--- title: A hard game genre: verse dedication: Jim Henson project: title: Autocento of the breakfast table css: autocento ... You think building Hoggle's a hard game? \ You know bunk. Writing a ghazal's a hard game. Let's meet in a place where words & fabric play--- \ but not [plastic][] words. (Boggle's a hard game.) A cookout where we can hash our differences \ over steak, though making it sizzle's a hard game. Let's go to a brothel, [rub shoulders][] with bare \ shoulders, or a bar. Being wastrel's a hard game. Maybe we could switch professions, you and I, \ you write the poems, I'll puppet Fozzie---a hard game. When you call me, you never say my name. \ Creativity's [a hose][]---shutting the nozzle's the hard game. [a hose]: fire.html [plastic]: sense-of-it.html [rub shoulders]: finding-the-lion.html