;;; init.el --- Emacs initiation file -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Author: Case Duckworth ;; Created: Sometime during Covid-19, 2020 ;; Keywords: configuration ;; URL: https://tildegit.org/acdw/emacs ;; Bankruptcy: 8 ;;; License: ;; Everyone is permitted to do whatever they like with this software ;; without limitation. This software comes without any warranty ;; whatsoever, but with two pieces of advice: ;; - Be kind to yourself. ;; - Make good choices. ;;; Commentary ;; My init.el. There are many like it, but this one is mine. ;; Ideas: ;; [[https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/17278/truncate-only-certain-lines-and-use-continuation-lines-elsewhere][Truncate org-mode headings]] ;; [[https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/7432/make-visual-line-mode-more-compatible-with-org-mode][another link that might be useful for truncating]] ;;; Code: (let ((early-features `((early-init . ,(locate-user-emacs-file "early-init")) acdw private +key))) (dolist (feature early-features) (require (or (car-safe feature) feature) (cdr-safe feature) :noerror))) (setup (:require +casing) (:global "M-u" #'universal-argument) (+casing-mode +1)) (setup (:require +emacs) ;; +emacs.el contains super-basic defaults that are basically necessary for ;; good functioning. In this block, I add extra things or more "experimental" ;; ones that might not belong in a separate file. (:also-load +lisp) (:option truncate-string-ellipsis "…" ring-bell-function 'ignore read-file-name-completion-ignore-case t) ;; Bindings (:global "C-x C-k" #'kill-current-buffer "C-M--" #'+goto-matching-paren "C-c v" #'visible-mode "C-M-;" #'+lisp-comment-or-uncomment-sexp "C-x C-o" #'+switch-to-last-buffer "C-x o" #'+switch-to-last-buffer "C-x C-l" #'+open-paragraph ; original: downcase-region "C-w" #'+kill-word-backward-or-region "C-" #'+backward-kill-word "C-x TAB" #'+indent-rigidly "" #'flyspell-mode "C-\\" nil ; original: toggle-input-method "C-/" #'undo-only "C-?" #'undo-redo) ;; Disable bindings (:global "M-j" nil "" nil) (:+leader "C-d e" #'toggle-debug-on-error "C-d q" #'toggle-debug-on-quit) ;; C-h deletes backward - see https://idiomdrottning.org/bad-emacs-defaults (global-set-key (kbd "C-h") 'delete-backward-char) (keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?) ;; Faces (dolist (face '(line-number line-number-major-tick line-number-minor-tick line-number-current-line)) (:face face '((t (:inherit fixed-pitch))))) ;; Hooks (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'turn-on-auto-fill) (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'font-lock-todo-insinuate) (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'turn-on-auto-fill) ; XXX: do I want this ?? (add-hook 'special-mode-hook #'turn-off-auto-fill) ;; Advice (advice-add #'completing-read-multiple :filter-args #'+crm-indicator) ;; https://old.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/rlli0u/whats_your_favorite_defadvice/hph14un/ (define-advice keyboard-escape-quit (:around (fn &rest r)) "Don't close splits on `keyboard-escape-quit'." (let ((buffer-quit-function #'ignore)) (apply fn r)))) (setup (:require +init) (:local-hook user-save-before-save-hook #'+init-sort) (+with-ensure-after-init (:hook #'+init-add-setup-to-imenu))) (setup (:require +window)) (setup (:require auth-source) (:option auth-sources (list 'default "secrets:passwords" (private/ "authinfo"))) (:with-mode authinfo-mode (:local-set truncate-lines t))) (setup (:require autoinsert) ;; (auto-insert-mode +1) ) (setup (:require cus-edit) ;; I don't use Custom to actually /make/ any customizations, but it's handy to ;; (A) see what options are available and (B) persist some changes across ;; restarts, for example, `safe-local-variables'. (:require +cus-edit) (:option custom-file (private/ "custom.el") custom-magic-show nil custom-magic-show-button t custom-raised-buttons nil custom-unlispify-tag-names nil custom-variable-default-form 'lisp) (dolist (var '(safe-local-variable-values warning-suppress-types)) (add-to-list '+custom-variable-allowlist var)) ;; Load customizations now, and after init (to capture other possible ;; variables I want to load) XXX: this is dumb (+with-ensure-after-init (+custom-load-ignoring-most-customizations)) (advice-add #'custom-buffer-create-internal :after #'+cus-edit-expand-widgets) (:with-mode Custom-mode (:local-set imenu-generic-expression +cus-edit-imenu-generic-expression))) (setup (:require find-script)) (setup (:require goto-addr) (if (fboundp #'global-goto-address-mode) (global-goto-address-mode) (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'goto-address-mode))) (setup (:require pulse) (:also-load +pulse) (:option pulse-flag nil pulse-delay 0.5 pulse-iterations 1) (dolist (command '(+ace-window-or-switch-buffer pop-mark pop-global-mark Info-history-back Info-history-forward )) (add-to-list '+pulse-location-commands command)) (+ensure-after-init #'+pulse-location-mode)) (setup (:require reading) ;;(:hook-into view-mode) ; XXX doesn't go back ) (setup (:require user-save) (add-hook 'user-save-before-save-hook #'+clean-empty-lines) (add-hook 'user-save-before-save-hook (defun user-save@save-some-buffers () (save-some-buffers t t))) (user-save-global-mode +1)) (setup (:require winner) (winner-mode +1)) (setup +key (+ensure-after-init #'+key-global-mode)) (setup _work (with-eval-after-load 'bbdb (require '_work))) (setup abbrev (:option abbrev-file-name (sync/ "abbrev.el") save-abbrevs 'silent) (with-eval-after-load 'user-save (:with-mode edit-abbrevs-mode (:hook #'user-save-mode-disable))) (:hook-into text-mode circe-chat-mode)) (setup autorevert (:option global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers t auto-revert-verbose nil) (global-auto-revert-mode +1)) (setup awk-mode (:apheleia gawk '("gawk" "-f-" "-o-"))) (setup bookmark (:option bookmark-save-flag 1 bookmark-watch-bookmark-file 'silent bookmark-set-fringe-mark nil)) (setup browse-url (:require +browse-url) (:option browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-default-browser +browse-url-browser-function #'eww-browse-url browse-url-generic-program (seq-some #'executable-find '("firefox" "chromium" "chrome")) browse-url-chrome-program (seq-some #'executable-find '("chromium" "chrome" "google-chrome-stable")) browse-url-generic-args (seq-some (lambda (e) (when (equal (executable-find (car e)) browse-url-generic-program) (cdr e))) '(("firefox" "--new-tab"))) browse-url-secondary-browser-function (if (executable-find "firefox") #'browse-url-firefox #'browse-url-default-browser) browse-url-new-window-flag nil browse-url-firefox-arguments '("--new-tab") browse-url-firefox-new-window-is-tab t) (defvar +invidious-host ;; TODO: Add variables for other transformations and what-not. ;; ... or enable trying multiple servers ;; "yewtu.be" "youtube.com" "Host for invidious instance.") ;; Set up external browsing URLs. (add-to-list '+custom-variable-allowlist '+browse-url-secondary-browser-regexps) (dolist (domain '("github.com" "gitlab.com" "google.com" "imgur.com" "twitch.tv" "pixelfed" "instagram.com" "bibliogram.art" "reddit.com" "teddit.net" "twitter.com" "nitter.net" "t.co" "streamable.com" "spotify.com" "hetzner.cloud" "melpa.org")) (add-to-list '+browse-url-secondary-browser-regexps (replace-regexp-in-string "\\." "\\\\." domain))) ;; Set up URL handlers. (:option browse-url-handlers (list (cons (rx bos (or "gemini:" "gopher:")) #'elpher-browse-url-elpher) (cons (rx ; images "." (or "jpeg" "jpg" "png" "bmp" "webp") eos) (lambda (&rest args) (apply (cond ((executable-find "mpv") #'+browse-image-with-mpv) (t #'eww-browse-url)) args))) (cons (rx (or ;; videos "youtube.com" "youtu.be" "invidious" "yewtu.be" (seq "." (or "mp4" "gif" "mov" "MOV" "webm") eos) ;; music "soundcloud.com" "bandcamp.com" (seq "." (or "ogg" "mp3" "opus" "m4a") eos))) (lambda (&rest args) (apply (if (executable-find "mpv") #'+browse-url-with-mpv browse-url-secondary-browser-function) args))) (cons (+browse-url-secondary-browser-regexps-combine) ; non-text websites (lambda (&rest args) (apply browse-url-secondary-browser-function args))) (cons "xkcd\\.com" (lambda (&rest args) (apply (if (fboundp #'xkcd-get) (progn (require '+xkcd) #'+xkcd-get-from-url) +browse-url-browser-function) args))) (cons "." ; everything else (lambda (&rest args) (apply +browse-url-browser-function args))))) (with-eval-after-load 'chd (add-to-list 'browse-url-handlers (cons chd/url-regexps #'browse-url-chrome))) ;; Transform URLs before passing to `browse-url' (:option +browse-url-transformations `((,(rx (or "youtube.com" "youtu.be")) . ,+invidious-host) ("twitter\\.com" . "nitter.net") ("instagram\\.com" . "bibilogram.art") (,(rx (or "reddit.com" "old.reddit.com")) . "teddit.net") ("medium\\.com" . "scribe.rip") ("www\\.npr\\.org" . "text.npr.org") ;;TODO: Various paste sites )) (+browse-url-transform-url-global-mode +1)) (setup c-mode (:with-hook c-mode-common-hook (:hook #'indent-tabs-mode))) (setup calendar (require '_location) (:option diary-file (private/ "diary"))) (setup compile (:require +compile) (:+key "" #'+compile-dispatch) (:option compilation-always-kill t compilation-ask-about-save nil compilation-scroll-output t)) (setup dired (:require dired-x +dired) (:straight dired+) (:option dired-recursive-copies 'always dired-recursive-deletes 'always dired-create-destination-dirs 'always dired-do-revert-buffer t dired-hide-details-hide-symlink-targets nil dired-isearch-filenames 'dwim delete-by-moving-to-trash t dired-auto-revert-buffer t dired-listing-switches "-AlF" ls-lisp-dirs-first t dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks t dired-clean-confirm-killing-deleted-buffers nil dired-no-confirm '(byte-compile load chgrp chmod chown copy move hardlink symlink shell touch) dired-dwim-target t) (:local-set truncate-lines t) (:bind "" #'dired-up-directory "j" #'+dired-goto-file "C-j" #'dired-up-directory) (:hook #'dired-hide-details-mode #'hl-line-mode #'lin-mode #'+dired-dim-git-ignores) (+with-ensure-after-init ; Necessary because jabber loads later (:+key "C-x C-j" #'dired-jump)) (dolist (refresh-after-func '(dired-do-flagged-delete)) (advice-add refresh-after-func :after #'revert-buffer)) (with-eval-after-load 'frowny (add-to-list 'frowny-inhibit-modes #'dired-mode))) (setup eldoc (:hook-into elisp-mode lisp-interaction-mode)) (setup elisp-mode (:also-load +elisp) (:option eval-expression-print-length nil eval-expression-print-level nil) (:with-mode emacs-lisp-mode (:hook #'checkdoc-minor-mode)) (:bind-into (emacs-lisp-mode-map lisp-interaction-mode-map) "C-c C-c" #'eval-defun "C-c C-k" #'+elisp-eval-region-or-buffer "C-c C-z" #'ielm) (advice-add #'eval-region :around #'+eval-region@pulse)) (setup eshell (:also-load em-smart em-tramp) (:require +eshell esh-module) (+define-dir eshell/ (locate-user-emacs-file "eshell") "Where to place Eshell-specific files.") (:option eshell-aliases-file (eshell/ "aliases") ;; What are these for??? eshell-rc-script (eshell/ "profile") eshell-login-script (eshell/ "login") eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies t eshell-directory-name eshell/ eshell-error-if-no-glob t eshell-hist-ignore-dups t eshell-kill-on-exit nil eshell-prefer-lisp-functions t eshell-prefer-lisp-variables t eshell-review-quick-commands nil eshell-save-history-on-exit t eshell-scroll-to-bottom-on-input 'all eshell-smart-space-goes-to-end t eshell-where-to-jump 'begin eshell-banner-message "" eshell-prompt-regexp (rx bol (* (not (any ?