--- title: When I'm sorry I wash dishes id: when-im-sorry-i genre: verse project: title: Autocento of the breakfast table class: autocento ... | Your casserole dish takes the longest: | it has some baked-in crust from when you | cooked chicken last night. Washing it | allows me to think about this poem's title | and the first few lines. Now that I've | written them down, I've [forgotten the rest][]. | While scraping at something with my finger- | nail, I catch myself wondering again whether | you'll thank me for washing your dishes. | I realize that this would defeat the point | of my gesture, that this has destroyed | all good thoughts I've had about saying | "I'm sorry." This, [this is the reason][] why | I am always apologizing: because I never | mean it, because there is always, in [some | attic][attic], a thought roaming that says, insists: | "I've done nothing wrong, and I deserve | all I can take, and more than that." [this is the reason]: http://plagiarist.com/poetry/1703/ [forgotten the rest]: elegyforanalternateself.html [attic]: real-writer.html