title on formal poetry id onformalpoetry genre verse project title elegies for alternate selves class elegies order 12 prev title feeding the raven link feedingtheraven next title i am link i-am i think that i could write formal poems exclusively or at least inclusive with all the other stuff i write i guess of course i've already written a few this one included though formal is maybe a stretch is blank verse a form what is form anyway i picture old women counting stitches on their knitting knitting keeping iambs next to iambs in lines as straight and sure as arrows but my sock is lumpy poorly made it's beginning to unravel stresses don't line up syl lables forced to fit like mcnugget molds that clich on the arrow i'm aware my prepositions too god where's it stop the answer never i will never stop writing poems or hating what i write knitting roughgloves html mcnugget ronaldmcdonald html