;;; +tab-bar.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;;; Commentary: ;; Emacs 28 comes with an easy-to-use `tab-bar-format' option, but I still use ;; Emacs 27 on my Windows machine. Thus, the code in this file. ;;; Code: (require 'tab-bar) ;; Common (defun +tab-bar-misc-info () "Display `mode-line-misc-info', formatted for the tab-bar." `((global menu-item ,(string-trim-right (format-mode-line mode-line-misc-info)) ignore))) (defvar +tab-bar-show-original nil "Original value of `tab-bar-show'.") (defun +tab-bar-basename () "Generate the tab name from the basename of the buffer of the selected window." (let* ((tab-file-name (buffer-file-name (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window))))) (concat " " (if tab-file-name (file-name-nondirectory tab-file-name) (+tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-left))))) (defun +tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-left () "Generate the tab name from the buffer of the selected window. This is just like `tab-bar-tab-name-truncated', but truncates the name to the left." (let* ((tab-name (buffer-name (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window)))) (ellipsis (cond (tab-bar-tab-name-ellipsis) ((char-displayable-p ?…) "…") ("..."))) (l-ell (length ellipsis)) (l-name (length tab-name))) (if (< (length tab-name) tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-max) tab-name (propertize (concat (when (> (+ l-name l-ell) tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-max) ellipsis) (truncate-string-to-width tab-name l-name (max 0 (- l-name tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-max l-ell)))) 'help-echo tab-name)))) ;;; Menu bar ;; stole from https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/blob/master/lisp/tab-bar.el (defun +tab-bar-menu-bar (event) "Pop up the same menu as displayed by the menu bar. Used by `tab-bar-format-menu-bar'." (interactive "e") (let ((menu (make-sparse-keymap (propertize "Menu Bar" 'hide t)))) (run-hooks 'activate-menubar-hook 'menu-bar-update-hook) (map-keymap (lambda (key binding) (when (consp binding) (define-key-after menu (vector key) (copy-sequence binding)))) (menu-bar-keymap)) (popup-menu menu event))) (defun +tab-bar-format-menu-bar () "Produce the Menu button for the tab bar that shows the menu bar." `((menu-bar menu-item (propertize "Ɛ " 'face 'tab-bar-tab-inactive) +tab-bar-menu-bar :help "Menu Bar"))) ;;; Tab bar format tabs (require 'el-patch) (el-patch-defun tab-bar--format-tab (tab i) (append (el-patch-remove `((,(intern (format "sep-%i" i)) menu-item ,(tab-bar-separator) ignore))) (cond ((eq (car tab) 'current-tab) `((current-tab menu-item ,(funcall tab-bar-tab-name-format-function tab i) ignore :help "Current tab"))) (t `((,(intern (format "tab-%i" i)) menu-item ,(funcall tab-bar-tab-name-format-function tab i) ,(or (alist-get 'binding tab) `(lambda () (interactive) (tab-bar-select-tab ,i))) :help "Click to visit tab")))) `((,(if (eq (car tab) 'current-tab) 'C-current-tab (intern (format "C-tab-%i" i))) menu-item "" ,(or (alist-get 'close-binding tab) `(lambda () (interactive) (tab-bar-close-tab ,i))))))) ;; Emacs 27 (defun +tab-bar-misc-info-27 (output &rest _) "Display `mode-line-misc-info' in the `tab-bar' on Emacs 27. This is :filter-return advice for `tab-bar-make-keymap-1'." (let* ((reserve (length (format-mode-line mode-line-misc-info))) (str (propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right (- 0 right-margin) ,reserve))))) (prog1 (append output `((align-right menu-item ,str nil)) (+tab-bar-misc-info))))) ;; Emacs 28 (defvar +tab-bar-format-original nil "Original value of `tab-bar-format'.") (defun +tab-bar-misc-info-28 () "Display `mode-line-misc-info', right-aligned, on Emacs 28." (append (unless (memq 'tab-bar-format-align-right tab-bar-format) '(tab-bar-format-align-right)) '(+tab-bar-misc-info))) (define-minor-mode +tab-bar-misc-info-mode "Show the `mode-line-misc-info' in the `tab-bar'." :lighter "" :global t (if +tab-bar-misc-info-mode (progn ; Enable (setq +tab-bar-show-original tab-bar-show) (cond ((boundp 'tab-bar-format) ; Emacs 28 (setq +tab-bar-format-original tab-bar-format) (unless (memq '+tab-bar-misc-info tab-bar-format) (setq tab-bar-format (append tab-bar-format (+tab-bar-misc-info-28))))) ((fboundp 'tab-bar-make-keymap-1) ; Emacs 27 (advice-add 'tab-bar-make-keymap-1 :filter-return '+tab-bar-misc-info-27))) (setq tab-bar-show t)) (progn ; Disable (setq tab-bar-show +tab-bar-show-original) (cond ((boundp 'tab-bar-format) ; Emacs 28 (setq tab-bar-format +tab-bar-format-original)) ((fboundp 'tab-bar-make-keymap-1) ; Emacs 27 (advice-remove 'tab-bar-make-keymap-1 '+tab-bar-misc-info-27)))))) (provide '+tab-bar) ;;; +tab-bar.el ends here