--- title: January genre: verse project: title: Autocento of the breakfast table css: autocento ... January. \ It's cold, and I don't like it. \ I prefer warm weather, \ although I like sweaters. They are the one \ warm spot in an otherwise shitty season. \ But fall is better sweater weather. So be patient, Patient, \ while waiting for the end of January. \ A change of season \ brings a change of mood along with it, \ although I never thought I'd be one \ to believe that SAD junk about effects of weather--- weather!--- \ on a person. Who becomes a patient \ just because of one \ month of snow? I did say of January: \ "It's cold, and I don't like it," \ but I hardly think it's fair, knocking whole seasons, seasoning \ your conversation with demands for better weather. \ (While I find it \ nearly impossible, it's my mission to be patient \ while waiting for the end of January.) \ Oh, but how the long nights do so tax one! One \ warm spot in an otherwise shitty season--- \ all I ask, January, \ is one warm day. Do you care whether \ I'm a person who becomes a patient \ in some psych ward? This just about does it. I.T., \ although I never thought I'd call one, \ is fair and patient \ when I call. They talk with me, season \ my conversation of demands for better weather \ with an argument for the white beauty of January. They know it's hard; they say each season \ has its detractors. One day, they say, the weather \ will be controlled - until then, patience in January.