proverbs nothing matters everything is sacred everything matters nothing is sacred thank you tom stoppard ha ha ho ho and hee hee this is the only way we can move forward by moving sideways life is a great big rugby game and the entire field has to be run for a goal the fact that the beginning two verses of this chapter have the same number of characters proves that they are a tautological pair that is they complete each other sometimes life seems like a dog wagging its tail smiling up at you and wanting you to love it just wanting that simple simple love oblivious to the fact that it just ran through your immaculately groomed flower garden and tracked all the mud in onto your freshly steamed carpet life is not life in a suburb there are no rosebushes groomed never there is no carpet steamed at any time the dog looks at you wanting you to love it it wants to know that you know that it's there it wants to be observed ah ha i knew this was going to happen at some point now things are going to get more interesting because the dog wants what we thought was a bad thing right right didn't we go through that part about how observing made it impossible to really know anything and i had to start over because it's really hard to figure out what you're talking about when reality slips out of your hands like a fish but you're not a cat with claws so it just flops right outta your hand back into the lake by the way nirvana is thought to be what a drop of water feels upon flopping into a lake doesn't that seem important doesn't it seem like a fish and a drop of water here are connected it helps of course that the fish represents reality here