;;; +modeline.el --- my modeline customizations -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;;; Commentary: ;; `+modeline.el' is kind of a dumping ground for various ;; modeline-related functions. I probably don't use everything in ;; here. Credit given where possible. ;;; Code: (require '+util) (require 'simple-modeline) (require 'minions) (defgroup +modeline nil "Various customization options for my modeline things." :prefix "+modeline-" :group 'simple-modeline) (defcustom +modeline-default-spacer " " "Default spacer to use for modeline elements. All modeline elements take an optional argument, `spacer', which will default to this string.") ;;; Combinators (defun +modeline-concat (segments &optional separator) "Concatenate multiple `simple-modeline'-style SEGMENTS. SEGMENTS is a list of either modeline segment-functions (see `simple-modeline' functions for an example of types of functions), though it can also contain cons cells of the form (SEGMENT . PREDICATE). Segments are separated from each other using SEPARATOR, which defaults to a \" \". space. Only segments that evaluate to a non-trivial string (that is, a string not equal to \"\") will be separated, for a cleaner look. This function makes a lambda, so you can throw it straight into `simple-modeline-segments'." (setq separator (or separator +modeline-default-spacer)) (lambda () (apply #'concat (let (this-sep result-list) (dolist (segment segments) (push (funcall (or (car-safe segment) segment) this-sep) result-list) (if (or (cdr-safe segment) (and (car result-list) (not (equal (car result-list) "")))) (setq this-sep separator) (setq this-sep nil))) (unless (seq-some #'null result-list) (push +modeline-default-spacer result-list)) (nreverse result-list))))) ;;; Modeline segments (defun +modeline-buffer-name (&optional spacer) ; gonsie "Display the buffer name." (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (propertize (+string-align (buffer-name) 20 :ellipsis nil) 'help-echo (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name)) 'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))) (defcustom +modeline-minions-icon "&" "The \"icon\" for `+modeline-minions' button." :type 'string) (defun +modeline-minions (&optional spacer) "Display a button for `minions-minor-modes-menu'." (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (propertize +modeline-minions-icon 'help-echo "Minor modes menu\nmouse-1: show menu." 'local-map (purecopy (simple-modeline-make-mouse-map 'mouse-1 (lambda (event) (interactive "e") (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event)) (minions-minor-modes-menu))))) 'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))) (defun +modeline-major-mode (&optional spacer) "Display the current `major-mode'." (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (propertize (+string-truncate (format-mode-line mode-name) 16) 'face 'bold 'keymap mode-line-major-mode-keymap 'help-echo (concat (format-mode-line mode-name) " mode\nmouse-1: show menu.") 'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))) (defcustom +modeline-modified-icon-alist '((ephemeral . "*") (readonly . "=") (modified . "+") (special . "~") (t . "-")) "\"Icons\" to display depending on buffer status in modeline. The CAR of each field is one of `readonly', `modified', `special', `ephemeral', or t, and the CDR is a string to display in that mode. `readonly' is true if the buffer is read-only and visiting a file. `modified' is true if the buffer is modified. `special' is true if the buffer is a special-mode or derived buffer. `ephemeral' is true if the buffer is not visiting a file. t is the fall-back, shown when nothing else in the alist applies. The order of elements matters: whichever one matches first is applied." :type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type string) :options '("readonly" "modified" "special" "t")) (defcustom +modeline-modified-icon-special-modes '(special-mode) "Modes to apply the `special-mode' icon to in the `+modeline-modified'." :type '(repeat function)) (defun +modeline-modified (&optional spacer) ; modified from `simple-modeline-status-modified' "Display a color-coded \"icon\" indicator for the buffer's status." (let* ((icon (catch :icon (dolist (cell +modeline-modified-icon-alist) (when (pcase (car cell) ('ephemeral (not (buffer-file-name))) ('readonly buffer-read-only) ('modified (buffer-modified-p)) ('special (apply 'derived-mode-p +modeline-modified-icon-special-modes)) ('t t) (_ nil)) (throw :icon (cdr cell))))))) (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (propertize (or icon "") 'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight)))) (defun +modeline-buffer-modes (&optional spacer) "Display various buffer-specific stuff cleanly." ;; This is clunky and should probably be improved. (concat (+modeline-reading-mode) (+modeline-narrowed (when reading-mode ",")))) (defun +modeline-narrowed (&optional spacer) "Display an indication that the buffer is narrowed." (when (buffer-narrowed-p) (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (propertize "N" 'help-echo (format "%s\n%s" "Buffer is narrowed." "mouse-2: widen buffer.") 