#!/bin/bash # Command-line variables searchQuery="$1"; # .html file to backlink outFile="$2"; # .back file to create headerFile="$3"; # header information file islandHead="$4"; shift 4; glob="$@"; # where to search for backlinks islandLink="island" [[ ! -f ${islandLink}.txt ]] && cat "$islandHead" > ${islandLink}.txt; # Find backlinkers echo -n "Back-linking \"$searchQuery\"" cat "$headerFile" > "$outFile"; if ! grep -ql "$searchQuery" $glob >> "$outFile"; then echo "[_island_](${islandLink}.htm)." >> "$outFile"; title=`grep '^title:' "${searchQuery%.html}.txt" | cut -d' ' -f2-`; echo "- [$title]($searchQuery)" >> "${islandLink}.txt" fi # Change title & id of $outFile inText="`basename $searchQuery .html`.txt"; title=`grep '^title:' "$inText" | cut -d' ' -f2-`; id=`grep '^id:' "${searchQuery%.html}.txt" | cut -d' ' -f2`; sed -i "s/_TITLE_/$title/" "$outFile"; sed -i "s/_ID_/$id/" "$outFile"; echo -n "." # Change *.txt to *.html sed -i 's/^\(.*\)\.txt/\1.html/g' "$outFile"; # Link to backlinks for file in `grep '.html$' "$outFile"`; do fText="`basename $file .html`.txt"; title=`grep '^title:' $fText | cut -d' ' -f2-`; sed -i "s/^$file$/- [$title](&)/" "$outFile"; echo -n "." done echo "Done."