--- title: We played those games too genre: verse project: title: Elegies for alternate selves css: elegies order: 25 prev: title: Telemarketer link: telemarketer next: title: 'To Daniel: an elaboration' link: todaniel ... I saw two Eskimo girls playing a game \ blowing on each other's' vocal chords to make music \ on the tundra. I thought about how \ once we played the same game \ and the sounds blowing over the chords of our throats \ was the same as a wind over frozen prairie. \ We are the Eskimo girls who played \ the game that night to keep ourselves warm. \ I run my hands over [my daughter][]'s \ voicebox as she hums a song \ about a seal and about killing the seal and about \ skinning it and rendering the blubber \ into clear oil to light lamps. \ I remember you are my lamp. She remembers \ you although you left before she arrived. \ I can never tell her about you. \ I will never be able to express that taste of your oil \ as we [pushed our throats together][spittle]. \ I will never be able to say how \ we share this blemish like conjoined twins. \ I will fail you always to remember you. [my daughter]: and.html [spittle]: spittle.html