there is a cave just outside of flagstaff made from ancient lava flows we went inside it to where the darkness was a presence it walked with us like a christ our footsteps fell dead on its walls we learned what space felt like and drowning and being crushed and going blind and deaf we made up words to push the feeling away to goad it like mockingbirds fighting hawks we called it creepy to its face it stared back dispassionate in a bathroom i know there is a low thrumming that comes from the air ducts in the ceiling it comforts me in the same way the smell of toilet-water calms my stomach it is a sound so close to quiet so close to the porcelain whiteness of the toilet it pushes all other noise away it is deafening quiet in its most real form its most realizable form the eggs on the floor broken not the eggs in their journey to the floor or from the farm or from the hen on the farm in the cage glowing under fluorescent lights its neighbors pressed to its body rotten-smelling grotesque not the fateful meeting with the floor not the long wait in darkness for the fluorescent dawn cacophonous with pain and smell none of this the sunlight on the kitchen tile the refrigerator softly humming the eggs on the floor the yolks glistening i compose with music best under its meaninglessness i am able to hear the silence a different meaninglessness a somehow-deeper meaninglessness the inverse of repeating a word until it is only sound i can hear the taboo the never-spoken unacknowledged i write to drown its sound with the scratching of my pen silence lies underneath us all in the same way the nile has a river underneath ten times as large though this is an urban legend apparently i threw a party in my dream and went to the bathroom down a long dark hallway i began to leave and noticed the bathtub full of stuffed animals in a heap i examined them each in turn an elephant a tiger each backgrounded by white tile a warthog sat at the top of the heap it caught my eye i stared it slowly winked sneering i reached out my finger and poked it like the pillsbury doughboy it responded in kind chuckling i woke with a start terrified it had made no sound there are at least two kinds of silence in the same way that there are at least two kinds of sadness there is the silence of after the staring open-mouthed silence the what-do-we-do-now silence there is the silence of before the still before rainfall the just-woken-up there is now i'm thinking about it the silence of between the waiting room after the heart attack after the phone call after the hurried drive the fast walking down hospital hallways the finding the room my family their faces the silence of after the tv quietly playing maurie the silence underneath that the waiting room before the doctor comes in tells us what happened the chances before my parents drive down their three long hours in the car before we become the hospital people for five days camped-out loud cackling crying doing crosswords watching her die the silence of wondering whether we could've known each other better the silence of the long trip we prefer to believe she's gone on which is really the silence of her absence the eggs on the floor broken in other dreams all i've watched all of my family dying my father i remember best he was on the wicker rocking chair on the porch staring at the back yard the evergreen trees in a magic triangle their branches intertwined we were all on the porch and i heard like a far-away bell the moment of his death i woke up crying my throat closed with grief leaving after the goodbye at the hotel realizing i wo not be home until christmas that i'm on my own long trip someone on the radio station i'm listening to in the car screws up transferring tapes broadcasts dead air the silence yawns like a chasm lasting for years the wind picks me up and carries me away i see everything from a great height i see the future i'm waiting