-- Pandoc Hapax writer -- it takes out all formatting, leaving only a river of text -- running down the page: one word per line, stripping all duplicates -- vim: fdm=marker -- invoke with: pandoc -t hapax.lua os.setlocale("en_US.UTF-8") function hapax(s) local function tablify (s, p) local t={} for w in s:gmatch(p) do table.insert(t, w) end return t end local function stripDupes (t) local seen = {} local remove = {} for i = 1, #t do element = t[i] if seen[element] then remove[element] = true else seen[element] = true end end for i = #t, 1, -1 do if remove[t[i]] then table.remove(t, i) end end return t end return table.concat(stripDupes(tablify(s, "%S+")), "\n") end function flow(s) return s:gsub("%s+", "\n") end function nude(s) s = s:lower() -- Expand contractions s = s:gsub("'ll", " will ") s = s:gsub("'ve", " have ") s = s:gsub("'re", " are ") s = s:gsub("i'm", " i am ") s = s:gsub("it's", "it is") s = s:gsub("n't", " not ") s = s:gsub("&", " and ") -- -- Remove dashes (not hyphens) s = s:gsub('%-[%-%s]+', ' ') -- Remove everything that is not letters or numbers s = s:gsub('[^A-Za-z0-9/\'-]', ' ') -- Remove extra spaces s = s:gsub('%s+', ' ') return " "..s.." " end -- This function is called once for the whole document. Parameters: -- body is a string, metadata is a table, variables is a table. -- One could use some kind of templating -- system here; this just gives you a simple standalone HTML file. function Doc(body, metadata, variables) local buffer = "" local function add(s) buffer = buffer .. nude(s) .. "\n" end if metadata['title'] then add(metadata['title']) end if metadata['subtitle'] then add(metadata['subtitle']) end add(body) return hapax(flow(buffer)) -- return flow(buffer) end -- Remove all formatting {{{ function Note(s) return s end function Blocksep() return "\n" end function Emph(s) return s end function Strong(s) return s end function Subscript(s) return s end function Superscript(s) return s end function SmallCaps(s) return s end function Strikeout(s) return s end function Code(s, attr) return s end function CodeBlock(s, attr) return s end function InlineMath(s) return s end function DisplayMath(s) return s end function Span(s, attr) return s end function Cite(s) return s end function Plain(s) return s end -- Links only include the link text function Link(s, src, tit) return s end -- Images have nothing to give us -- (but add a space just in case) function Image(s, src, tit) return "\n" end function RawBlock(s) return s end function RawInline(s) return s end function CaptionedImage(s, src, tit) return "\n" end function Str(s) return s end function Div(s, attr) return s end function Space(s) return "\n" end function LineBreak() return "\n" end function Para(s) return s end function Header(lev, s, attr) return s end function BlockQuote(s) return s end function HorizontalRule() return "\n" end function BulletList(items) local buffer = "" for _, item in pairs(items) do buffer = buffer .. " " .. item .. "\n" end return buffer .. "\n" end function OrderedList(items) local buffer = "" for _, item in pairs(items) do buffer = buffer .. " " .. item .. "\n" end return buffer .. "\n" end function DefinitionList(items) local buffer = "" for _, item in pairs(items) do for k, v in pairs(item) do buffer = buffer .. " " .. k .. "\n" .. v .. "\n" end end return buffer .. "\n" end function Table(caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) local buffer = "" local function add(s) buffer = buffer .. " " .. s .. "\n" end if caption ~= "" then add(caption) end for _,h in pairs(headers) do add(h) end for _, row in pairs(rows) do for _, cell in pairs(row) do add(cell) end end return buffer end -- }}} -- The following code will produce runtime warnings when you haven't defined -- all of the functions you need for the custom writer, so it's useful -- to include when you're working on a writer. local meta = {} meta.__index = function(_, key) io.stderr:write(string.format("WARNING: Undefined function '%s'\n",key)) return function() return "" end end setmetatable(_G, meta)