--- title: Stump id: stump genre: prose project: title: "Buildings out of air: Paul in the Woods" class: paul order: 34 next: - title: Early link: early - title: Swear link: swear prev: - title: Joke link: joke - title: Stagnant link: stagnant ... He walked into the woods for the first time in months. It was a bright summer day but under the canopy of leaves it was cool and quiet and twilight. [There was no sound but his footsteps, his breathing.][] Instead of an axe, his right hand clutched his notebook. His left was in his pocket. A pencil perched behind his ear. He walked aimlessly until coming over a short rise he saw a stump. He recognized his handiwork in the way the stump made a kind of chair back---flat until the axe had gone through far enough, then a frayed edge like a torn page. Paul walked over to the stump and sat down. He looked up and tried to find a pattern in the placement of the trees. There was none. They grew randomly, beginning nowhere and ending in the same place. [A squirrel][] ran down one and up another for no reason. He opened his notebook and took his pencil from his ear but could think of nothing to write. A crow called hoarsely to another, something important. Paul looked up but could not see the black bird in the [leaves of the trees][]. He looked back down to the cream-colored pages of his notebook. He was surprised that he'd written _YOU CANNOT DISCOVER ART_. [There was no sound but his footsteps, his breathing.]: music-433.html [A squirrel]: squirrel.html [leaves of the trees]: death-zone.html