#! /usr/bin/awk -f # # Markdown processor in AWK. It is simplified from d.awk # https://github.com/wernsey/d.awk # # (c) 2016 Werner Stoop # Slight modifications (c) 2022 Case Duckworth # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, # without any warranty. BEGIN { # Configuration options if (Title == "") { Title = "Documentation" } if (Theme == "") { Theme = 1 } if (HideToCLevel == "") { HideToCLevel = 3 } if (Lang == "") { Lang = "en" } if (Tables == "") { Tables = 1 #TopLinks = 1; #classic_underscore = 1; } if (MaxWidth == "") { MaxWidth = "1080px" } if (NumberHeadings == "") { NumberHeadings = 1 } if (NumberH1s == "") { NumberH1s = 0 } Mode = "p" ToC = "" ToCLevel = 1 CSS = init_css(Theme) for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { _ord[sprintf("%c", i)] = i } srand() } { gsub(/\r/, "", $0) } { Out = Out filter($0) } END { if (Mode == "ul" || Mode == "ol") { while (ListLevel > 1) { Buf = Buf "\n" } Out = Out tag(Mode, Buf "\n") } else if (Mode == "pre") { while (ListLevel > 1) { Buf = Buf "\n" } Out = Out tag(Mode, Buf "\n") } else if (Mode == "table") { Out = Out end_table() } else { Buf = trim(scrub(Buf)) if (Buf) { Out = Out tag(Mode, Buf) } } if (ToC && match(Out, /!\[toc[-+]?\]/)) { print "" } if (Out) { Out = fix_footnotes(Out) Out = fix_links(Out) Out = fix_abbrs(Out) Out = make_toc(Out) print trim(Out) if (footnotes) { footnotes = fix_links(footnotes) print "
    \n" footnotes "
" } } } function end_table(r, c, t, a, s) { for (r = 1; r < Row; r++) { t = IsHeaders[r] ? "th" : "td" s = s "" for (c = 1; c <= NCols[r]; c++) { a = Align[c] if (a) { s = s "<" t " align=\"" a "\">" scrub(Table[r, c]) "" } else { s = s "<" t ">" scrub(Table[r, c]) "" } } s = s "\n" } return tag("table", s, "class=\"da\"") } function escape(st) { gsub(/&/, "\\&", st) gsub(//, "\\>", st) return st } function filter(st, res, tmp, linkdesc, url, delim, edelim, name, def, plang, mmaid, cols, i) { if (Mode == "p") { if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*\[[-._[:alnum:][:space:]]+\]:/)) { linkdesc = "" LastLink = 0 match(st, /\[.*\]/) LinkRef = tolower(substr(st, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2)) st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH + 2) match(st, /[^[:space:]]+/) url = substr(st, RSTART, RLENGTH) st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH + 1) if (match(url, /^<.*>/)) { url = substr(url, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2) } if (match(st, /["'(]/)) { delim = substr(st, RSTART, 1) edelim = (delim == "(") ? ")" : delim if (match(st, delim ".*" edelim)) { linkdesc = substr(st, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2) } } LinkUrls[LinkRef] = escape(url) if (! linkdesc) { LastLink = 1 } LinkDescs[LinkRef] = escape(linkdesc) return } else if (LastLink && match(st, /^[[:space:]]*["'(]/)) { match(st, /["'(]/) delim = substr(st, RSTART, 1) edelim = (delim == "(") ? ")" : delim st = substr(st, RSTART) if (match(st, delim ".*" edelim)) { LinkDescs[LinkRef] = escape(substr(st, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2)) } LastLink = 0 return } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*\[\^[-._[:alnum:][:space:]]+\]:[[:space:]]*/)) { match(st, /\[\^[[:alnum:]]+\]:/) name = substr(st, RSTART + 2, RLENGTH - 4) def = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH + 1) Footnote[tolower(name)] = scrub(def) return } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*\*\[[[:alnum:]]+\]:[[:space:]]*/)) { match(st, /\[[[:alnum:]]+\]/) name = substr(st, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2) def = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH + 2) Abbrs[toupper(name)] = def return } else if (match(st, /^(( )| *\t)/) || match(st, /^[[:space:]]*```+[[:alnum:]]*/)) { Preterm = trim(substr(st, RSTART, RLENGTH)) st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH) if (Buf) { res = tag("p", scrub(Buf)) } Buf = st push("pre") } else if (! trim(Prev) && match(st, /^[[:space:]]*[*-][[:space:]]*[*-][[:space:]]*[*-][-*[:space:]]*$/)) { if (Buf) { res = tag("p", scrub(Buf)) } Buf = "" res = res "
\n" } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*===+[[:space:]]*$/)) { Buf = trim(substr(Buf, 1, length(Buf) - length(Prev) - 1)) if (Buf) { res = tag("p", scrub(Buf)) } if (Prev) { res = res heading(1, scrub(Prev)) } Buf = "" } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*---+[[:space:]]*$/)) { Buf = trim(substr(Buf, 1, length(Buf) - length(Prev) - 1)) if (Buf) { res = tag("p", scrub(Buf)) } if (Prev) { res = res heading(2, scrub(Prev)) } Buf = "" } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*#+/)) { sub(/#+[[:space:]]*$/, "", st) match(st, /#+/) ListLevel = RLENGTH tmp = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH) if (Buf) { res = tag("p", scrub(Buf)) } res = res heading(ListLevel, scrub(trim(tmp))) Buf = "" } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*>/)) { if (Buf) { res = tag("p", scrub(Buf)) } Buf = scrub(trim(substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH))) push("blockquote") } else if (Tables && match(st, /.*\|(.*\|)+/)) { if (Buf) { res = tag("p", scrub(Buf)) } Row = 1 for (i = 1; i <= MaxCols; i++) { Align[i] = "" } process_table_row(st) push("table") } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*([*+-]|[[:digit:]]+\.)[[:space:]]/)) { if (Buf) { res = tag("p", scrub(Buf)) } Buf = "" match(st, /^[[:space:]]*/) ListLevel = 1 indent[ListLevel] = RLENGTH Open[ListLevel] = match(st, /^[[:space:]]*[*+-][[:space:]]*/) ? "ul" : "ol" push(Open[ListLevel]) res = res filter(st) } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*$/)) { if (trim(Buf)) { res = tag("p", scrub(trim(Buf))) Buf = "" } } else { Buf = Buf st "\n" } LastLink = 0 } else if (Mode == "blockquote") { if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*>[[:space:]]*$/)) { Buf = Buf "\n

" } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*>/)) { Buf = Buf "\n" scrub(trim(substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH))) } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*$/)) { res = tag("blockquote", tag("p", trim(Buf))) pop() res = res filter(st) } else { Buf = Buf st } } else if (Mode == "table") { if (match(st, /.*\|(.*\|)+/)) { process_table_row(st) } else { res = end_table() pop() res = res filter(st) } } else if (Mode == "pre") { if (! Preterm && match(st, /^(( )| *\t)/) || Preterm && ! match(st, /^[[:space:]]*```+/)) { Buf = Buf ((Buf) ? "\n" : "") substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH) } else { gsub(/\t/, " ", Buf) if (length(trim(Buf)) > 0) { plang = "" mmaid = 0 if (match(Preterm, /^[[:space:]]*```+/)) { plang = trim(substr(Preterm, RSTART + RLENGTH)) if (plang) { HasPretty = 1 if (plang == "auto") { plang = "class=\"prettyprint\"" } else { plang = "class=\"prettyprint lang-" plang "\"" } } } if (mmaid && Mermaid) { res = tag("div", Buf, "class=\"mermaid\"") } else { res = tag("pre", tag("code", escape(Buf), plang)) } } pop() if (Preterm) { sub(/^[[:space:]]*```+[[:alnum:]]*/, "", st) } res = res filter(st) } } else if (Mode == "ul" || Mode == "ol") { if (ListLevel == 0 || match(st, /^[[:space:]]*$/) && (RLENGTH <= indent[1])) { while (ListLevel > 1) { Buf = Buf "\n" } res = tag(Mode, "\n" Buf "\n") pop() } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*([*+-]|[[:digit:]]+\.)