--- title: Swansong id: swansong-alt subtitle: alternate version genre: verse project: title: Autocento of the breakfast table class: autocento ... | This poem is dry like [chapped lips][]. | [It is hard as teeth][]---hear the tapping? | It is the swan song of beauty, as all | swan songs are. [Reading][] it, you are | puzzled, perhaps a little repulsed. | Swans do not have teeth, nor do they sing. | A honking over the cliff is all | they can do, and that they do | badly. You don't know where I'm going. | You want to tell me, [You are not you][]. | [You are the air the swan walks on.][] | You are the fringe of the curtain | [that separates me from you][]. I say | that you are no longer the temple, | that you have been through [fire][] | and are now less than ash. You are | the subtraction of yourself from | the world, [the air without a swan][]. | Together, we are each other. You | and I have both nothing and everything | at once, we own the world and nothing in it. [chapped lips]: time-looks-up-to-the-sky.html [It is hard as teeth]: no-nothing.html [Reading]: poetry-time.html [You are not you]: about-the-author.html [You are the air the swan walks on.]: swansong.html [that separates me from you]: elegyforanalternateself.html [fire]: fire.html [the air without a swan]: finding-the-lion.html