# ?$ ?\n))) " " (any ?# ?$) (* " "))) (:+leader "s" #'+eshell-here "C-s" #'+eshell-here) (:global "C-c C-z" #'+eshell-here) (add-to-list 'eshell-modules-list 'eshell-tramp) (with-eval-after-load 'mwim (setf (alist-get 'eshell-mode mwim-beginning-of-line-function) #'eshell-bol)) (:hook #'eshell-smart-initialize) (+eshell-eval-after-load ;; Local modes (dolist (mode '((hungry-delete-mode . -1))) (funcall (car mode) (cdr mode))) ;; Set local settings (dolist (setting `((outline-regexp . ,eshell-prompt-regexp) (page-delimiter . ,eshell-prompt-regexp) (imenu-generic-expression "Prompt" ,(concat eshell-prompt-regexp "\\(.*\\)") 1) (truncate-lines . t) (scroll-margin . 0))) (set (make-local-variable (car setting)) (cdr setting))) ;; Bind keys (dolist (binding '(("C-d" . +eshell-quit-or-delete-char))) (define-key eshell-mode-map (kbd (car binding)) (cdr binding))) ;; Environment variables (dolist (environment '(("PAGER" . "cat"))) (setenv (car environment) (cdr environment))))) (setup eww (:also-load +eww) (:option eww-search-prefix "https://duckduckgo.com/html?q=" url-privacy-level '(email agent cookies lastloc) eww-use-browse-url (rx bos (or "mailto:" "gemini:" "gopher:"))) (add-hook 'eww-after-render-hook #'reading-mode) (:hook #'+eww-bookmark-setup #'+eww-track-readable-mode) (:bind "b" #'bookmark-set "B" #'bookmark-jump "M-n" nil "M-p" nil)) (setup hideshow (:also-load +hideshow) (:with-mode hs-minor-mode (:hook-into prog-mode) (:bind "C-" #'+hs-cycle "C-S-" #'+hs-global-cycle ;; but y tho "C-S-" #'+hs-global-cycle))) (setup ibuffer (:also-load ibuf-ext) (:option ibuffer-expert t ibuffer-show-empty-filter-groups nil ibuffer-saved-filter-groups '(("default" ("Org" (mode . org-mode)) ("emacs" (or (name . "^\\*scratch\\*$") (name . "^\\*Messages\\*$") (name . "^\\*Warnings\\*$") (name . "^\\*straight-process\\*$") (name . "^\\*Calendar\\*$"))) ("customize" (mode . Custom-mode)) ("emacs-config" (or (filename . ".emacs.d") (mode . +init-mode))) ("git" (or (name . "^\*magit") (name . "^\magit"))) ("help" (or (mode . help-mode) (mode . Info-mode) (mode . helpful-mode))) ("chat" (or (mode . erc-mode) (mode . circe-server-mode) (mode . circe-channel-mode) (mode . jabber-chat-mode) (mode . jabber-browse-mode) (mode . jabber-roster-mode))) ("shell" (or (mode . eshell-mode) (mode . shell-mode) (mode . vterm-mode))) ("web" (or (mode . elpher-mode) (mode . eww-mode)))))) (:hook (defun ibuffer@filter-to-default () (ibuffer-auto-mode +1) (ibuffer-switch-to-saved-filter-groups "default")))) (setup info (:also-load +Info) (dolist (dir (split-string (getenv "INFOPATH") ":" t)) (add-to-list 'Info-additional-directory-list dir)) (:with-mode Info-mode ; -_- (:hook #'reading-mode) (:local-set +modeline-buffer-position #'+Info-modeline-breadcrumbs +modeline-position-function #'ignore) (:bind "c" #'+Info-copy-current-node-name "w" #'+Info-copy-current-node-name))) (setup ispell (:also-load +ispell) (:option ispell-program-name (or (executable-find "ispell") (executable-find "aspell"))) (put 'ispell-buffer-session-localwords 'safe-local-variable #'+ispell-safe-local-p) (add-hook 'user-save-before-save-hook #'+ispell-move-buffer-words-to-dir-locals-hook)) (setup kmacro (:also-load +kmacro) (with-eval-after-load '+kmacro ;; (+kmacro-recording-indicator-mode +1) (+kmacro-block-undo-mode +1))) (setup midnight (midnight-mode +1) (add-hook 'midnight-hook #'recentf-cleanup)) (setup minibuffer (:require +minibuffer) (:with-map minibuffer-local-map (:bind "M-/" #'+minibuffer-complete-history))) (setup mouse ;; Brand new for Emacs 28: see https://ruzkuku.com/texts/emacs-mouse.html ;; Actually, look at this as well: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Mouse3 (when (fboundp 'context-menu-mode) (:option context-menu-functions '(context-menu-ffap context-menu-region context-menu-undo ;; context-menu-dictionary )) (context-menu-mode +1)) (dolist (click '(;; Fix scrolling in the margin wheel-down double-wheel-down triple-wheel-down wheel-up double-wheel-up triple-wheel-up)) (global-set-key (vector 'right-margin click) 'mwheel-scroll) (global-set-key (vector 'left-margin click) 'mwheel-scroll))) (setup net-utils (:needs "traceroute") (:require +finger) ; fixes `finger' to use var below (:option finger-X.500-host-regexps '(".") ; only send username ) (with-eval-after-load 'transient (transient-define-prefix net-utils () "Networking utilities" ["Actions" ("p" "Ping" ping) ("i" "Ifconfig" ifconfig) ("w" "Iwconfig" iwconfig) ("n" "Netstat" netstat) ("a" "Arp" arp) ("r" "Route" route) ("h" "Nslookup host" nslookup-host) ("d" "Dig" dig) ("s" "Smb Client" smbclient) ("t" "Traceroute" traceroute)]) (:+key "C-z M-n" #'net-utils))) (setup notmuch (:load-from "~/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/") (:load-after bbdb) (:also-load +notmuch +message) (+define-dir notmuch/ (sync/ "emacs/notmuch") "Notmuch configuration and data.") (:option notmuch-init-file (notmuch/ "notmuch-init.el" t) notmuch-address-save-filename (notmuch/ "addresses" t) notmuch-address-use-company (featurep 'company) notmuch-search-oldest-first nil notmuch-archive-tags '("-inbox" "-unread")) ;; Reading mail (:option notmuch-show-indent-content nil) (add-hook 'notmuch-show-mode-hook #'visual-fill-column-mode) ;; Composing mail (:option message-kill-buffer-on-exit t message-auto-save-directory "~/var/mail/drafts") ;; Sending mail (:option send-mail-function #'sendmail-send-it mail-specify-envelope-from t message-sendmail-envelope-from 'header mail-envelope-from 'header) ;; Extras and fixes (with-eval-after-load 'notmuch (load notmuch-init-file :noerror) (add-hook 'message-setup-hook #'+message-signature-setup) (add-hook 'message-send-hook #'+send-mail-dispatch) (advice-add 'notmuch-tag :filter-args #'+notmuch-correct-tags) (:option notmuch-saved-searches (list (list :name "inbox+unread" :query (+notmuch-query-concat "tag:inbox" "tag:unread" "NOT tag:Spam") :key "i") (list :name "inbox" :query (+notmuch-query-concat "tag:inbox" "NOT tag:Spam") :key "I") (list :name "lists+unread" :query (+notmuch-query-concat "tag:/List/" "tag:unread") :key "l") (list :name "lists" :query "tag:/List/" :key "L") (list :name "unread" :query (+notmuch-query-concat "tag:unread" "NOT tag:Spam") :key "u") (list :name "flagged" :query "tag:flagged" :key "f") (list :name "sent" :query "tag:sent" :key "t") (list :name "drafts" :query "tag:draft" :key "d") (list :name "all mail" :query "*" :key "a")))) (:+leader "m" #'+notmuch-goto "C-m" #'+notmuch-goto "n" #'notmuch "C-n" #'notmuch) ;; For `focus' (put 'notmuch-message 'bounds-of-thing-at-point 'notmuch-show-message-extent)) (setup org ;; Plain org with the `setup' form for sorting, but I install with straight. (:straight (org :type git :host nil :repo "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/org-mode.git" :local-repo "org" :depth full :pre-build (straight-recipes-org-elpa--build) :build (:not autoloads) :files (:defaults "lisp/*.el" ("etc/styles/" "etc/styles/*")))) (:straight (org-contrib :type git :host nil :repo "https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/org-contrib")) ;; DO NOT load system-installed org !!! (setq load-path (cl-remove-if (lambda (path) (string-match-p "lisp/org\\'" path)) load-path)) (:also-load +org) (with-eval-after-load '+org (+org-agenda-inhibit-hooks-mode +1)) (:option org-adapt-indentation nil org-auto-align-tags t org-archive-mark-done t org-fold-catch-invisible-edits 'show-and-error org-clock-clocked-in-display 'mode-line org-clock-frame-title-format (cons '(t org-mode-line-string) (cons " --- " frame-title-format)) org-clock-string-limit 7 ; just the clock bit ;; org-clock-string-limit 25 ; gives enough information org-clock-persist nil org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil org-cycle-separator-lines 0 org-directory (sync/ "org/" t) org-ellipsis (or truncate-string-ellipsis "…") org-fontify-done-headline t org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks t org-fontify-whole-heading-line t org-hide-emphasis-markers t org-html-coding-system 'utf-8-unix org-image-actual-width (list (* (window-font-width) (- fill-column 8))) org-imenu-depth 3 org-indent-indentation-per-level 0 org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars nil org-insert-heading-respect-content t org-list-demote-modify-bullet '(("-" . "+") ("+" . "-")) org-log-done 'time org-log-into-drawer t org-num-skip-commented t org-num-skip-unnumbered t org-num-skip-footnotes t org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil org-pretty-entities t org-pretty-entities-include-sub-superscripts nil org-refile-targets '((nil . (:maxlevel . 2)) (org-agenda-files . (:maxlevel . 