-- Pandoc River writer -- it takes out all formatting, leaving only a river of text -- running down the page: one word per line -- vim: fdm=marker -- invoke with: pandoc -t river.lua os.setlocale("en_US.UTF-8") local function flow(s) return s:gsub("%s+", "\n") end local function nude(s) -- Expand contractions s = s:gsub("'%a+%s", function (x) if x == "'ll" then return " will " elseif x == "'ve" then return " have " elseif x == "'re" then return " are " else return x end end) -- Get rid of quotes around words s = s:gsub('"', ' ') s = s:gsub("%s+'", ' ') s = s:gsub("'%s+", ' ') -- Remove HTML entities s = s:gsub('&.-;', ' ') s = s:gsub('%b<>', ' ') -- Remove end-of-line backslashes s = s:gsub('%s+\\$', ' ') -- Remove dashes (not hyphens) s = s:gsub('%-%-+', ' ') s = s:gsub('%-%s', ' ') -- Remove everything that is not letters or numbers s = s:gsub('[%.!%?:;,%[%]%(%)<>]', ' ') -- Remove extra spaces s = s:gsub('%s+', ' ') return s:lower() end -- This function is called once for the whole document. Parameters: -- body is a string, metadata is a table, variables is a table. -- One could use some kind of templating -- system here; this just gives you a simple standalone HTML file. function Doc(body, metadata, variables) local buffer = "" local function add(s) buffer = buffer .. nude(s) .. "\n" end if metadata['title'] then add(metadata['title']) end if metadata['subtitle'] then add(metadata['subtitle']) end -- TODO: epigraph.content, epigraph.attrib, dedication, other metadata? add(body) return flow(buffer) end -- Remove all formatting {{{ function Note(s) return nude(s) end function Blocksep() return "\n" end function Emph(s) return nude(s) end function Strong(s) return nude(s) end function Subscript(s) return nude(s) end function Superscript(s) return nude(s) end function SmallCaps(s) return nude(s) end function Strikeout(s) return nude(s) end function Code(s, attr) return nude(s) end function CodeBlock(s, attr) return nude(s) end function InlineMath(s) return nude(s) end function DisplayMath(s) return nude(s) end function Span(s, attr) return nude(s) end function Cite(s) return nude(s) end function Plain(s) return nude(s) end -- Links only include the link text function Link(s, src, tit) return nude(s) end -- Images have nothing to give us -- (but add a space just in case) function Image(s, src, tit) return "\n" end function CaptionedImage(s, src, tit) return "\n" end function Str(s) return nude(s) end function Div(s, attr) return nude(s) end function Space(s) return "\n" end function LineBreak() return "\n" end function Para(s) return nude(s) end function Header(lev, s, attr) return nude(s) end function BlockQuote(s) return nude(s) end function HorizontalRule() return "\n" end function BulletList(items) local buffer = "" for _, item in pairs(items) do buffer = buffer .. nude(item) .. "\n" end return buffer .. "\n" end function OrderedList(items) local buffer = "" for _, item in pairs(items) do buffer = buffer .. nude(item) .. "\n" end return buffer .. "\n" end function DefinitionList(items) local buffer = "" for _, item in pairs(items) do for k, v in pairs(item) do buffer = buffer .. nude(k) .. "\n" .. nude(v) .. "\n" end end return buffer .. "\n" end function Table(caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) local buffer = "" local function add(s) buffer = buffer .. nude(s) .. "\n" end if caption ~= "" then add(caption) end for _,h in pairs(headers) do add(h) end for _, row in pairs(rows) do for _, cell in pairs(row) do add(cell) end end return buffer end -- }}} -- The following code will produce runtime warnings when you haven't defined -- all of the functions you need for the custom writer, so it's useful -- to include when you're working on a writer. local meta = {} meta.__index = function(_, key) io.stderr:write(string.format("WARNING: Undefined function '%s'\n",key)) return function() return "" end end setmetatable(_G, meta)