--- title: Something subtitle: about the nature of poetry and time genre: verse project: title: Stark Raving css: stark order: 5 next: - title: The Moon is drowning link: moon-drowning - title: AMBER alert link: amber-alert prev: - title: The Big Dipper link: big-dipper - title: Worse looking over link: worse-looking-over ... I'm writing this now because I have to. \ Not in some "my soul yearns for this and \ I can't help it" way, but in the way that this \ moment is structured as such, that it is \ crystallized this way, me writing this, and later \ you reading it, now for you, later for me, and this tenuous connection mates me \ and you forever, combined with each other, two \ [electrons momentarily entwined][]. Later, \ when I'm dead or far too famous for you, and \ you're in school, reading my words because it is \ required reading, I want you to remember this connection we've always had, this \ [spider's thread][] hanging between you and me. \ Which of us is the spider and which is \ the fly still remains to be seen. To \ eat, perchance to fly: all of that and \ more. We can settle all of this later. Yes, it is you I'm thinking of in your later \ time: you specifically, not another. This \ is true for all $x$ such that $x > 0$ and \ $x$ is a real person, though it doesn't bother me \ to write to a fictional figure or to \ [a figment][], maybe, of my imagination. This is what you are right now, anyway, [dear Reader][], is \ it not? I'm talking about my now, of course, not later, \ which is your now. Later will be my now too, \ and maybe I'm ultimately writing to a future part of this \ self: you could very well be me. \ In fact, you probably are me, [some other version][], and I am you in the past, or what you could've been, and \ at the same time, this isn't true. Everything is, \ and nothing isn't. The difference between "you" and "me" \ is in name only. Maybe you'll get this later, \ [when you're older][], when I'm older, when all of this \ is something we'll look fondly back to, because I do hope to meet you, although much later, \ and I hope your feeling is the same. All this \ talk on me and you and you and me we'll keep between us two. [electrons momentarily entwined]: treatise.html [spider's thread]: last-passenger.html [a figment]: epigraph.html [some other version]: elegyforanalternateself.html [when you're older]: found-typewriter-poem.html [dear Reader]: real-writer.html