/)) { tmp = substr(st, RLENGTH + 1) match(st, /^[[:space:]]*/) if (RLENGTH > indent[ListLevel]) { indent[++ListLevel] = RLENGTH if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*[*+-]/)) { Open[ListLevel] = "ul" } else { Open[ListLevel] = "ol" } Buf = Buf "\n<" Open[ListLevel] ">" } else { while (RLENGTH < indent[ListLevel]) { Buf = Buf "\n" } } if (match(tmp, /^[[:space:]]*\[[xX[:space:]]\]/)) { st = substr(tmp, RLENGTH + 1) tmp = tolower(substr(tmp, RSTART, RLENGTH)) Buf = Buf "

  • " scrub(st) } else { Buf = Buf "
  • " scrub(tmp) } } else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*$/)) { Buf = Buf "
    \n" } else { sub(/^[[:space:]]+/, "", st) Buf = Buf "\n" scrub(st) } } Prev = st return res } function fix_abbrs(str, st, k, r, p) { for (k in Abbrs) { r = "" st = str t = escape(Abbrs[toupper(k)]) gsub(/&/, "\\&", t) p = match(st, "[^[:alnum:]]" k "[^[:alnum:]]") while (p) { r = r substr(st, 1, RSTART) r = r "" k "" st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH - 1) p = match(st, "[^[:alnum:]]" k "[^[:alnum:]]") } str = r st } return str } function fix_footnotes(st, r, p, n, i, d, fn, fc) { p = match(st, /\[\^[^\]]+\]/) while (p) { if (substr(st, RSTART - 2, 1) == "\\") { r = r substr(st, 1, RSTART - 3) substr(st, RSTART, RLENGTH) st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH) p = match(st, /\[\^[^\]]+\]/) continue } r = r substr(st, 1, RSTART - 1) d = substr(st, RSTART + 2, RLENGTH - 3) n = tolower(d) st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH) if (Footnote[tolower(n)]) { if (! fn[n]) { fn[n] = ++fc } d = Footnote[n] } else { Footnote[n] = scrub(d) if (! fn[n]) { fn[n] = ++fc } } footname[fc] = n d = strip_tags(d) if (length(d) > 20) { d = substr(d, 1, 20) "…" } r = r "[" fn[n] "]" p = match(st, /\[\^[^\]]+\]/) } for (i = 1; i <= fc; i++) { footnotes = footnotes "
  • " Footnote[footname[i]] "  ↶ Back
  • \n" } return (r st) } function fix_links(st, lt, ld, lr, url, img, res, rx, pos, pre) { do { pre = match(st, /<(pre|code)>/) # Don't substitute in
     or  blocks
    		pos = match(st, /\[[^\]]+\]/)
    		if (! pos) {
    		if (pre && pre < pos) {
    			match(st, /<\/(pre|code)>/)
    			res = res substr(st, 1, RSTART + RLENGTH)
    			st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH + 1)
    		img = substr(st, RSTART - 1, 1) == "!"
    		if (substr(st, RSTART - (img ? 2 : 1), 1) == "\\") {
    			res = res substr(st, 1, RSTART - (img ? 3 : 2))
    			if (img && substr(st, RSTART, RLENGTH) == "[toc]") {
    				res = res "\\"
    			res = res substr(st, RSTART - (img ? 1 : 0), RLENGTH + (img ? 1 : 0))
    			st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH)
    		res = res substr(st, 1, RSTART - (img ? 2 : 1))
    		rx = substr(st, RSTART, RLENGTH)
    		st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH)
    		if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*\([^)]+\)/)) {
    			lt = substr(rx, 2, length(rx) - 2)
    			match(st, /\([^)]+\)/)
    			url = substr(st, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2)
    			st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH)
    			ld = ""
    			if (match(url, /[[:space:]]+["']/)) {
    				ld = url
    				url = substr(url, 1, RSTART - 1)
    				match(ld, /["']/)
