--- title: Call me subtitle: aural pleasure genre: verse epigraph: content: | compiled thru Facebook statuses of the author link: 'https://www.facebook.com/kittensruleforever38' project: title: Autocento of the breakfast table css: autocento ... Like _40_ as I challenge anyone to come too! \ It's like you're the epitome of lame! \ She's all _I am SOOOO CONFUSED_ \ Aw yeah she got [word from yarn][]. \ ---but technically it's a pretty sweet, huh? Dude we were going and delicate fragrance of arguments get based off of are not try \ dropping glasses in such an emotional rollercoaster you \ and yes, I'm cocky enough to do anything! \ I am as good as Phineas and make another picture symphony \ This is a modification of a young woman to try \ groups disband after they get your [Meacham stuff][] please let it \ RJ Covino, own statuses that'll be a great MY OWN afterbirth can do that \ [I am 2 we can be KISSED][] ON THE page. \ You know I'm not sure that \ Ben & Jerry's FTW \ 4/10 would not be able to vote, because I gotta do it \ This is going to be sad about what \ Rush Limbaugh comes forward with sunglasses but at least I wasn't wearing a messenger bag or skinny jeans! \ The cooler THAN Facebook \ Wine is the best. \ YES I was surprised at first, [but the train one][], definitely. \ Also Valhalla is a dumbass... \ But we can get based off of course, Jon. \ We watched this \ CELEBRATE FRANKSGIVING TOO! \ That didn't get started on that \ FRANCIS OF VERULAM REASONED THUS WITH the courage to reply. \ Anyone wanna watch out \ I am cranky from Bro a good as a way to [hijack my hand][]. \ Afterbend was not to produce photographs. [word from yarn]: roughgloves.html [I am 2 we can be KISSED]: spittle.html [but the train one]: http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~deepthi/If_on_a_winter%27s_night_a_traveler.html [hijack my hand]: x-ray.html [Meacham stuff]: http://www.meachamwriters.org/index.htm