1))) org-refile-use-outline-path 'file org-special-ctrl-a/e t org-special-ctrl-k t org-src-fontify-natively t org-src-tab-acts-natively t org-src-window-setup 'current-window org-startup-truncated nil org-startup-with-inline-images t org-tags-column -77 ;; (- (- fill-column 1 (length org-ellipsis))) org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAIT(w@/!)" "ONGOING(o@)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "ASSIGNED(a!)") (sequence "|" "CANCELED(k@)") (sequence "MEETING(m)")) org-use-speed-commands t org-emphasis-alist '(("*" org-bold) ("/" org-italic) ("_" org-underline) ("=" org-verbatim) ("~" org-code) ("+" org-strikethrough))) ;; (setq org-todo-keywords ;; '((sequence ;; "TODO(t)" ;; "NEXT(n!)" ; next action ;; "DONE(d)" ; done) ;; (sequence ;; "WAIT(w@)" ; waiting to be actionable again ;; "HOLD(h@/!)" ; actinable, but will do later ;; "IDEA(i)" ; maybe someday ;; "KILL(k@/!)" ; cancelled, aborted or is no longer applicable ;; )))) (:bind "RET" #'+org-return-dwim "" #'+org-table-copy-down "M-RET" #'+org-meta-return "C-c C-l" #'+org-insert-link-dwim "C-c C-n" #'+org-next-heading-widen "C-c C-p" #'+org-previous-heading-widen "C-c C-o" #'+org-open-at-point-dwim "`" #'+org-insert-tilde "~" #'+org-insert-backtick "C-c C-x l" #'org-toggle-link-display "C-c C-x m" (lambda () (interactive) (setq-local org-hide-emphasis-markers (not org-hide-emphasis-markers)) (font-lock-update)) "C-c C-x r" #'+org-drawer-list-add-resource "C-M-k" #'kill-paragraph "C-M-t" #'transpose-paragraphs) (:global [f8] #'org-clock-in [f9] #'org-clock-out "C-c l" #'org-store-link) (+with-ensure-after-init (:hook #'variable-pitch-mode #'visual-fill-column-mode #'turn-off-auto-fill #'org-indent-mode ;; Needed for proper hanging indents in lists #'prettify-symbols-mode #'+org-wrap-on-hyphens)) (:local-set prettify-symbols-alist '(("DEADLINE:" . ?→) ("SCHEDULED:" . ?↷) ("CLOSED:" . ?✓)) ;; electric-pair-pairs ;; (append electric-pair-pairs ;; (mapcar (lambda (emph) ;; (let ((ch (string-to-char (car emph)))) ;; (cons ch ch))) ;; org-emphasis-alist)) ) (:local-hook user-save-before-save-hook #'+org-before-save@prettify-buffer) (advice-add #'org-delete-backward-char :override #'+org-delete-backward-char) ;; (define-advice org-open-at-point (:around (fn &rest r) open-external) ;; "Open links from org externally." ;; (let ((browse-url-browser-function browse-url-secondary-browser-function)) ;; (apply fn r))) ;; (add-to-list '+custom-variable-allowlist 'org-agenda-files) (with-eval-after-load 'org (setf (alist-get "\\.x?html?\\'" org-file-apps nil nil #'equal) #'+org-open-html) (org-clock-persistence-insinuate) (org-link-set-parameters "tel" :follow #'+org-tel-open) (org-link-set-parameters "sms" :follow #'+org-sms-open) (setf (alist-get "\\.x?html?\\'" org-file-apps nil nil #'equal) #'+org-open-html)) (:face 'org-done '((t (:inherit (modus-themes-subtle-green)))) 'org-tag '((t (:inherit (secondary-selection)))) 'org-todo '((t (:inherit (modus-themes-subtle-red))))) ;; Extra keywords (font-lock-add-keywords 'org-mode '(;; Fancy list bullets ;; NOTE: these `progn' and `default's are necessary; otherwise Emacs ;; complains about "Invalid face reference: t" in org-mode buffers, because ;; `compose-region' returns t. ("^[ \t]*\\([-]\\) " (0 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "–") 'fixed-pitch) ;; 'fixed-pitch t )) ("^[ \t]*\\([+]\\) " (0 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "•") 'fixed-pitch) ;; 'fixed-pitch t )) ("^[ \t]+\\([*]\\) " (0 ;; (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "→") 'fixed-pitch) 'fixed-pitch t)) ;; Fancy numbered lists (well, monospaced) ("^[ \t]*\\(\\(?:[0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)[.)]\\) " 0 'fixed-pitch t) ;; Make leading org-heading stars fixed-pitch ("^\*+ " 0 'fixed-pitch t) )) (with-eval-after-load 'form-feed ;; Horizontal lines (font-lock-add-keywords 'org-mode '(("^-----+" . form-feed--font-lock-face)))) (put 'browse-url-browser-function 'safe-local-variable (lambda (val) (eq (function-get val 'browse-url-browser-kind :autoload) 'external)))) (setup org-agenda (:option org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t org-agenda-span 10 org-agenda-block-separator ?─ org-agenda-time-grid '((daily today require-timed) (800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000) " ┄┄┄┄┄ " "┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄") org-agenda-current-time-string "← now ─────────────────────────────────────────────────" org-agenda-include-diary nil ; I use the org-diary features org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'near org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'future org-agenda-include-deadlines t org-deadline-warning-days 0 org-agenda-show-future-repeats 'next org-agenda-window-setup 'current-window) (unless after-init-time (:option org-agenda-files (list (sync/ "org/")))) (dolist (var '(org-agenda-files org-agenda-file-regexp org-agenda-templates)) (add-to-list '+custom-variable-allowlist var)) (define-advice org-agenda-files (:filter-return (ret)) "Remove SyncThing's sync-conflict files from the org agenda." (seq-remove (lambda (f) (string-match-p "sync-conflict" f)) ret)) (:+leader "a" #'org-agenda "C-a" #'org-agenda) (:hook #'hl-line-mode) (:local-set truncate-lines t) (add-hook 'org-agenda-after-show-hook #'org-narrow-to-subtree)) (setup org-attach (:also-load +org-attach) (:option org-attach-method 'lns) (with-eval-after-load '+org-attach (+org-attach-fix-args-mode +1))) (setup org-capture (:require +org-capture) (:+leader "c" #'org-capture "C-c" #'org-capture) (+org-capture-templates-setf "t" "Todo") (+org-capture-templates-setf "tt" `("Today!" entry (file "todo.org") ,(concat "* TODO %^{Title}\n" "DEADLINE: %t\n" "\n%?"))) (+org-capture-templates-setf "ts" `("Someday..." entry (file "todo.org") ,(concat "* TODO %^{Title}\n" ":PROPERTIES:\n" ":CREATED: [%<%F %T>]\n" ":END:\n" "\n%?"))) (+org-capture-templates-setf "tm" `("Media" entry (file "todo.org") ,(concat "* TODO %^{TITLE}\n" ":PROPERTIES:\n" ":TITLE: %\\1\n" ":AUTHOR: %^{AUTHOR}\n" ":END:\n" "\n%?"))) (+org-capture-templates-setf "l" `("Link" entry (file "links.org") "* %(+org-insert-link-dwim) %^g\n\n")) (+org-capture-templates-setf "w" "Work") (+org-capture-templates-setf "j" '("Journal entry" plain (file+olp+datetree "journal.org") "**** %U\n%i\n%?")) ;; TODO: Prompt for identity file from ~/.ssh and try to guess the hostname ;; from there. (+org-capture-templates-setf "s" `("SSH Config" plain (file "~/.ssh/config") ,(concat "\n\nHost %^{Host}" "\n Hostname %\\1" "\n User %^{User|%(user-login-name)}" "\n IdentityFile %(read-file-name \"IdentityFile: \" \"~/.ssh/\")" "\n IdentitiesOnly yes" "\n PubkeyAuthentication yes" "\n Port %^{Port|22}") )) (+org-capture-templates-setf "r" `("Radio station" plain (file "~/.config/radio/stations") ,(concat "%^{URL} %^{Description} %^{Tags [space delimited]}") :immediate-finish t)) (+org-capture-sort)) (setup org-id (:load-after org) ;; https://helpdeskheadesk.net/2022-03-13/ (:option org-id-method 'ts org-attach-id-to-path-function-list '(org-attach-id-ts-folder-format org-attach-id-uuid-folder-format))) (setup ox ; org-export (:also-load +ox ox-md) (:option org-export-coding-system 'utf-8-unix org-export-headline-levels 8 org-export-with-drawers nil org-export-with-section-numbers nil org-export-with-smart-quotes t org-export-with-sub-superscripts t org-export-with-toc nil) (with-eval-after-load 'ox (+org-export-pre-hooks-insinuate))) (setup password-cache (:option password-cache t password-cache-expiry (* 60 60))) (setup prettify-symbols-mode (:option prettify-symbols-unprettify-at-point t)) (setup prog (:local-set comment-auto-fill-only-comments t) (:hook #'prettify-symbols-mode)) (setup scratch (:require +scratch) (:option initial-major-mode #'lisp-interaction-mode initial-scratch-message ";;; What good will you work in the world today?\n\n") (:+leader "." #'+scratch-switch-to-scratch "C-." #'+scratch-switch-to-scratch "," #'+scratch-switch-to-text "C-," #'+scratch-switch-to-text) (+with-ensure-after-init (+scratch-text-scratch)) (add-hook 'kill-buffer-query-functions #'+scratch-immortal)) (setup sh (:option sh-indentation tab-width) (:hook #'indent-tabs-mode) (:apheleia shfmt '("shfmt"))) (setup shell (:option shell-command-prompt-show-cwd t) (:local-set +modeline-position-function (lambda () (string-replace (getenv "HOME") "~" default-directory))) (:hook #'form-feed-mode)) (setup shr (:also-load +shr) (:option shr-width (- fill-column 5) ; pad out for wide letters shr-use-fonts t) (dolist (mode '(eww-mode elfeed-show-mode)) (add-hook (intern (format "%s-hook" mode)) #'+shr-heading-setup-imenu))) (setup tab-bar (:require +tab-bar) (:option tab-bar-tab-name-function '+tab-bar-basename tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-max 20 tab-bar-tab-name-ellipsis truncate-string-ellipsis tab-bar-show t tab-bar-close-button-show t tab-bar-new-button-show t +tab-bar-menu-bar-icon " ; " tab-bar-close-button (propertize " × " 'display t 'close-tab nil) tab-bar-new-button (propertize "+ " 'display t)) ;; I need to set these here so that they take effect /before/ `display-time-mode' (:option display-time-format "%H:%M" display-time-mail-file :disable display-time-load-average-threshold 50) (:option tab-bar-format '(;;+tab-bar-format-menu-bar tab-bar-format-history tab-bar-format-tabs tab-bar-separator tab-bar-format-add-tab +tab-bar-format-align-right ;;+tab-bar-misc-info +tab-bar-org-clock +tab-bar-bongo ;;+tab-bar-emms +tab-bar-tracking-mode +tab-bar-notmuch-count +tab-bar-timer +tab-bar-date +tab-bar-space)) (tab-bar-mode +1) (display-time-mode +1)) (setup text-mode (:bind "C-M-k" #'kill-paragraph)) (setup timer-list (:bind "d" #'timer-list-cancel) (:hook #'hl-line-mode #'lin-mode)) (setup tramp (el-patch-feature tramp) (with-eval-after-load 'tramp (el-patch-defun tramp-debug-buffer-command-completion-p (_symbol buffer) "A predicate for Tramp interactive commands. They are completed by \"M-x TAB\" only in Tramp debug buffers." (with-current-buffer buffer (el-patch-wrap 2 (save-restriction (widen) (string-equal (buffer-substring 1 10) ";; Emacs:"))))))) (setup whitespace (:option whitespace-line-column nil whitespace-style '(face trailing tabs tab-mark)) ;; I want trailing whitespace to be cleaned up, but I don't need to know about it. (:face 'whitespace-trailing '((t :inherit nil))) (:hook-into text-mode prog-mode)) (setup (:straight 