# Produce HTML & RIVER outputs with pandoc
# Case Duckworth | autocento.me
# inspired by Lincoln Mullen | lincolnmullen.com
# Define directories, file lists, and options
TEXTs := $(wildcard *.txt)
HTMLbl := index.html template.html index-txt.html
HTMLs := $(filter-out $(HTMLbl),$(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(TEXTs)))
HTMopts = --template=template.html
HTMopts+= --smart --mathml --section-divs
HAPAXbl:= first-lines.river common-titles.river hapax.river
RIVERer = trunk/river.lua
RIVERs := $(filter-out $(HAPAXbl),$(patsubst %.txt,%.river,$(TEXTs)))
HAPAXs := $(filter-out $(HAPAXbl),$(RIVERs))
HAPAXer = trunk/hapax.lua
HAPAXhd = trunk/hapax.head
HAPAXtmp= hapax.tmp
HAPAX = hapax.txt
LOZENGE = trunk/lozenge.js
.PHONY: all
all : hapax html river lozenge
.PHONY: hapax
hapax : $(HAPAX)
.PHONY: html
html : $(HTMLs)
.PHONY: river
river : $(RIVERs)
.PHONY: lozenge
lozenge : $(LOZENGE)
# Generic rule for HTML targets and Markdown sources
%.html : %.txt
pandoc $< -f markdown -t html5 $(HTMopts) -o $@
# Generic rule for RIVER targets and Markdown sources
%.river : %.txt
@echo River-ing $@
@sed -e '/^---$$/,/^...$$/d'\
-e "s/[^][A-Za-z0-9\/\"':.-]/ /g" $< |\
pandoc - -f markdown -t $(RIVERer) -o $@
@echo "Updating lozenge.js..."
@list=`echo $(HTMLs) |\
sed -e 's/\(\S\+.html\) \?/"\1",/g'\
-e 's/^\(.*\),$$/var files=[\1]/'` &&\
sed -i "s/var files=.*/$$list/" $(LOZENGE)
$(HAPAX) : $(RIVERs) $(HAPAXhd)
-rm -f $(HAPAXbl)
@echo "Compiling $(HAPAX)..."
pandoc -f markdown -t $(HAPAXer) -o $(HAPAX) *.river
@echo -n "Linking $(HAPAX)..."
@cat $(HAPAXhd) > $(HAPAXtmp) &&\
for word in `sort hapax.txt`; do\
file=`grep -liwq "^$$word$$" *.river | grep -v '$(HAPAX)'`;\
echo "[$$word](`basename $$file river`html)">>$(HAPAXtmp);\
echo -n '.';\
done && mv $(HAPAXtmp) $(HAPAX)
@echo "Done."
# TODO: Add indices compilers (first-lines, common-titles)
.PHONY: clean
-rm -f hapax.txt hapax.tmp *.river
-rm -f $(HTMLs)
.PHONY: again
again: clean all