'local-map (purecopy (simple-modeline-make-mouse-map 'mouse-2 'mode-line-widen)) 'face 'font-lock-doc-face 'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight)))) (defun +modeline-reading-mode (&optional spacer) "Display an indication that the buffer is in `reading-mode'." (when reading-mode (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (propertize (concat "R" (when (bound-and-true-p +eww-readable-p) "w")) 'help-echo (format "%s\n%s" "Buffer is in reading-mode." "mouse-2: disable reading-mode.") 'local-map (purecopy (simple-modeline-make-mouse-map 'mouse-2 (lambda (ev) (interactive "e") (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start ev)) (reading-mode -1) (force-mode-line-update))))) 'face 'font-lock-doc-face 'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight)))) (define-minor-mode file-percentage-mode "Toggle the percentage display in the mode line (File Percentage Mode)." :init-value t :global t :group 'mode-line) (defun +modeline-file-percentage (&optional spacer) "Display the position in the current file." `(,(or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (:propertize (file-percentage-mode (" " (-3 "%p") "%%")) font-lock-face font-lock-comment-face))) (define-minor-mode region-indicator-mode "Toggle the region indicator in the mode line." :init-value t :global t :group 'mode-line) (defun +modeline-region (&optional spacer) "Display an indicator if the region is active." (when (and region-indicator-mode (region-active-p)) (list (format "%s%6s" (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (propertize (format "%s%d" (if (and (< (point) (mark))) "-" "+") (apply '+ (mapcar (lambda (pos) (- (cdr pos) (car pos))) (region-bounds)))) 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-variable-name-face))))) (defun +modeline-line-column (&optional spacer) ; adapted from `simple-modeline' "Display the current cursor line and column depending on modes." (let ((sep "|") (before " [") (after "]")) `(,(or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (:propertize (line-number-mode ((column-number-mode (column-number-indicator-zero-based ,(concat before "%l" sep "%c" after) ,(concat before "%l" sep "%C" after)) ,(concat before "%l" sep "" after))) ((column-number-mode (column-number-indicator-zero-based ,(concat before sep "%c" after) ,(concat before sep "%C" after))))) font-lock-face font-lock-comment-face)))) (defun +modeline-position (&optional _) "Display the current cursor position. See `line-number-mode', `column-number-mode', `file-percentage-mode'" (append (+modeline-line-column) (+modeline-region) (+modeline-file-percentage))) (defun +modeline-vc (&optional spacer) "Display the version control branch of the current buffer in the modeline." ;; from https://www.gonsie.com/blorg/modeline.html, from Doom (if-let ((backend (vc-backend buffer-file-name))) (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (substring vc-mode (+ (if (eq backend 'Hg) 2 3) 2))))) (defun +modeline-track (&optional spacer) "Display `tracking-mode' information." (when tracking-mode tracking-mode-line-buffers)) (defun +modeline-anzu (&optional spacer) "Display `anzu--update-mode-line'." (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (anzu--update-mode-line))) (defun +modeline-text-scale (&optional spacer) "Display text scaling level." ;; adapted from https://github.com/seagle0128/doom-modeline (when (and (boundp 'text-scale-mode-amount) (/= text-scale-mode-amount 0)) (format (if (> text-scale-mode-amount 0) "%s(%+d)" "%s(%-d)") (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) text-scale-mode-amount))) (defun +modeline-ace-window-display (&optional spacer) "Display `ace-window-display-mode' information in the modeline." (when (and +ace-window-display-mode ace-window-mode) (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (window-parameter (selected-window) 'ace-window-path)))) (defun +modeline-god-mode (&optional spacer) "Display an icon when `god-mode' is active." (when (and (boundp 'god-local-mode) god-local-mode) (concat (or spacer +modeline-default-spacer) (propertize "Ω" 'help-echo (concat "God mode is active." "\nmouse-1: exit God mode.") 'local-map (purecopy (simple-modeline-make-mouse-map 'mouse-1 (lambda (e) (interactive "e") (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start ev)) (god-local-mode -1) (force-mode-line-update))))) 'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight)))) (provide '+modeline) ;;; +modeline.el ends here