--- title: Initial conditions genre: verse project: title: Stark Raving css: stark order: 11 next: - title: Love as God link: love-as-god - title: Ouroboros of memory link: ouroboros_memory prev: - title: I think it's you (but it's not) link: i-think-its-you - title: Last Bastion link: last-bastion ... There is a theory which states the Universe \ if it began with the same initial conditions \ ( same gravity same strong weak nuclear force same \ size and shape ) would unfold in exactly \ the way it has : with the same planets orbiting suns \ same people making same mistakes : like this morning ( It's actually past two but I will call it morning ) \ while turning on the shower : I as the Universe \ intended ( although I was expecting the heat of suns ) \ had the ice of inner space : those pre existing conditions \ before the Big Bang : the shower was almost exactly \ freezing for a split second : every day it's the same : I turn on the tap hop in pull the knob have the same \ moment of utter panic then pain then a relaxing morning \ shower where I spend between five to ten ( I'm not sure exactly ) \ minutes : I have good thoughts : this poem about the Universe \ for example : I had the idea while I was conditioning \ my hair : it came to me like accidentally looking at the sun : the pain and the wonder that something as large as suns \ could appear so small and yet so hot all at the same \ time : so hot in the summer we require air conditioning \ ( although now in the winter it's cold in the morning ) \ and I can't wait to hop in the shower that tiny universe \ of water and steam and soap and body : that and only that exactly or rather exclusively ( it's hard to get the words exactly \ right : the meanings bleed into each other like the sun's \ shadows on pavement ) ready for me to dream another universe \ into it on top of it again and again until they all look the same : \ I can't tell whether it's my morning or the shower's morning \ or where I put the conditioner or what the initial conditions could have been that decided I would misplace my conditioner \ today : and why and how much planning was involved exactly \ that would cause so far down the production line of this morning \ \: me to wake up so long after the rising of the sun \ \: me to stay inside all day even after showering to look at the same \ computer screen : to give up the actual universe to the universe in there with its conditions : where the screen serves as sickly sun : \ where there is apparently exactly what I need : no more : the same \ three sites I visited this morning comprising my entire Universe