0x0) (:option 0x0-default-server 'ttm) (with-eval-after-load 'embark (define-key embark-region-map (kbd "U") #'0x0-dwim))) (setup (:straight ace-window) (:require +ace-window) (:option aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l) aw-display-mode-overlay nil aw-scope 'frame aw-minibuffer-flag t) (:+key "M-o" #'+ace-window-or-switch-buffer) (:face 'aw-mode-line-face '((t (:foreground "red")))) (+ace-window-display-mode +1)) (setup (:straight (actually-selected-window :host github :repo "duckwork/actually-selected-window.el")) (actually-selected-window-mode +1)) (setup (:straight adaptive-wrap) (:with-mode adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode (:hook-into visual-column-mode))) (setup (:straight affe (or (executable-find "rg") (and (executable-find "find") (executable-find "grep")))) (:load-after consult orderless vertico) (setq affe-regexp-compiler (defun affe-orderless-regexp-compiler (input &rest _) (setq input (orderless-pattern-compiler input)) (cons input (lambda (str) (orderless--highlight input str))))) (+with-eval-after-loads (affe) (setq affe-regexp-compiler (defun affe-orderless-regexp-compiler (input &rest _) (setq input (orderless-pattern-compiler input)) (cons input (lambda (str) (orderless--highlight input str))))) (:+key "M-s g" #'affe-grep "M-s f" #'affe-find))) (setup (:straight alert) (:option alert-default-style 'libnotify)) (setup (:straight anzu) (:option anzu-cons-mode-line-p nil) (:+key [remap query-replace] #'anzu-query-replace-regexp [remap query-replace-regexp] #'anzu-query-replace-regexp) (global-anzu-mode +1) (:bind-into isearch [remap isearch-query-replace] #'anzu-isearch-query-replace [remap isearch-query-replace-regexp] #'anzu-isearch-query-replace-regexp)) (setup (:straight apheleia) (:require apheleia +apheleia) (+apheleia/user-save-global-mode +1)) (setup (:straight avy) (:require avy +avy) (:option avy-background t avy-lead-faces '(avy-lead-face avy-lead-face-1 avy-lead-face-1 avy-lead-face-1 avy-lead-face-1 avy-lead-face-1 avy-lead-face-1)) (:face 'avy-background-face '((t (:foreground "#888888")))) (:+key "M-j" #'avy-goto-char-timer) (:bind-into isearch "M-j" #'avy-isearch) (setf (alist-get ?. avy-dispatch-alist) #'avy-action-embark) (+avy-buffer-face-mode +1)) (setup (:straight bbdb) (:straight bbdb-vcard) (add-hook '+custom-after-load-hook (defun +bbdb-load () (:require bbdb-autoloads bbdb) (bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message)))) (setup (:straight (bongo :type git :flavor melpa :files ("*.el" "*.texi" "images" "*.rb" "bongo-pkg.el" "*.info") :pre-build ("makeinfo" "--no-split" "bongo.texi") :host github :repo "dbrock/bongo")) (:also-load +bongo) (:option bongo-default-directory "~/var/music" bongo-custom-backend-matchers '((mpv . (("https:") . t))) +bongo-radio-stations ; use `+bongo-radio' for these `(;; Local radio ("KLSU" . "") ("WRKF: NPR for the Capital Region" . ,(concat "https://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/" "livestream-redirect/WRKFFM.mp3")) ("WRKF HD-2" . ,(concat "https://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/" "livestream-redirect/WRKFHD2.mp3")) ("WBRH: Jazz & More" . "http://wbrh.streamguys1.com/wbrh-mp3") ("KBRH Blues & Rhythm Hits" . "http://wbrh.streamguys1.com/kbrh-mp3") ;; Soma FM ("Soma FM Synphaera" . "https://somafm.com/synphaera256.pls") ("SomaFM BAGel Radio" . "https://somafm.com/bagel.pls") ("SomaFM Boot Liquor" . "https://somafm.com/bootliquor320.pls") ("SomaFM Deep Space One" . "https://somafm.com/deepspaceone.pls") ("SomaFM Fluid" . "https://somafm.com/fluid.pls") ("SomaFM Underground 80s" . "https://somafm.com/u80s256.pls") ;; Tildeverse & Friends ("tilderadio" . "https://azuracast.tilderadio.org/radio/8000/radio.ogg") ("vantaradio" . "https://vantaa.black/radio") ;; Other online radio ("BadRadio: 24/7 PHONK" . "https://s2.radio.co/s2b2b68744/listen") ("Cafe - lainon.life" . "https://lainon.life/radio/cafe.ogg.m3u") ("Everything - lainon.life" . "https://lainon.life/radio/everything.ogg.m3u") ("Swing - lainon.life" . "https://lainon.life/radio/swing.ogg.m3u") ("Cyberia - lainon.life" . "https://lainon.life/radio/cyberia.ogg.m3u") ("Nightwave Plaza - Online Vaporwave Radio" . "http://radio.plaza.one/opus"))) (advice-add 'bongo-play :before #'+bongo-stop-all) (with-eval-after-load 'notifications (add-hook 'bongo-player-metadata-changed-hook #'+bongo-notify))) (setup (:straight brainfuck-mode)) (setup (:straight browse-kill-ring) (:+key "C-M-y" #'browse-kill-ring) (:option browse-kill-ring-highlight-current-entry t browse-kill-ring-highlight-inserted-item 'pulse browse-kill-ring-separator " ") (:hook #'form-feed-mode)) (setup (:straight burly) (:require burly +burly) (:global "C-x C-c" #'+burly-save-then-close-frame-remembering)) (setup (:straight (cape :host github :repo "minad/cape")) (let ;; All available cape capfs listed here. Add them to the front since ;; they're reversed with `add-to-list'. ((append-fns '(cape-file cape-dabbrev cape-keyword)) (remove-fns '(cap-abbrev cape-ispell cape-dict))) (dolist (fn append-fns) (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions fn :append)) (dolist (fn remove-fns) (setq completion-at-point-functions (delete fn completion-at-point-functions))) ;; Fix position of t (when (memq t completion-at-point-functions) (setq completion-at-point-functions (append (delq t completion-at-point-functions) '(t)))))) (setup (:straight circe) ;; (:require _circe ;; +circe) ;; (:also-load circe-chanop) ;; (+ensure-after-init (lambda () (defalias 'irc '+irc "Start IRC."))) ;; Formatting options ;; (:option ;; ;; Messages between users ;; circe-format-action (format (format "%%%ds* {nick} {body}" ;; (- +circe-left-margin 2)) ;; " ") ;; circe-format-say (format "{nick:%1$d.%1$ds} | {body}" ;; (- +circe-left-margin 3)) ;; circe-format-self-action circe-format-action ;; circe-format-self-say (replace-regexp-in-string "|" ">" circe-format-say) ;; circe-format-notice (format "-{nick:%1$d.%1$ds}---{body}" ;; (- +circe-left-margin 4)) ;; circe-format-message (format (format "%%%ds@ *{nick}* {body}" ;; (- +circe-left-margin 2)) ;; " ") ;; circe-format-message-action (replace-regexp-in-string "@" "*" ;; circe-format-message) ;; circe-format-self-message (format (format "%%%ds> *{chattarget}* {body}" ;; (- +circe-left-margin 2)) ;; " ") ;; ;; Meta messages ;; circe-format-server-channel-creation-time (+circe-format-meta ;; (concat "Channel {channel}" ;; " created on {date}") t) ;; circe-format-server-ctcp (+circe-format-meta ;; (concat "CTCP PING request to {target} from" ;; " {userhost}: {body}")) ;; circe-format-server-ctcp-ping-reply (+circe-format-meta ;; (concat ;; "CTCP PING reply to {target} from" ;; " {userhost}: {body}")) ;; circe-format-server-part (+circe-format-meta "PART {channel}: {reason}") ;; circe-format-server-quit (+circe-format-meta "QUIT: {reason}") ;; circe-format-server-quit-channel (+circe-format-meta ;; "QUIT {channel}: {reason}") ;; circe-format-server-join (+circe-format-meta "JOIN: {userinfo}") ;; circe-format-server-join-in-channel (+circe-format-meta ;; "JOIN {channel}: {userinfo}") ;; circe-format-server-lurker-activity (+circe-format-meta ;; "(JOINED {joindelta} ago)") ;; circe-format-server-message (+circe-format-meta "{body}" t) ;; circe-fromat-server-mode-change (+circe-format-meta ;; (concat "MODE: {target} {change}" ;; " by {setter} ({userhost})") t) ;; circe-format-server-netmerge (+circe-format-meta ;; (concat "NETMERGE: {split} at {date}" ;; " (/WL to see who's still missing)") t) ;; circe-format-server-netsplit (+circe-format-meta ;; (concat "NETSPLIT: {split}" ;; " (/WL to see who left)") t) ;; circe-format-server-nick-change (+circe-format-meta ;; "NICK WAS {old-nick} ({userhost})" ;; "new-nick") ;; circe-format-server-nick-regain (+circe-format-meta ;; "NICK REGAINED: {old-nick} ({userhost})" ;; "new-nick") ;; circe-format-server-notice (+circe-format-meta "-SERVER NOTICE- {body}" t) ;; circe-format-server-topic-time (+circe-format-meta ;; "TOPIC SET BY {setter} on {topic-date}") ;; circe-format-server-topic-time-for-channel (+circe-format-meta ;; (concat ;; "TOPIC ({channel}) SET BY" ;; " {setter} on {topic-date}")) ;; circe-format-server-whois-idle (+circe-format-meta "IDLE FOR {idle-duration}" ;; "whois-nick") ;; circe-format-server-whois-idle-with-signon (+circe-format-meta ;; (concat ;; "IDLE FOR {idle-duration}" ;; " (signon: {signon-date})") ;; "whois-nick") ;; circe-format-server-rejoin (+circe-format-meta ;; (concat "REJOIN: {userinfo} " ;; "after {departuredelta}")) ;; circe-format-server-topic (+circe-format-meta "TOPIC: {new-topic}") ;; circe-prompt-string (format (format "%%%ds> " ;; (- +circe-left-margin 2)) ;; " ")) ;; (:option +circe-server-buffer-action (lambda (buf) ;; (message "Connected to %s" buf)) ;; +circe-network-inhibit-autoconnect _circe-network-inhibit-autoconnect ;; circe-network-options _circe-network-options ;; circe-color-nicks-everywhere t ;; circe-default-part-message "See You, Space Cowpokes . . ." ;; circe-default-user user-real-login-name ;; circe-reduce-lurker-spam t ;; circe-server-auto-join-default-type :after-auth) ;; (:bind "C-c C-p" #'circe-command-PART ;; "C-c C-t" #'+circe-current-topic ;; "C-l" #'lui-track-jump-to-indicator ;; "C-" #'+circe-chat@set-prompt) ;; XXX: this doesn't quite work right. ;; (advice-add #'circe-command-PART :after #'+circe-kill-buffer) ;; (advice-add #'circe-command-QUIT :after #'+circe-quit@kill-buffer) ;; (advice-add #'circe-command-GQUIT :after #'+circe-gquit@kill-buffer) ;; (:with-mode circe-chat-mode ;; (:local-set lui-input-function #'+lui-filter ;; +modeline-position-function #'ignore) ;; (:hook #'enable-circe-color-nicks ;; #'enable-circe-new-day-notifier ;; #'+circe-chat@set-prompt ;; ;; Filters ;; ;;#'+circe-F/C-mode ;; ;; For some reason `+circe-shorten-url-mode' won't work right out of ;; ;; the gate. ;; ;;(lambda () (run-at-time 0.25 nil #'+circe-shorten-url-mode)) ;; ) ;; (:bind "C-c C-s" #'circe-command-SLAP)) ;; (:with-mode lui-mode ;; (:option lui-fill-column (+ fill-column +circe-left-margin) ;; lui-fill-type nil ;; lui-max-buffer-size (+bytes 10 :kb) ;; lui-time-stamp-position 'right-margin ;; lui-time-stamp-format "| %H:%M" ;; lui-track-behavior 'before-switch-to-buffer ;; lui-track-indicator 'bar ;; lui-fill-remove-face-from-newline nil ;; lui-formatting-list `((,(+lui-make-formatting-list-rx "*") ;; 1 lui-strong-face) ;; (,(+lui-make-formatting-list-rx "_") ;; 1 lui-emphasis-face) ;; (,(+lui-make-formatting-list-rx "/") ;; 1 lui-emphasis-face)) ;; lui-autopaste-function ;; (defun +0x0-upload-string (string) ;; "Upload a string using 0x0." ;; (with-temp-buffer ;; (insert string) ;; (0x0-upload-text (0x0--choose-server))) ;; (current-kill 0))) ;; (add-to-list '+pulse-location-commands #'lui-track-jump-to-indicator) ;; (:face 'lui-track-bar '((t ( :height 10 ;; :underline ( :color foreground-color ;; :style line ;; :position line) ;; :extend t :inhert (default))))) ;; (:hook #'visual-line-mode ;; #'enable-lui-track ;; #'visual-fill-column-mode ;; #'enable-lui-autopaste ;; (defun turn-off-+nyan-mode () (+nyan-local-mode -1)) ;; (defun turn-off-electric-pair-mode () (electric-pair-mode -1))) ;; (:local-set fringes-outside-margins t ;; right-margin-width (length lui-time-stamp-format) ;; scroll-margin 0 ;; scroll-step 1 ;; word-wrap t ;; wrap-prefix (+string-repeat +circe-left-margin " ") ;; line-number-mode nil ;; column-number-mode nil ;; file-percentage-mode nil ;; visual-fill-column-extra-text-width ;; (cons +circe-left-margin 0))) (tracking-mode +1) (:with-mode tracking-mode (:option tracking-position 'before-modes) (:bind "C-c C-SPC" (lambda () (interactive) (if (and +tracking-hide-when-org-clocking (fboundp 'org-clocking-p) (org-clocking-p)) (message "Bro, get back to work!") (call-interactively #'tracking-next-buffer)))) (add-to-list 'mode-line-misc-info '(tracking-mode tracking-mode-line-buffers))) ;; (with-eval-after-load 'topsy ;; (:option (append topsy-mode-functions) ;; '(circe-channel-mode . +circe-current-topic))) ;; (with-eval-after-load 'circe-color-nicks ;; (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'circe-nick-color-reset)) ;; (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'+circe-quit-all@kill-emacs) ) (setup (:straight (clean-kill-ring :host github :repo "NicholasBHubbard/clean-kill-ring.el")) (:require) (:option clean-kill-ring-prevent-duplicates t) (clean-kill-ring-mode +1)) (setup (:straight clhs)) (setup (:straight consult) (+with-ensure-after-init (:require consult +consult)) ;; from Consult wiki (:option register-preview-delay 0 register-preview-function #'consult-register-format xref-show-xrefs-function #'consult-xref xref-show-definitions-function #'consult-xref tab-always-indent 'complete completion-in-region-function #'consult-completion-in-region ) (:with-mode minibuffer-mode (:local-set completion-in-region-function #'consult-completion-in-region)) (advice-add #'register-preview :override #'consult-register-window) (dolist (binding '(;; C-c bindings (mode-specific-map) ("C-c h" . consult-history) ("C-c m" . consult-mode-command) ("C-c b" . consult-bookmark) ("C-c k" . consult-kmacro) ;; C-x bindings (ctl-x-map) ("C-x M-:" . consult-complex-command) ("" . consult-buffer) ("C-x b" . consult-buffer) ("C-x 4 b" . consult-buffer-other-window) ("C-x 5 b" . consult-buffer-other-frame) ;; Custom M-# bindings for fast register access ("M-#" . consult-register-load) ("M-'" . consult-register-store) ("C-M-#" . consult-register) ;; Other custom bindings ("M-y" . consult-yank-pop) ;;(" a" . consult-apropos) ;; M-g bindings (goto-map) ("M-g e" . consult-compile-error) ("M-g f" . consult-flymake) ; or consult-flycheck ("M-g g" . consult-goto-line) ("M-g M-g" . consult-goto-line) ("M-g o" . consult-outline) ; or consult-org-heading ("M-g m" . consult-mark) ("M-g k" . consult-global-mark) ("M-g i" . consult-imenu) ("M-g M-i" . consult-imenu) ("M-g I" . consult-imenu-multi) ;; M-s bindings (search-map) ("M-s f" . consult-find) ("M-s F" . consult-locate) ("M-s g" . consult-grep) ("M-s G" . consult-git-grep) ("M-s r" . consult-ripgrep) ("M-s l" . consult-line) ("M-s L" . consult-line-multi) ("M-s m" . consult-multi-occur) ("M-s k" . consult-keep-lines) ("M-s u" . consult-focus-lines) ;; Isearch integration ("M-s e" . consult-isearch-history))) (global-set-key (kbd (car binding)) (cdr binding))) (with-eval-after-load 'isearch-mode (dolist (binding '(("M-e" . consult-isearch-history) ("M-s e" . consult-isearch-history) ("M-s l" . consult-line) ("M-s L" . consult-line-multi))) (define-key isearch-mode-map (car binding) (cdr binding)))) (:+menu "b" #'consult-buffer "f" #'find-file) (:bind-into org "M-g o" #'consult-org-heading) (advice-add 'consult-yank-pop :after #'+yank@indent) (+with-eval-after-loads (consult +consult) (:option consult-narrow-key "<" consult-project-root-function '+consult-project-root) (add-to-list 'consult-buffer-filter (rx "*" (or "scratch" "text") "*")) (consult-customize consult-theme :preview-key '(:debounce 0.2 any)) (consult-customize consult-ripgrep consult-git-grep consult-grep consult-bookmark consult-recent-file consult-xref consult--source-recent-file consult--source-project-recent-file consult--source-bookmark consult-buffer :preview-key (kbd "M-,")) (consult-history-to-modes ((minibuffer-local-map . nil) (shell-mode-map . shell-mode-hook) (term-mode-map . term-mode-hook) (term-raw-map . term-mode-hook) (comint-mode-map . comint-mode-hook) (sly-mrepl-mode-map . sly-mrepl-hook))) (with-eval-after-load 'orderless (:option consult--regexp-compiler #'consult--orderless-regexp-compiler)))) (setup (:straight crux) ;; yes it's silly I have an addon to this addon. (:require crux +crux) (:option crux-shell-func #'crux-eshell crux-shell-buffer-name "eshell" +crux-default-date-format "%F") (:global "C-o" #'crux-smart-open-line "C-x 4 t" #'crux-transpose-windows "M-w" #'+crux-kill-ring-save "C-k" #'+crux-kill-and-join-forward "C-c d" #'+crux-insert-date-or-time) (crux-with-region-or-buffer indent-region) (el-patch-feature crux) (with-eval-after-load 'crux (el-patch-defun crux-reopen-as-root () "Find file as root if necessary. Meant to be used as `find-file-hook'. See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'." (unless (or ;; This helps fix for `nov-mode', and possibly others. (el-patch-add (null buffer-file-name)) (tramp-tramp-file-p buffer-file-name) (equal major-mode 'dired-mode) (not (file-exists-p (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))) (file-writable-p buffer-file-name) (crux-file-owned-by-user-p buffer-file-name)) (crux-find-alternate-file-as-root buffer-file-name)))) (crux-reopen-as-root-mode +1)) (setup (:straight csv-mode)) (setup (:straight denote) (:option denote-directory (expand-file-name "~/var/notes"))) (setup (:straight dictionary) (:option dictionary-use-single-buffer t) (autoload 'dictionary-search "dictionary" "Ask for a word and search it in all dictionaries" t) (:hook #'reading-mode)) (setup (:straight diff-hl) (global-diff-hl-mode +1)) (setup (:straight dired-git-info) (:bind-into dired ")" #'dired-git-info-mode)) (setup (:straight dired-open) (:load-after dired)) (setup (:straight dired-subtree) (:load-after dired) (:bind-into dired "TAB" #'dired-subtree-cycle "i" #'dired-subtree-toggle)) (setup (:straight (discord :host github :repo "davep/discord.el" :fork (:repo "duckwork/discord.el")))) (setup (:straight dumb-jump) (add-hook 'xref-backend-functions #'dumb-jump-xref-activate)) (setup (:straight ebuku (executable-find "buku")) (:option ebuku-display-on-startup 'recent ebuku-recent-count 100)) (setup (:straight edit-server) (:option edit-server-url-major-mode-alist `(("github\\.com" . ,(if (fboundp 'gfm-mode) #'gfm-mode #'markdown-mode)) ("reddit\\.com" . markdown-mode) ("notabug\\.org" . markdown-mode) ("tildes\\.net" . markdown-mode))) (+with-ensure-after-init (edit-server-start))) (setup (:straight editorconfig) (:with-mode conf-mode (:file-match (rx ".editorconfig" eos))) (dolist (m '(emacs-lisp-mode lisp-mode scheme-mode)) (add-to-list 'editorconfig-exclude-modes m)) (editorconfig-mode +1)) (setup (:straight electric-cursor) (:option electric-cursor-alist '((overwrite-mode . hbar) (god-local-mode . box) (t . bar))) (electric-cursor-mode +1)) ;; (setup (:straight elfeed) ;; (:require +elfeed) ;; (+define-dir elfeed/ (sync/ "emacs/elfeed/" t)) ;; (:option ;; elfeed-curl-program-name (executable-find "curl") ;; elfeed-use-curl elfeed-curl-program-name ;; elfeed-curl-extra-arguments '("--insecure") ;; elfeed-enclosure-default-dir (cl-loop for dir in '("~/var/download/" ;; "~/Downloads/") ;; if (file-exists-p dir) ;; return dir) ;; elfeed-search-filter "@10-days-ago +unread" ;; elfeed-search-trailing-width 24 ;; elfeed-search-title-min-width 24 ;; elfeed-search-title-max-width 78 ;; elfeed-search-remain-on-entry t ;; elfeed-show-unique-buffers t ;; elfeed-db-directory (elfeed/ "db/" t)) ;; (:+leader "f" #'elfeed "C-f" #'elfeed) ;; (advice-add #'elfeed-search-fetch :after #'beginning-of-buffer) ;; (:with-mode elfeed-search-mode ;; (:bind "&" #'+elfeed-search-browse-generic ;; "w" #'elfeed-search-yank ;; "y" nil ;; "a" #'+elfeed-show-mark-read-and-advance) ;; (:hook #'hl-line-mode) ;; ;; https://old.