subconscious subject’s subliminal subsequent subsist substantial subtract subtraction subtypes suburb successful sucking sue suffering sufficient suits sumerian summed sun’s sunlit sunning sunshine suntan super supervisor supported supposing surf surprises surrounding surroundings surrounds suspended suspicion swaddling swallow swamp swear sweater sweaters sweaty sweetmaking sweetness swelling switchbacks switches swizzle sydney syl syllables syntactic syntax t-shirt tablespoons tablet tablets taboo tacked-up tailbone tails talent talkative talkers tap tapes tapping taqueria tar tasked tasks taste taunts tautological tautology tax technological teenagers telemarketing television template tender tends tension tentative tenuous term terminates termination test tether tethered that’ll thaw thematic thematic/emotional/personal theories therapy there’ll therefore theses thesis they’d thick thickens thickly thigh thinks thirst thoroughly thou thousands threat three-dimensional three-fingered three-message throng thud thumb thumbed thumbing thumping thundercloud thursday thuya tidal ties tiger tighten tightens til tiller tilted tim timbers tin tinker tinny tip titled to-dos toes toil toilet-water toll tom tongues too-hot too-small toolset tooth topic torn torturous totals tourist tourists towels towering towers town tracked traditional tragic trains trait transacted transaction transferring translate transliterate transmit trap trash trashcan trauma travel traveler treat treicle trellis trench triangle trichinosis trigger triggering trips tropical trotted troubles trousers tuesday tundra tune-up tupperware twenty-two twilight twins twirling two-dimensional uh ultimate um unaccustomed unacknowledged unadorned unanswerable uncareful uncomfortable uncomortably uncovering under-the-skin underarmour underground underprivileged understandably unease uneven unfold unfurling unharmed unidentifiable uniform universal universality university unix unix-based unmade unpack unreliable unsatisfying unsayable unsolvable unsourced unzipped upholstery ups upstate urethra urge urn uttered utterly v vacation vaguely valhalla valley valleys value valve vampire vanishes variables venerable venom veranda verses versions vertical verulam vest vestigial vet vi vicious vide viewable viewed viewer’s vii viii vine vinegar visual vitro vocal vocation vogue voicebox voiced volume voluminous vonnegut vote wagging wailful waists waits waking walgreen’s walkers wandered wandering wanna warbling ward warm-cold warmer warmth warning warthog wary wash washer waste wasted wasting wastrel’s watcher watches waterlike waters watery-eyed waved wavered waving we’ve weak weary web webpage wednesday weed weekend weekends welker welling wetly what-do-we-do-now wheeling wheels when’s whenever wherever whichever whinny whisper whispered whistfully whistle whiteness whitman whitman-esque whittle whittled who’d who’ll whom wicker widening widgets wikipedia wild willed william willows win wind’s windblown windows wine winter-returned winters wintery wire wireframe wishful wisps withdrew wobbly wonderful wooden woodgrain wool word-picture workers worldmaking worlds wormilled worms worship worth wound wounds woven wrap-up wrench wrestling wriggled wrinkle wrists x-rays xenophobia yawn yawns year-old yearning yearnings yearns yeats yell yellowshot yes-or-no yields yoke yoked yolks youngnesses youth youthful zipped zipper zoom zoos