--- title: Rough gloves id: roughgloves genre: verse project: title: Elegies for alternate selves class: elegies order: 16 prev: - title: Love Song link: lovesong next: - title: Ronald McDonald link: ronaldmcdonald ... | I lost my hands & knit replacement ones | from [spiders' threads][], stronger than steel but soft | as lambs' wool. Catching as they do on nails | & your collarbone, you don't seem to like | their rough warm presence on your [cheek or thigh][]. | I've asked you if you minded, you've said no | (your face a table laid with burnt meat, bread | so stale it could [break a hand][]). Remember | your senile mother's face above that table? | I'd say she got the meaning of that look. | You'd rather not be touched by these rough gloves, | the only way I have to knit a love | against whatever winters we may enter | like a silkworm in a spider's blackened [maw][]. [cheek or thigh]: feedingtheraven.html [break a hand]: weplayedthosegamestoo.html [maw]: serengeti.html [spiders' threads]: poetry-time.html