--- title: Love as God id: love-as-god genre: verse project: title: Stark Raving class: stark order: 13 next: - title: Worse looking over link: worse-looking-over - title: L'appel du vide link: lappel-du-vide prev: - title: Initial conditions link: initial-conditions - title: Ouroboros of memory link: ouroboros_memory ... | [God is love][], they say, but there [is][] | no god. Therefore, how can there be love? | And if there is no love, how can there be God? | There are things in life, I suppose, | that are simply unanswerable mysteries | of existence. Maybe this God and love are one. | Maybe there are many loves, instead of one. | The difference between [what isn't][] and what is | could merely be one of scope. The mystery | is how we speak only of one love--- | to act as though we know we are supposed | to love only one other, or that one other and God. | But supposing that one other is God? | What then? Is the God-lover to walk alone, | supported by God only when He feels He is supposed | to support her? What kind of love is | this? I would argue in fact this isn't love, | this [one-set-of-footprints-in-the-sand][] mystery. | How to define two loves as one is the mystery. | It's obvious to many there is a thing called God, | and just as obvious that there is one called love. | Maybe we fool ourselves, we who can't be alone; | maybe we don't know what either God or love is. | Maybe, and perhaps; but I for one propose | that we as only humans are not supposed | to know or understand capital-L Life, that mystery. | Isn't it enough to know that God is | love, and love is God, | no matter which one | does or does not exist? What is life, if no love, | if no God? [Maybe][Maybe1] this saying, "God is love," | is less a definition of God what what love is supposed | to be. Of these two terms, [maybe2][] the one | we should capitalize is Love, that great mystery | of chemistry and longing. Maybe "Love is god" | is a more fitting [epigraph][] for what life is | [made of:][made of] Love, that most delicate, most misty | of all emotions, is supposed to be their god, | as the one that binds us, that was, that will be, that is. [is]: i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.html [God is love]: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+John+4%3A8&version=NIV [what isn't]: largest-asteroid.html [one-set-of-footprints-in-the-sand]: http://www.footprints-inthe-sand.com/index.php?page=Poem/Poem.php [Maybe1]: cereal.html [maybe2]: death-zone.html [epigraph]: epigraph.html [made of]: tapestry.html