;;; +org-drawer-list.el --- Add stuff to org drawers easy-style -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (require 'org) (require '+org) (require 'ol) (require 'org-drawer-list) (defcustom +org-drawer-list-resources-drawer "RESOURCES" "Where to add links with `+org-drawer-list-add-resource'.") (defun +org-drawer-list-add-resource (url &optional title) "Add URL to the resource drawer of the current tree. The resource drawer is given by the variable `+org-drawer-list-resources-drawer'. If optional TITLE is given, format the list item as an Org link." (interactive (let* ((clipboard-url (if (string-match-p (rx (sequence bos (or "http" "gemini" "gopher" "tel" "mailto"))) (current-kill 0)) (string-trim (current-kill 0)) (read-string "URL: "))) (url-title (let ((clipboard-headings (+org-insert--get-title-and-headings clipboard-url))) (read-string "title (edit): " (completing-read "title: " clipboard-headings nil nil nil nil (car clipboard-headings)))))) (list clipboard-url url-title))) (org-drawer-list-add +org-drawer-list-resources-drawer (org-link-make-string url title))) (provide '+org-drawer-list) ;;; +org-drawer-list.el ends here