--- title: The Death Zone genre: verse epigraph: content: And my life became death. attrib: Philip Gould link: http://www.npr.org/blogs/13.7/2013/11/19/245996903/embracing-life-and-death project: title: Stark Raving css: stark order: 7 next: - title: The Big Dipper link: big-dipper - title: Exasperated link: exasperated prev: - title: Exasperated link: exasperated - title: AMBER alert link: amber-alert ... ![Philip Gould](img/gould.png) When I think of death I think \ of Peter Falk in _The Princess Bride_ patting \ [his pockets][] as he leaves the room Life is a series of doors or so \ they say but I ask them this \ where does that last door lead? For Falk maybe it leads backstage \ a black-walled catered affair with stage \ lights slowly baking stale muffins [Sweaty cheese][] leaking onto dried-out \ grapes a chocolate fountain clogged \ by some errant strawberry crown but this is not where it leads for you or \ for me that door opens onto darkness marked \ only by a trellis or the lid of a casket the door of the [earth's womb][] opening \ finally to accept us and with us the dirt \ not to grow more strawberries for Falk but to pad his feet as he walks overhead \ to visit someone he certainly cares about \ but whose name is lost to posterity. [his pockets]: creation-myth.html [Sweaty cheese]: i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.html [earth's womb]: about-the-author.html