--- title: Last bastion id: last-bastion genre: verse project: title: Stark Raving class: stark order: 10 next: - title: AMBER alert link: amber-alert - title: Initial conditions link: initial-conditions prev: - title: The Sixteenth Chapel link: sixteenth-chapel.txt - title: Boy on the bus link: boy_bus ... | Dimly remembered celebrity chefs shuffle | down the cold and darkened highways of the heart. | They are the last personality left. They are [the meek | who inherited the heart][meek], what was left of it.\ | Without food to cook in new or exciting ways | nor audience to gasp and cackle, the chefs | of the heart quietly waste away while staring | doe-eyed into now-empty Safeway windows | checking under the dusty produce shelves | for something they pray the [rats][] haven't found yet. | Years ago, the economy of the heart boomed | and there was food everywhere. Produce | piled high in pyramids of devotion, meat in | gilded glass cases opulent under fluorescence, | dairy which ran like the [mythical river][] toward | cereals hot and cold. Under it all, thrumming | like great stone wheels on sand under a hot sun | near a river where reeds sang in the wind | the heart produced and gave reward for hard labor. | No one knows when it all ended. No one can say | if it was the heart that dried up or the heart's supply. | Either way, food of the heart became scarcer and scarcer. | People began dying, not of starvation | but of a certain facial expression that could only | be described as desperation. Now | all that are left are the celebrity chefs, last bastion | of a once mighty empire of the [heart | are reduced to husks][heart] blown dry by wind. [meek]: http://biblehub.com/matthew/5-5.htm [rats]: in-bed.html [mythical river]: music-433.html [heart]: sense-of-it.html