;;;; Emacs Bookmark Format Version 1;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; mode: lisp-data -*- ;;; This format is meant to be slightly human-readable; ;;; nevertheless, you probably don't want to edit it. ;;; -*- End Of Bookmark File Format Version Stamp -*- (("~elly/pub" (filename . "/sshx:town:/home/elly/pub/") (front-context-string . " /sshx:town:/ho") (rear-context-string) (position . 1) (last-modified 26236 19926 867955 868000)) ("Planet ACDW" (front-context-string . "mars, but with e") (rear-context-string) (position . 1) (last-modified 26235 32833 754178 60000) (location . "https://planet.acdw.net/") (handler . eww-bookmark-jump)) ("CHICKEN API" (front-context-string . "chickadee\n\nIdent") (rear-context-string) (position . 1) (last-modified 26219 43014 969496 46000) (location . "http://api.call-cc.org/5/doc/") (handler . eww-bookmark-jump)) (#1="set-face-attribute" (position . 1) (last-modified 26219 41950 249141 418000) (help-fn . describe-function--helper) (help-args set-face-attribute "brianna-theme.el") (position . 1) (handler . help-bookmark-jump) (defaults #1# "*Help*")) )