    				delim = substr(ld, RSTART, 1)
    				if (match(ld, delim ".*" delim)) {
    					ld = substr(ld, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2)
    			} else {
    				ld = ""
    			if (img) {
    				res = res "\"""
    			} else {
    				res = res "" lt ""
    		} else if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*\[[^\]]*\]/)) {
    			lt = substr(rx, 2, length(rx) - 2)
    			match(st, /\[[^\]]*\]/)
    			lr = trim(tolower(substr(st, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2)))
    			if (! lr) {
    				lr = tolower(trim(lt))
    				if (LinkDescs[lr]) {
    					lt = LinkDescs[lr]
    			st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH)
    			url = LinkUrls[lr]
    			ld = LinkDescs[lr]
    			if (img) {
    				res = res "\"""
    			} else if (url) {
    				res = res "" lt ""
    			} else {
    				res = res "[" lt "][" lr "]"
    		} else {
    			res = res (img ? "!" : "") rx
    	} while (pos > 0)
    	return (res st)
    function heading(level, st, res, href, u, text, svg)
    	if (level > 6) {
    		level = 6
    	st = trim(st)
    	href = tolower(st)
    	href = strip_tags(href)
    	gsub(/[^-_ [:alnum:]]+/, "", href)
    	gsub(/[[:space:]]/, "-", href)
    	if (TitleUrls[href]) {
    		for (u = 1; TitleUrls[href "-" u]; u++) {
    		href = href "-" u
    	TitleUrls[href] = "#" href
    	svg = ""
    	text = "" st " " svg "" (TopLinks ? "  ↑ Top" : "")
    	res = tag("h" level, text, "id=\"" href "\"")
    	for (; ToCLevel < level; ToCLevel++) {
    		if (ToCLevel < HideToCLevel) {
    			ToC = ToC ""
    			ToC = ToC ""
    	p = match(st, /!\[toc[-+]?\]/)
    	while (p) {
    		if (substr(st, RSTART - 1, 1) == "\\") {
    			r = r substr(st, 1, RSTART - 2) substr(st, RSTART, RLENGTH)
    			st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH)
    			p = match(st, /!\[toc[-+]?\]/)
    		dis = index(substr(st, RSTART, RLENGTH), "+")
    		t = "
    \n" (dis ? "▼" : "►") " Contents\n" "
      " ToC "
    " r = r substr(st, 1, RSTART - 1) r = r t st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH) p = match(st, /!\[toc[-+]?\]/) } return (r st) } function obfuscate(e, r, i, t, o) { for (i = 1; i <= length(e); i++) { t = substr(e, i, 1) r = int(rand() * 100) if (r > 50) { o = o sprintf("&#x%02X;", _ord[t]) } else if (r > 10) { o = o sprintf("&#%d;", _ord[t]) } else { o = o t } } return o } function pop() { Mode = Stack[--StackTop] Buf = "" return Mode } function process_table_row(st, cols, i) { if (match(st, /^[[:space:]]*\|/)) { st = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH) } if (match(st, /\|[[:space:]]*$/)) { st = substr(st, 1, RSTART - 1) } st = trim(st) if (match(st, /^([[:space:]:|]|---+)*$/)) { IsHeaders[Row - 1] = 1 cols = split(st, A, /[[:space:]]*\|[[:space:]]*/) for (i = 1; i <= cols; i++) { if (match(A[i], /^:-*:$/)) { Align[i] = "center" } else if (match(A[i], /^-*:$/)) { Align[i] = "right" } else if (match(A[i], /^:-*$/)) { Align[i] = "left" } } return } cols = split(st, A, /[[:space:]]*\|[[:space:]]*/) for (i = 1; i <= cols; i++) { Table[Row, i] = A[i] } NCols[Row] = cols if (cols > MaxCols) { MaxCols = cols } IsHeaders[Row] = 0 Row++ } function push(newmode) { Stack[StackTop++] = Mode Mode = newmode } function scrub(st, mp, ms, me, r, p, tg, a) { sub(/ $/, "
    \n", st) gsub(/( |[[:space:]]+\\)\n/, "
    \n", st) gsub(/( |[[:space:]]+\\)$/, "
