--- title: Autocento of the breakfast table subtitle: index of first lines and common titles genre: verse epigraph: content: 'Read me.' link: README.html attrib: Case Duckworth project: title: Autocento of the breakfast table css: autocento ... [100 lines](100-lines.html) [about the author](about-the-author.html), [Case Duckworth](about_author.html) (née [Amber): alert](amber-alert.html)! [And](and.html) [the angel, to Abraham](angeltoabraham.html), [on seeing the panorama \ of the Apollo 11 landing site](apollo11.html): "[Ars poetica](arspoetica.html): [art](art.html), an [axe](axe.html), \ [the big dipper](big-dipper.html) and [the boar](boar.html). The [boy on the bus](boy_bus.html) is [building](building.html). \ [Call me](call-me-aural-pleasure.html) [_Cereal_](cereal.html) or [_Cold Wind_](cold-wind.html). \ [Instrument](collage-instrumented) a collage." [Creation myth](creation-myth.html): [dead man](deadman.html) = [the death zone](death-zone.html) = \ [Death’s trumpet](deathstrumpet.html). [Dream](dream.html) [early](early.html). [Elegy for an alternate self:](elegyforanalternateself.html) an [epigraph](epigraph.html), \ [_ex machina_](ex-machina.html) and [exasperated](exasperated.html); [Father](father.html) [feeding \ the raven](feedingtheraven.html), [finding the lion](finding-the-lion.html), setting a [fire](fire.html). [Look](found-typewriter-poem.html): [hands](hands.html)-[on poetry](on-genre-dimension.html)! \ [A hard game](hard-game.html): [hardware](hardware.html). \ ([How it happened](howithappened.html)?) \ [How to read this](howtoread.html) [hymnal](hymnal.html): \ "[I am](i-am.html)." "[I think it’s \ you (but it’s not)](i-think-its-you.html)." [I wanted to tell you something](i-wanted-to-tell-you-something.html) [in bed](in-bed.html)--- \ [I want to say](i-want-to-say.html) the [initial conditions](initial-conditions.html) of [January](january.html)'s [joke](joke.html) are [_l’appel du vide_](lappel-du-vide.html). \ [The largest asteroid in the asteroid belt](largest-asteroid.html) is the [last bastion](last-bastion.html), \ the [last passenger](last-passenger.html) [leaf](leaf.html), the [leg](leg.html) [liking things](likingthings.html). [Listen](listen.html): [love as God](love-as-god.html) loves, better \ than a [love song](lovesong.html), [man](man.html). This is \ a [manifesto](manifesto_poetics.html). [The moon is drowning](moon-drowning.html). [The moon is gone, \ and in its place: a mirror](moongone.html). [The mountain](mountain.html)'s \ [moving sideways](movingsideways.html), [something about all music \ being performances of _4′33″_ in places \ where other bands happen to be playing](music-433.html). Listen: \ [no nothing](no-nothing.html), no [notes](notes.html), [_nothing_ is ever over](nothing-is-ever-over.html). [On formal poetry](onformalpoetry.html), [options](options.html): \ an [ouroboros of memory](ouroboros_memory.html), [_Paul_](paul.html), [philosophy](philosophy.html), \ [phone](phone.html)s, or [planks](planks.html). A [litany for a plant](plant.html). [Something about the nature \ of poetry and time](poetry-time.html): [prelude](prelude.html), [problems](problems.html), [proverbs](proverbs.html), \ some [peaches](peaches.html). [Punch](punch.html) is [the purpose of dogs](purpose-dogs.html). A [question](question.html): if [a real writer](real-writer.html) [reports](reports.html) on \ the [riptide of memory](riptide_memory.html), does [Ronald McDonald](ronaldmcdonald.html) \ wear [rough gloves](roughgloves.html) or a [sapling](sapling.html)? [Seasonal affective disorder](seasonal-affective-disorder.html) is part of the [sense of it](sense-of-it.html). \ The [serengeti](serengeti.html) is a [shed](shed.html). [The shipwright](shipwright.html) \ builds [the sixteenth chapel](sixteenth-chapel.html) in [snow](snow.html). [Let’s start with something simple](something-simple.html): \ [spittle](spittle.html) on [the squirrel](squirrel.html) sitting [stagnant](stagnant.html). \ [Something about my tenure as a bear](dollywood.html). [Statements](statements-frag.html) [stayed on the bus too long](stayed-on-the-bus.html). A [stump](stump.html) is not a [swansong](swansong-alt.html) is not a [_swan_, Song](swansong.html). \ [Swear](swear.html) the [table of contents](table_contents.html) is a [tapestry](tapestry.html). \ [Telemarketer](telemarketer.html)s swear that [the night we met, I \ was out of my mind](the-night-we-met.html). [The sea and the beach](the-sea_the-beach.html), even [the ocean overflows \ with camels](theoceanoverflowswithcamels.html). [Time looks up to the sky](time-looks-up-to-the-sky.html), \ [to Daniel](todaniel.html) on the [toilet](toilet.html) writing "[Toothpaste](toothpaste.html)," \ a [treatise](treatise.html) on [underwear](underwear.html) and [wallpaper](wallpaper.html). [We played those games too](weplayedthosegamestoo.html). [When I’m sorry I wash dishes](when-im-sorry-i.html) in the [window](window.html), [walking \ in the rain](walking-in-the-rain), thinking about [what we are made of](what-we-are-made-of.html): [words and meaning](words-meaning.html), [irritably reaching after reason](words-irritable-reaching.html). I feel [worse, \ looking over](worse-looking-over.html) at you, than when I'm [writing](writing.html) \ an [x-ray](x-ray.html) in [yellow](yellow.html).