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/rlli0u/whats_your_favorite_defadvice/hphfh4e/ ;; (advice-add #'elfeed-search-update--force :after #'elfeed-db-save) ;; (advice-add #'elfeed :before #'elfeed-db-load)) ;; (:with-mode elfeed-show-mode ;; (:bind "SPC" #'+elfeed-scroll-up-command ;; "S-SPC" #'+elfeed-scroll-down-command ;; "&" #'+elfeed-show-browse-generic ;; "RET" #'shr-browse-url ;; "w" #'elfeed-show-yank ;; "y" nil) ;; (:hook #'reading-mode) ;; (:option +elfeed--update-repeat (* 60 30) ; 1/2 hour ;; +elfeed--update-first-time 60)) ;; (+elfeed-update-async-mode +1) ;; (add-hook '+elfeed-update-proceed-hook (defun non-work-hours? () ;; "Return nil if during work hours, t otherwise." ;; (let* ((now (current-time)) ;; (now* (decode-time now)) ;; (work-start* (append '(0 0 8) (cdddr now*))) ; 8:00 AM ;; (work-end* (append '(0 0 18) (cdddr now*))) ; 6:00 PM ;; (work-start (encode-time work-start*)) ;; (work-end (encode-time work-end*))) ;; (or (time-less-p now work-start) ;; (time-less-p work-end now)))))) ;; (setup (:straight elfeed-org) ;; (:also-load +org-capture) ;; (:option rmh-elfeed-org-files (list (elfeed/ "elfeed.org" t))) ;; (elfeed-org) ;; (+org-capture-templates-setf "f" ;; `("Feed" entry ;; (file+olp ,(car rmh-elfeed-org-files) "Feeds") ;; "* %? %^g"))) ;; (setup (:straight (elfeed-tube :host github :repo "karthink/elfeed-tube") ;; (or (executable-find "youtube-dl") ;; (executable-find "yt-dlp"))) ;; (:straight (elfeed-tube-mpv :host github :repo "karthink/elfeed-tube")) ;; (:load-after elfeed) ;; (with-eval-after-load 'elfeed ;; (elfeed-tube-setup) ;; (:bind-into (elfeed-show-mode-map elfeed-search-mode-map) ;; "F" #'elfeed-tube-fetch ;; [remap save-buffer] #'elfeed-tube-save) ;; (:bind-into elfeed-show-mode-map ;; "C-c C-f" #'elfeed-tube-mpv-follow-mode ;; "C-c C-w" #'elfeed-tube-mpv-where))) (setup (:straight elpher) (:bind "l" #'elpher-back)) (setup (:straight embark) (:require embark +embark) (:option prefix-help-command 'embark-prefix-help-command embark-keymap-prompter-key ";") (:+key "C-." #'embark-act "M-." #'embark-dwim " B" #'embark-bindings) (:with-map minibuffer-local-map (:bind "C-." #'embark-act "M-." #'embark-dwim)) (:with-map embark-file-map (:bind "l" #'vlf))) (setup (:straight embark-consult) (:load-after consult embark) (add-hook 'embark-collect-mode-hook #'consult-preview-at-point-mode)) (setup (:straight embrace) (dolist (mode '(LaTeX-mode org-mode ruby-mode)) (add-hook (intern (format "%s-hook" mode)) (intern (format "embrace-%s-hook" mode)))) (:face 'embrace-help-pair-face '((t ( :inverse-video nil :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))) (:+key "C-," #'embrace-commander)) (setup (:straight (ement :host github :repo "alphapapa/ement.el") ;; `plz' is a requirement, but isn't on an elpa. (setup (:straight (plz :host github :repo "alphapapa/plz.el")) t))) (setup (:straight epithet) (dolist (hook '(Info-selection-hook ;; eww-after-render-hook help-mode-hook occur-mode-hook)) (add-hook hook #'epithet-rename-buffer)) (if (boundp 'eww-auto-rename-buffer) ; Emacs 29 (:option eww-auto-rename-buffer 'title) (add-hook 'eww-after-render-hook #'epithet-rename-buffer))) (setup (:straight eros) (:option eros-eval-result-prefix "; " eros-overlays-use-font-lock nil) (:hook-into emacs-lisp-mode lisp-interaction-mode)) (setup (:straight eshell-bookmark) (add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'eshell-bookmark-setup)) (setup (:straight eshell-syntax-highlighting) (:hook-into eshell-mode)) (setup (:straight eshell-vterm :quit) (:load-after eshell) (defalias 'eshell/v 'eshell-exec-visual) (eshell-vterm-mode +1)) (setup (:straight exec-path-from-shell (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)) (require 'exec-path-from-shell) (dolist (var '("SSH_AUTH_SOCK" "SSH_AGENT_PID" "GPG_AGENT_INFO" "LANG" "LC_CTYPE" "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" "XDG_DATA_HOME" "XDG_DATA_DIRS" "XDG_CACHE_HOME")) (add-to-list 'exec-path-from-shell-variables var)) (exec-path-from-shell-initialize)) (setup (:straight expand-region) (:require expand-region +expand-region) (:option expand-region-fast-keys-enabled nil) (:+key "C-=" #'er/expand-region "C--" #'+er/contract-or-negative-argument)) (setup (:straight (filldent :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/filldent.el")) (:+key "M-q" #'filldent-unfill-toggle)) (setup (:straight (flymake-collection :host github :repo "mohkale/flymake-collection")) (+ensure-after-init #'flymake-collection-hook-setup)) (setup (:straight (flyspell-correct :fork (:host github :repo "duckwork/flyspell-correct" :branch "metadata-category"))) (:load-after flyspell) (:also-load +flyspell-correct) (:option flyspell-correct--cr-key ";") (:bind-into flyspell "C-;" #'flyspell-correct-wrapper "" #'+flyspell-correct-buffer)) (setup (:straight focus) (:require) (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook (defun focus-update@after-modus-load () (modus-themes-with-colors (:face 'focus-unfocused `((t ( :foreground ,fg-inactive :background ,bg-inactive :weight normal :slant normal :extend t))))))) ;; XXX: This doesn't work, because notmuch overlays shit on the buffer (setf (alist-get 'notmuch-show-mode focus-mode-to-thing) 'notmuch-message) (:hook-into notmuch-show-mode)) (setup (:straight (forge :host github :repo "magit/forge") (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)) (:quit) ; XXX: Somehow missing compat-26 (add-to-list 'forge-alist '("tildegit.org" "tildegit.org/api/v1" "tildegit.org" forge-gitea-repository))) (setup (:straight form-feed) ;; See also `page-break-lines', further down. (:face 'form-feed-line '((t (:strike-through t)))) (global-form-feed-mode +1)) (setup (:straight (frowny :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/frowny.el")) (:option frowny-eyes (rx (any ":=") (opt "'") (? "-"))) (global-frowny-mode +1)) (setup (:straight (geiser :type git :flavor melpa :files ("elisp/*.el" "doc/*" "geiser-pkg.el") :pre-build ("make" "-Cdoc" "geiser.info") :host gitlab :repo "emacs-geiser/geiser")) (dolist (pkg '( geiser-chicken geiser-guile macrostep-geiser scheme-complete)) (straight-use-package pkg)) (:require +chicken) (:with-mode scheme-mode (:file-match (rx ".scm" eos))) (setf (alist-get "\\.scm\\'" auto-insert-alist nil nil #'equal) '(insert "#!/bin/sh\n#| -*- scheme -*-\nexec csi -s $0 \"$@\"\n|#\n"))) (setup (:straight (git-modes :host github :repo "magit/git-modes")) (:require git-modes)) (setup (:straight god-mode :quit "I could never get the hang of this.") (setq god-mode-enable-function-key-translation nil) (:require god-mode +god-mode) (:+key "C-M-g" #'god-mode-all) (:with-mode god-local-mode (:bind "i" #'+god-mode-insert "a" nil))) (setup (:straight helpful) (:+key " f" #'helpful-callable " v" #'helpful-variable " k" #'helpful-key " ." #'helpful-at-point) ;; Load faster on first invocation by pre-loading a slow function ;; (see https://github.com/Wilfred/helpful/issues/236) (run-with-idle-timer 1 nil (lambda () (require 'info-look) (info-lookup-setup-mode 'symbol 'emacs-lisp-mode)))) (setup (:straight (hippie-completing-read :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/hippie-completing-read.el")) (:+key "M-/" #'hippie-completing-read)) (setup (:straight hungry-delete) (:option hungry-delete-chars-to-skip " \t" hungry-delete-join-reluctantly nil) (+with-ensure-after-init (add-to-list 'hungry-delete-except-modes 'eshell-mode)) (:bind-into paredit ;; I define these functions here because they really require both packages ;; to make any sense. So, would I put them in `+hungry-delete' or ;; `+paredit' ? There's no satisfactory answer. [remap paredit-backward-delete] (defun acdw/paredit-hungry-delete-backward (arg) (interactive "P") (if (looking-back "[ \t]" 1) (hungry-delete-backward (or arg 1)) (paredit-backward-delete arg))) [remap paredit-forward-delete] (defun acdw/paredit-hungry-delete-forward (arg) (interactive "P") (if (looking-at "[ \t]") (hungry-delete-forward (or arg 1)) (paredit-forward-delete arg)))) (global-hungry-delete-mode +1)) (setup (:straight i3wm-config-mode (executable-find "i3"))) (setup (:straight info+) (:load-after info) (:option Info-fontify-isolated-quote-flag nil Info-breadcrumbs-in-mode-line-mode nil Info-fontify-emphasis-flag nil Info-fontify-quotations nil Info-saved-history-file (.etc "info-history")) (add-hook 'Info-mode-hook #'Info-variable-pitch-text-mode)) (setup (:straight isearch-mb) ;; This complicatedness is an attempt to make it easier to add and ;; subtract `isearch-mb' bindings using the suggestions in the ;; project's README. (:load-after consult anzu) (:when-loaded (dolist (spec '((isearch-mb--with-buffer ("M-e" . consult-isearch) ("C-o" . loccur-isearch)) (isearch-mb--after-exit ("M-%" . anzu-isearch-query-replace) ("M-s l" . consult-line)))) (let ((isearch-mb-list (car spec)) (isearch-mb-binds (cdr spec))) (dolist (cell isearch-mb-binds) (let ((key (car cell)) (command (cdr cell))) (when (fboundp command) (add-to-list isearch-mb-list command) (define-key isearch-mb-minibuffer-map (kbd key) command))))))) (isearch-mb-mode +1)) (setup (:straight (jabber :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/emacs-jabber/emacs-jabber" :files ("*.el" "*.texi" ("jabber-fallback-lib" "jabber-fallback-lib/hexrgb.el" "jabber-fallback-lib/srv.el" "jabber-fallback-lib/fsm.el") "jabber-pkg.el") :fork ( :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/emacs-jabber"))) (:require jabber +jabber) ;; (:option +jabber-pre-prompt "~ ~ ~\n") (add-to-list 'jabber-post-connect-hooks 'jabber-enable-carbons) (:option jabber-account-list '(("acdw@hmm.st")) jabber-groupchat-buffer-format "%n" jabber-chat-buffer-format "%n" jabber-muc-private-buffer-format "%n(%g)" jabber-muc-header-line-format '("" jabber-muc-topic) jabber-activity-show-p #'ignore jabber-muc-decorate-presence-patterns '(("\\( enters the room ([^)]+)\\| has left the chatroom\\)$") ("." . jabber-muc-presence-dim)) jabber-muc-colorize-foreign nil ; doesn't match my color theme jabber-groupchat-prompt-format "[%t] %n\n" jabber-chat-local-prompt-format "[%t] %n\n" jabber-chat-foreign-prompt-format "[%t] %n\n" ;; jabber-chat-foreign-prompt-format ;; (concat +jabber-pre-prompt ;; "%n\n" ;; (make-string +jabber-ws-prefix ;; ?\ )) ;; jabber-chat-local-prompt-format ;; (concat +jabber-pre-prompt ;; "%n\n" ;; (make-string +jabber-ws-prefix ;; ?\ )) ;; jabber-groupchat-prompt-format ;; (concat +jabber-pre-prompt ;; "%n\n" ;; (make-string +jabber-ws-prefix ;; ?\ )) jabber-auto-reconnect t) (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook (defun jabber-chat@after-modus-themes-load () (modus-themes-with-colors (:face 'jabber-chat-prompt-foreign `((t (:foreground ,red))) 'jabber-chat-prompt-local `((t (:foreground ,blue))) 'jabber-chat-prompt-system `((t (:foreground ,green))))) (setq jabber-muc-nick-value (pcase (frame--current-backround-mode (selected-frame)) ('light 0.5) ('dark 1.0))) (+mapc-some-buffers #'+jabber-colors-update (lambda () (derived-mode-p 'jabber-chat-mode 'jabber-roster-mode 'jabber-activity-mode 'jabber-browse-mode))))) (dolist (mode '(jabber-chat-mode jabber-browse-mode jabber-roster-mode jabber-console-mode)) (let ((hook (intern (format "%s-hook" mode)))) (add-hook hook #'visual-fill-column-mode) ;; (add-hook hook (lambda () (setq-local wrap-prefix " "))) )) (with-eval-after-load 'tracking (add-to-list 'tracking-ignored-buffers "discuss@conference.soprani.ca")) (:with-mode jabber-chat-mode (:local-set +modeline-position-function (lambda () (cond ((string-match-p "hmm@" (buffer-name)) "🤔 "))) file-percentage-mode nil ;; wrap-prefix (make-string +jabber-ws-prefix ?