--- title: Sense of it genre: verse project: title: Autocento of the breakfast table css: autocento ... I only write poems on the bus anymore. \ I sit far in the back to be alone. \ I mark black things on white things in a black thing. \ I try to make sense of it. Every time I see a plastic bag in the wind I think: \ This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. \ Most of my life I relate to something on the TV: \ This is how I try to make sense of it. The Talking Heads song ["Stop Making Sense"][stop] \ is about a girlfriend caught cheating and willed oblivion. \ The song's real title is "Girlfriend is Better" \ but lying about it is a way I try to make sense of it. The day after I lost her I found you again. \ Your face made a plastic bag of my heart. \ Your eyes were the wind pushing the bus forward. \ I couldn't make sense of it. [stop]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r7X3f2gFz4