.TH bollux 1 0.2.2 .SH NAME bollux \- gemini protocol browser written in bash(1) .SH SYNOPSIS .B bollux .RI [ \-h ] .TP .B bollux .RI [ \-q ] .RI [ \-v ] .RI [ \-c .BR CONFIG ] .RB [ URL ] .SH DESCRIPTION .BR bollux (1) is a browser for the new Gemini protocol, which aims to be "heavier than gopher, but lighter than the web." It can follow links, collect user input, download files, and display text/* mimetype pages in geminispace. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-h Display an inline help screen and exit .TP .B \-q Be quiet: don't show any messages, even fatal ones .TP .B \-v Be verbose: show all messages, even debug ones .TP .B \-c CONFIG Use CONFIG file to configure .BR bollux (1) instead of the default: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bollux/bollux.conf. .TP .B URL The gemini URL to navigate to .SH USAGE If .BR bollux (1) is invoked with a URL, it will download or display that URL. Otherwise, the user will be prompted for a URL to download or display. If the URL points to a text/* document, it is paged with .BR less (1) with custom keybinds: .TP .B o open a link on the current page .TP .B g goto a new URL .TP .B G goto a new URL - with current URL pre-filled .TP .B r refresh the current page .TP .B [ goto the previous page in history .TP .B ] goto the next page in history .TP .B q quit bollux .PP If a new URL is selected, .BR bollux (1) will repeat the download-and-display loop with the new URL. .SH ISSUES There is currently no history storage or recall. .BR bollux (1) can get confused on some URLs \-\- munging them correctly is an area of active research. .SH SEE ALSO .BR bollux.conf (5) .SH BUGS The development repo is located at https://sr.ht/~acdw/bollux. Please direct all bug reports, patches, or general complaints there.