\ ) comment-start nil)) (:+leader "C-j" jabber-global-keymap) (advice-add 'jabber-activity-add :after #'+jabber-tracking-add) (advice-add 'jabber-activity-add-muc :after #'+jabber-tracking-add-muc) ;;; Alerting hooks --- remove echo messages (remove-hook 'jabber-alert-muc-hooks 'jabber-muc-echo) (remove-hook 'jabber-alert-presence-hooks 'jabber-presence-echo)) (setup (:straight (keepassxc-shim :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/keepassxc-shim.el")) (keepassxc-shim-activate)) (setup (:straight keychain-environment (executable-find "keychain")) (keychain-refresh-environment)) (setup (:straight lacarte) (:+key "" #'lacarte-execute-menu-command)) (setup (:straight (lin :host nil :repo "https://git.sr.ht/~protesilaos/lin")) (:require) (lin-global-mode +1)) (setup (:straight link-hint) (:require +link-hint) (+link-hint-open-secondary-setup) (+link-hint-open-chrome-setup) (:option link-hint-avy-style 'at-full) (:+key "M-l" +link-hint-map) (:with-map +link-hint-map (:bind "M-l" #'+link-hint-open-link "l" #'+link-hint-open-link "M-o" #'+link-hint-open-secondary "o" #'+link-hint-open-secondary "M-m" #'link-hint-open-multiple-links "m" #'link-hint-open-multiple-links "M-w" #'link-hint-copy-link "w" #'link-hint-copy-link "M-c" #'+link-hint-open-chrome "c" #'+link-hint-open-chrome))) (setup (:straight (machine :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/machine.el")) (+with-ensure-after-init ; So that they override anything here. ;; Emoji fonts (let ((ffl (font-family-list)) (emoji-fonts '("Noto Color Emoji" "Noto Emoji" "Segoe UI Emoji" "Apple Color Emoji" "FreeSans" "FreeMono" "FreeSerif" "Unifont" "Symbola"))) (dolist (font emoji-fonts) (when (member font ffl) (set-fontset-font t 'symbol (font-spec :family font) nil :append)))) (machine-settings-load))) (setup (:straight macrostep) (:require macrostep) (dolist (m '(emacs-lisp-mode-map lisp-interaction-mode-map)) (define-key (symbol-value m) (kbd "C-c e") #'macrostep-expand))) (setup (:straight (magit :host github :repo "magit/magit" :build (:not compile)) (:straight (transient :host github :repo "magit/transient" :build (:not compile)))) (autoload 'transient--with-suspended-override "transient")) (setup (:straight marginalia) (marginalia-mode +1)) (setup (:straight markdown-mode) (:option markdown-hide-markup nil) (:file-match (rx (or ".md" ".markdown" ".mdown") eos)) (with-eval-after-load 'visual-fill-column (:hook #'visual-fill-column-mode)) (with-eval-after-load 'apheleia (when-let ((mdfmt-exe (executable-find "markdownfmt"))) (setf (alist-get 'markdownfmt apheleia-formatters) mdfmt-exe) (setf (alist-get 'markdown-mode apheleia-mode-alist) 'markdownfmt) (setf (alist-get 'gfm-mode apheleia-mode-alist) 'markdownfmt)))) (setup (:straight (mastodon :fork (:host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/mastodon.el"))) (:option mastodon-instance-url "https://tiny.tilde.website" mastodon-active-user "acdw" mastodon-client--token-file (.etc "mastodon.plstore") mastodon-auth-source-file (seq-some (lambda (i) (when (and (stringp i) (file-exists-p i)) i)) auth-sources) mastodon-tl--show-avatars t mastodon-tl--enable-proportional-fonts nil) (:hook #'mastodon-async-mode #'variable-pitch-mode #'hl-line-mode #'lin-mode)) (setup (:straight minions) (minions-mode +1)) (setup (:straight (mode-line-bell :host github :repo "purcell/mode-line-bell" :fork (:host github :repo "duckwork/mode-line-bell" :branch "remap-face"))) ;; This is still, annoyingly, not quite working right. (:face 'mode-line-bell '((t (:inherit mode-line-highlight)))) (:option mode-line-bell-flash-time 0.1) (mode-line-bell-mode +1)) (setup (:straight (modus-themes :host nil :repo "https://git.sr.ht/~protesilaos/modus-themes")) (require 'modus-themes (.etc "straight/build/modus-themes/modus-themes")) (:option modus-themes-mixed-fonts t modus-themes-bold-constructs t modus-themes-italic-constructs t modus-themes-headings '((1 monochrome bold overline) (2 monochrome bold) (3 monochrome italic) (t monochrome))) (dotimes (facen-1 8) (let ((facen (1+ facen-1))) (custom-set-faces `(,(intern (format "org-level-%s" facen)) ((t :inherit (,(intern (format "modus-themes-heading-%s" facen)) fixed-pitch)) :now))))) (:face 'modus-themes-tab-active '((t ( :bold nil))) 'modus-themes-tab-inactive '((t ( :italic t)))) (define-advice modus-themes--current-theme (:around (fn &rest r)) "Fix a \"nil is not a Modus theme\" error." (or (apply fn r) 'modus-operandi)) ;; This needs to be after the themes are loaded, I think. (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook (defun +modus-themes-mostly-monochrome () "Set up mdous-themes to be mostly monochrome." ;; Major mode in the mode-line (modus-themes-with-colors (custom-set-faces `(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified))) `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class :inherit variable-pitch :slant italic :foreground ,fg-comment-yellow))) `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-comment-yellow))) `(font-lock-constant-face ((,class :inherit underline :foreground unspecified))) `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-docstring))) `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified :slant italic))) `(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified))) `(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified))) `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class :foreground unspecified))) `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-backslash))) `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct))) `(font-lock-string-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm))) `(font-lock-type-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified))) `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified))) `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,red-nuanced-fg))) `(font-lock-todo-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face :foreground ,fg-header :background ,yellow-intense-bg))) ;; `(mode-line ;; ((,class :height 100))) ;; `(mode-line-inactive ;; ((,class :height 100))) ;; `(tab-bar ;; ((,class :height 100))) )))) (require 'dawn) (dawn-schedule #'modus-themes-load-operandi #'modus-themes-load-vivendi)) (setup (:straight mwim) (:require +mwim) (:option +mwim-passthrough-modes '(comint-mode eshell-mode vterm-mode crossword-mode geiser-repl-mode)) (:global "C-a" #'mwim-beginning "C-e" #'mwim-end)) (setup (:straight native-complete) (with-eval-after-load 'shell (native-complete-setup-bash)) (:with-hook shell-mode-hook (:local-set completion-at-point-functions (cons 'native-complete-at-point completion-at-point-functions)))) (setup (:straight notmuch-bookmarks) (:load-after notmuch) (:when-loaded (notmuch-bookmarks-mode +1))) (setup (:straight notmuch-labeler :quit "Buggy") (:load-after notmuch)) (setup (:straight (notmuch-tags :repo "https://git.madhouse-project.org/algernon/notmuch-tags.el" :fork (:repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/notmuch-tags.el")))) (setup (:straight nov) (:hook #'visual-fill-column-mode) (:file-match (rx ".epub" eos))) (setup (:straight (nyan-mode :fork (:repo "duckwork/nyan-mode"))) (:require nyan-mode +nyan-mode) (with-eval-after-load 'modus-themes (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook (defun +nyan-modus-update-colors () (modus-themes-with-colors (set-face-attribute '+nyan-mode-line nil :background bg-special-warm)))) (+nyan-modus-update-colors)) (+nyan-mode +1)) (setup (:straight ol-notmuch)) (setup (:straight orderless) (:require +orderless) (:option completion-styles '(substring orderless basic) completion-category-defaults nil completion-category-overrides '((file (styles basic partial-completion)) (command (styles +orderless-with-initialism)) (variable (styles +orderless-with-initialism)) (symbol (styles +orderless-with-initialism))) orderless-component-separator #'orderless-escapable-split-on-space orderless-style-dispatchers '(+orderless-dispatch))) (setup (:straight org-appear) (:option org-appear-autoemphasis t org-appear-autoentities t org-appear-autokeywords t org-appear-autolinks nil org-appear-autosubmarkers t org-appear-delay 0) (:hook-into org-mode)) (setup (:straight org-download) (:require) (:option org-download-method 'attach org-download-backend (cond ((executable-find "curl") 'curl) ((executable-find "wget") 'wget) (:else 'url-retrieve))) (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'org-download-enable)) (setup (:straight (org-drawer-list :host github :repo "d12frosted/org-drawer-list")) (:load-after org) (:also-load +org-drawer-list)) (setup (:straight org-mime) (:option org-mime-export-ascii 'utf-8) (add-hook 'message-mode-hook (defun org-mime-setup@message-mode () (local-set-key (kbd "C-c M-o") 'org-mime-htmlize))) (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (defun org-mime-setup@org-mode () (local-set-key (kbd "C-c M-o") 'org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize)))) (setup (:straight (org-taskwise :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/org-taskwise.el.git")) (with-eval-after-load 'org (require 'org-taskwise) (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-x n t") #'org-taskwise-narrow-to-task))) (setup (:straight org-wc) (:load-after org simple-modeline) (:also-load +org-wc) (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'+org-wc-mode)) (setup (:straight orglink) (:option orglink-activate-in-modes '(text-mode prog-mode)) (global-orglink-mode +1) (global-goto-address-mode -1)) (setup (:straight package-lint)) (setup (:straight package-lint-flymake) (add-hook 'emacs-mode-hook #'package-lint-flymake-setup) ;; Remove it from init.el files (add-hook '+init-mode-hook #'flymake-mode-off)) (setup (:straight page-break-lines) (:option page-break-lines-char ?