    \n", st) while (match(st, /(__?|\*\*?|~~|`+|[&><\\])/)) { a = substr(st, 1, RSTART - 1) mp = substr(st, RSTART, RLENGTH) ms = substr(st, RSTART - 1, 1) me = substr(st, RSTART + RLENGTH, 1) p = RSTART + RLENGTH if (! classic_underscore && match(mp, /_+/)) { if (match(ms, /[[:alnum:]]/) && match(me, /[[:alnum:]]/)) { tg = substr(st, 1, index(st, mp)) r = r tg st = substr(st, index(st, mp) + 1) continue } } st = substr(st, p) r = r a ms = "" if (mp == "\\") { if (match(st, /^!?\[/)) { r = r "\\" substr(st, RSTART, RLENGTH) st = substr(st, 2) } else if (match(st, /^(\*\*|__|~~|`+)/)) { r = r substr(st, 1, RLENGTH) st = substr(st, RLENGTH + 1) } else { r = r substr(st, 1, 1) st = substr(st, 2) } continue } else if (mp == "_" || mp == "*") { if (match(me, /[[:space:]]/)) { r = r mp continue } p = index(st, mp) while (p && match(substr(st, p - 1, 1), /[\\[:space:]]/)) { ms = ms substr(st, 1, p - 1) mp st = substr(st, p + length(mp)) p = index(st, mp) } if (! p) { r = r mp ms continue } ms = ms substr(st, 1, p - 1) r = r itag("em", scrub(ms)) st = substr(st, p + length(mp)) } else if (mp == "__" || mp == "**") { if (match(me, /[[:space:]]/)) { r = r mp continue } p = index(st, mp) while (p && match(substr(st, p - 1, 1), /[\\[:space:]]/)) { ms = ms substr(st, 1, p - 1) mp st = substr(st, p + length(mp)) p = index(st, mp) } if (! p) { r = r mp ms continue } ms = ms substr(st, 1, p - 1) r = r itag("strong", scrub(ms)) st = substr(st, p + length(mp)) } else if (mp == "~~") { p = index(st, mp) if (! p) { r = r mp continue } while (p && substr(st, p - 1, 1) == "\\") { ms = ms substr(st, 1, p - 1) mp st = substr(st, p + length(mp)) p = index(st, mp) } ms = ms substr(st, 1, p - 1) r = r itag("del", scrub(ms)) st = substr(st, p + length(mp)) } else if (match(mp, /`+/)) { p = index(st, mp) if (! p) { r = r mp continue } ms = substr(st, 1, p - 1) r = r itag("code", escape(ms)) st = substr(st, p + length(mp)) } else if (mp == ">") { r = r ">" } else if (mp == "<") { p = index(st, ">") if (! p) { r = r "<" continue } tg = substr(st, 1, p - 1) if (match(tg, /^[[:alpha:]]+[[:space:]]/)) { a = trim(substr(tg, RSTART + RLENGTH - 1)) tg = substr(tg, 1, RLENGTH - 1) } else { a = "" } if (match(tolower(tg), "^/?(a|abbr|div|span|blockquote|pre|img|code|p|em|strong|sup|sub|del|ins|s|u|b|i|br|hr|ul|ol|li|table|thead|tfoot|tbody|tr|th|td|caption|column|col|colgroup|figure|figcaption|dl|dd|dt|mark|cite|q|var|samp|small|details|summary)$")) { if (! match(tg, /\//)) { if (match(a, /class="/)) { sub(/class="/, "class=\"dawk-ex ", a) } else if (a) { a = a " class=\"dawk-ex\"" } else { a = "class=\"dawk-ex\"" } r = r "<" tg " " a ">" } else { r = r "<" tg ">" } } else if (match(tg, "^[[:alpha:]]+://[[:graph:]]+$")) { if (! a) { a = tg } r = r "" a "" } else if (match(tg, "^[[:graph:]]+@[[:graph:]]+$")) { if (! a) { a = tg } r = r "" obfuscate(a) "" } else { r = r "<" continue } st = substr(st, p + 1) } else if (mp == "&") { if (match(st, /^[#[:alnum:]]+;/)) { r = r "&" substr(st, 1, RLENGTH) st = substr(st, RLENGTH + 1) } else { r = r "&" } } } return (r st) } function strip_tags(st) { gsub(/<\/?[^>]+>/, "", st) return st } function tag(t, body, attr) { if (attr) { attr = " " trim(attr) # https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/grouping-content.html#the-p-element } if (t == "p" && (match(body, /<\/?(div|table|blockquote|dl|ol|ul|h[[:digit:]]|hr|pre)[>[:space:]]/)) || (match(body, /!\[toc\]/) && substr(body, RSTART - 1, 1) != "\\")) { return ("<" t attr ">" body "\n") } else { return ("<" t attr ">" body "\n") } } function trim(st) { sub(/^[[:space:]]+/, "", st) sub(/[[:space:]]+$/, "", st) return st }