—) (:hook-into jabber-chat-mode)) (setup (:straight paredit) (:also-load +paredit) (:bind "DEL" #'paredit-backward-delete "C-" #'+paredit-backward-kill-word "C-w" (lambda (arg) (interactive "P") (+kill-word-backward-or-region arg #'paredit-backward-kill-word)) "M-s" nil) (dolist (hook '(emacs-lisp-mode-hook eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook ielm-mode-hook lisp-interaction-mode-hook lisp-mode-hook scheme-mode-hook geiser-mode-hook geiser-repl-mode-hook)) (add-hook hook #'enable-paredit-mode)) (:also-load eldoc) (eldoc-add-command #'paredit-backward-delete #'paredit-close-round)) (setup (:straight paren-face) (:hook-into emacs-lisp-mode ielm-mode sly-repl-mode lisp-mode lisp-interaction-mode scheme-mode)) (setup (:straight pdf-tools (or (executable-find "gcc") (executable-find "g++"))) (:also-load +pdf-tools) (:with-mode pdf-view-mode (:local-set +modeline-position-function #'+pdf-view-position) (:file-match (rx ".pdf" eos))) (pdf-tools-install :no-query)) (setup (:straight persistent-scratch) (:require) (:option persistent-scratch-save-file (sync/ "emacs/scratch") persistent-scratch-backup-directory (sync/ "emacs/scratch.d/" t) persistent-scratch-backup-file-name-format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M_%s") (persistent-scratch-autosave-mode +1) (+mapc-some-buffers (lambda () (persistent-scratch-mode +1)) persistent-scratch-scratch-buffer-p-function)) (setup (:straight (plancat :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/plancat.el")) (:option plancat-user "acdw")) (setup (:straight pocket-reader) (:option pocket-reader-open-url-default-function #'browse-url) (:+leader "p" #'pocket-reader "C-p" #'pocket-reader) (dolist (mode '((eww-mode-map . eww) (w3m-mode-map . w3m) (elfeed-search-mode-map . elfeed-search) (elfeed-show-mode-map . elfeed-show))) (with-eval-after-load (cdr mode) (define-key (symbol-value (car mode)) "\"" #'pocket-reader-add-link)) (with-eval-after-load '+link-hint (+link-hint-pocket-add-setup) (define-key +link-hint-map "M-\"" #'+link-hint-pocket-add) (define-key +link-hint-map "\"" #'+link-hint-pocket-add)))) (setup (:straight rainbow-mode) (:hook-into prog-mode)) (setup (:straight (shell-command+ :host nil :repo "https://git.sr.ht/~pkal/shell-command-plus")) (:option shell-command-prompt "$ ") (:bind-into dired "M-!" 'shell-command+) (:+key "M-!" #'shell-command+)) (setup (:straight sicp)) (setup (:straight (simple-modeline :host github :repo "gexplorer/simple-modeline" :fork (:host github :repo "duckwork/simple-modeline"))) (:require +modeline) (:option +modeline-modified-icon-alist '((ephemeral . "~") (special . "*") (readonly . "=") (modified . "+") (t . "-")) +modeline-minions-icon "&" +modeline-buffer-name-max-length 0.35) ;; Segments (:option simple-modeline-segments `(( ; left +modeline-ace-window-display +modeline-modified +modeline-buffer-name +modeline-major-mode (lambda () (+modeline-vc " : ")) +modeline-nyan-on-focused +modeline-anzu ) ( ; right simple-modeline-segment-process (lambda () (unless +tab-bar-misc-info-mode (+modeline-concat '(+modeline-track simple-modeline-segment-misc-info)))) ,(+modeline-concat '(+modeline-god-mode +modeline-kmacro-indicator +modeline-reading-mode +modeline-narrowed +modeline-text-scale +modeline-input-method) " ") +modeline-position +modeline-spacer ))) (simple-modeline-mode +1)) (setup (:straight slack) (:also-load +slack) (:option slack-prefer-current-team t slack-buffer-emojify t slack-thread-also-send-to-room nil slack-typing-visibility 'buffer slack-buffer-create-on-notify t slack-enable-wysiwyg t slack-file-dir (xdg-user-dir "DOWNLOAD") slack-display-team-name nil) (with-eval-after-load '+slack (+slack-register-teams)) (with-eval-after-load 'alert ;; Don't notify for Slack messages (alert-add-rule :category "slack" :style 'ignore))) (setup (:straight sly (defvar +lisp-bin (executable-find "sbcl"))) (:also-load sly-autoloads +sly) (:option inferior-lisp-program +lisp-bin sly-kill-without-query-p t) (:with-feature sly-mrepl (dolist (key '("RET" "")) (:bind key #'sly-mrepl-return-at-end)) (:bind "C-c C-c" #'sly-mrepl-return))) (setup (:straight smartscan) (:with-map smartscan-map (:bind "M-'" nil)) (:hook-into prog-mode)) (setup (:straight (sophomore :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/sophomore.el")) (sophomore-enable #'narrow-to-region) (sophomore-disable ; These are mostly annoying commands #'view-hello-file #'describe-gnu-project #'suspend-frame) (sophomore-disable-with 'confirm #'save-buffers-kill-terminal) (sophomore-disable-with 'confirm-y #'+save-buffers-quit) (sophomore-mode +1)) (setup (:straight (spongebob-case :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/spongebob-case.el"))) (setup (:straight ssh-config-mode) (:file-match (rx "/.ssh/config" eos) (rx "/ssh" (? "d") "_config" eos)) (:with-mode ssh-known-hosts-mode (:file-match (rx "/knownhosts" eos))) (:with-mode ssh-authorized-keys-mode (:file-match (rx "/authorized_keys" (? "2") eos)))) ;; (setup (:straight super-save) ;; (:option auto-save-default nil ;; super-save-auto-save-when-idle t ;; super-save-idle-duration 30 ;; super-save-exclude '(".gpg") ;; super-save-remote-files nil) ;; (auto-save-visited-mode -1) ;; (super-save-mode +1)) (setup (:straight systemd (executable-find "systemd")) (:option systemd-man-function 'woman)) (setup (:straight (titlecase :host nil :repo "https://codeberg.org/acdw/titlecase.el" :files ("*"))) (:require titlecase +titlecase) (add-to-list 'titlecase-skip-words-regexps (rx word-boundary (+ (any upper digit)) word-boundary)) (:with-map +casing-map (:bind "t" #'titlecase-dwim "M-t" #'titlecase-dwim "s" #'+titlecase-sentence-style-dwim "M-s" #'+titlecase-sentence-style-dwim))) (setup (:straight topsy) (:hook-into ;;prog-mode circe-chat-mode) (:when-loaded (:option topsy-header-line-format '(:eval (list (propertize " " 'display `((space :align-to ,(unless (bound-and-true-p visual-fill-column-mode) 0)))) (funcall topsy-fn)))))) (setup (:straight transpose-frame) (defvar +transpose-frame-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (dolist (bind '(("t" . transpose-frame) ("v" . flip-frame) ("h" . flop-frame) ("r" . rotate-frame-clockwise) ("R" . rotate-frame-anticlockwise))) (define-key map (car bind) (cdr bind))) map) "Map for transposing frames.") (define-key +key-mode-map (kbd "C-x 5 t") +transpose-frame-map)) (setup (:straight trashed) (:+leader "t" #'trashed) (:option trashed-action-confirmer #'y-or-n-p trashed-use-header-line t trashed-size-format 'human-readable)) (setup (:straight undo-fu) (:quit "Trying native undo functionality") (:option undo-fu-allow-undo-in-region t) (:global "C-/" #'undo-fu-only-undo "C-?" #'undo-fu-only-redo)) (setup (:straight undo-fu-session) (:option undo-fu-session-incompatible-files '("/COMMIT_EDITMSG\\'" "/git-rebase-todo\\'") undo-fu-session-directory (.etc "undo/" t) undo-fu-session-compression (cond ((executable-find "gzip") 'gz) ((executable-find "bzip2") 'bz2) ((executable-find "xz") 'xz) (t nil))) (global-undo-fu-session-mode +1)) (setup (:straight (undo-hl :host github :repo "casouri/undo-hl")) (:require) (:face 'undo-hl-delete '((t :strikethrough t)) 'undo-hl-insert '((t :underline t))) (:hook-into text-mode prog-mode)) (setup (:straight valign :quit "Doesn't work with narrowed tables.") (:option valign-fancy-bar t) (:hook-into org-mode markdown-mode)) (setup (:straight (vertico :host github :repo "minad/vertico" :files ("*" "extensions/*" (:exclude ".git")))) (:require vertico +vertico) (:option resize-mini-windows 'grow-only vertico-count-format nil vertico-cycle t) (advice-add #'vertico-next :around #'+vertico-ding-wrap) (when (boundp 'native-comp-deferred-compilation-deny-list) (add-to-list 'native-comp-deferred-compilation-deny-list "vertico")) (vertico-mode +1) ;; Extensions (:also-load vertico-directory vertico-mouse vertico-quick) (vertico-mouse-mode +1) (:with-map vertico-map (:bind "RET" #'vertico-directory-enter "DEL" #'vertico-directory-delete-char "M-DEL" #'vertico-directory-delete-word "TAB" #'+vertico-widen-or-complete "M-j" #'vertico-quick-insert)) (add-hook 'rfn-eshadow-update-overlay-hook #'vertico-directory-tidy)) (setup (:straight visual-fill-column) (:option visual-fill-column-center-text t (append reading-modes) '(visual-fill-column-mode . +1)) (:hook #'visual-line-mode) (:hook-into org-mode) (advice-add #'text-scale-adjust :after #'visual-fill-column-adjust) (:global [f12] #'visual-fill-column-mode)) (setup (:straight vlf) (:require vlf-setup)) (setup (:straight vterm (and module-file-suffix (executable-find "cmake")) :quit) (:also-load +vterm) (:option vterm-always-compile-module t vterm-buffer-name-string "vterm: %s" vterm-max-scrollback 100000 ; max allowed by vterm-module.h ) (advice-add 'counsel-yank-pop-action :around #'+vterm-counsel-yank-pop-action)) (setup (:straight (vundo :host github :repo "casouri/vundo"))) (setup (:straight web-mode) (:file-match (rx "." (or "htm" "html" "phtml" "tpl.php" "asp" "gsp" "jsp" "ascx" "aspx" "erb" "mustache" "djhtml") eos)) (with-eval-after-load 'apheleia (setf (alist-get 'web-mode apheleia-mode-alist) 'prettier))) (setup (:straight whitespace-cleanup-mode) (:option whitespace-cleanup-mode-preserve-point t whitespace-cleanup-mode-only-if-initially-clean nil) (global-whitespace-cleanup-mode +1)) (setup (:straight wrap-region) (:require wrap-region) (wrap-region-add-wrappers '(("*" "*" nil org-mode) ("~" "~" nil org-mode) ("/" "/" nil org-mode) ("=" "=" nil org-mode) ("+" "+" nil org-mode) ("_" "_" nil org-mode) ("$" "$" nil (org-mode latex-mode)))) (:hook-into org-mode latex-mode)) (setup (:straight xkcd) (:also-load +xkcd) (:hook #'visual-fill-column-mode)) (setup (:straight xr)) (setup (:straight yaoddmuse)) (setup (:straight yasnippet) (:option yas-snippet-dirs (list (expand-file-name "snippets" user-emacs-directory) (sync/ "emacs/snippets" t))) (yas-global-mode +1)) (setup (:straight (ytdious :host github :repo "spiderbit/ytdious" :fork (:host github :repo "duckwork/ytdious"))) (:also-load +ytdious) (:option ytdious-invidious-api-url (if +invidious-host (concat "https://" +invidious-host) "https://invidious.snopyta.org")) (:bind "y" #'+ytdious-watch)) (setup (:straight zoom-frm) (:+key "M-+" #'zoom-frm-in "M-_" #'zoom-frm-out)) (setup (:straight zzz-to-char) (:require +zzz-to-char) (:option zzz-to-char-reach (+bytes 1 :kib)) (:global "M-z" #'+zzz-to-char))