:;;; acdw.el -*- lexical-binding: t; coding: utf-8-unix -*- ;; ;; Author: Case Duckworth ;; Created: Sometime during Covid-19, 2020 ;; Keywords: configuration ;; URL: https://tildegit.org/acdw/emacs ;; ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;;; License: ;; ;; Everyone is permitted to do whatever with this software, without ;; limitation. This software comes without any warranty whatsoever, ;; but with two pieces of advice: ;; - Don't hurt yourself. ;; - Make good choices. ;; ;;; Commentary: ;; `acdw.el' contains `acdw/map', its mode, and assorted ease-of-life ;; functions for me, acdw. ;; ;;; Code: ;;; Utilities (defun acdw/when-unfocused (func &rest args) "Call FUNC, with ARGS, iff all Emacs frames are out of focus. Ready for use with `after-focus-change-function'." (when (seq-every-p #'null (mapcar #'frame-focus-state (frame-list))) (apply func args))) (defun acdw/sunrise-sunset (sunrise-command sunset-command) "Run commands at sunrise and sunset." (let* ((times-regex (rx (* nonl) (: (any ?s ?S) "unrise") " " (group (repeat 1 2 digit) ":" (repeat 1 2 digit) (: (any ?a ?A ?p ?P) (any ?m ?M))) (* nonl) (: (any ?s ?S) "unset") " " (group (repeat 1 2 digit) ":" (repeat 1 2 digit) (: (any ?a ?A ?p ?P) (any ?m ?M))) (* nonl))) (ss (sunrise-sunset)) (_m (string-match times-regex ss)) (sunrise-time (match-string 1 ss)) (sunset-time (match-string 2 ss))) (run-at-time sunrise-time (* 60 60 24) sunrise-command) (run-at-time sunset-time (* 60 60 24) sunset-command) (run-at-time "12:00am" (* 60 60 24) sunset-command))) ;;; Directories (think `no-littering') (defvar acdw/dir (expand-file-name (convert-standard-filename "var/") user-emacs-directory) "A directory to hold extra configuration and emacs data.") (defun acdw/in-dir (file &optional make-directory) "Expand FILE relative to `acdw/dir', optionally creating its directory." (let ((f (expand-file-name (convert-standard-filename file) acdw/dir))) (when make-directory (make-directory (file-name-directory f) 'parents)) f)) ;;; Settings (defun acdw/set (assignments) "Perform `customize-set-variable' on each of ASSIGNMENTS. ASSIGNMENTS is a list where each element is of the form (VARIABLE VALUE [COMMENT])." (let (setting) ; for return value (dolist (assignment assignments setting) (customize-set-variable (car assignment) (cadr assignment) (if (and (caddr assignment) (stringp (caddr assignment))) (caddr assignment) "Customized by `acdw/set'.")) (setq setting (car assignment))))) ;;; Faces (defun acdw/set-face (face spec) "Customize FACE according to SPEC, and register it with `customize'. SPEC is as for `defface'." (put face 'customized-face spec) (face-spec-set face spec)) (defmacro acdw/set-faces (face-specs) "Run `acdw/set-face' over each face in FACE-SPECS." (let (face-list) (dolist (face face-specs) (push `(acdw/set-face ',(car face) ',(cdr face)) face-list)) `(progn ,@face-list))) ;;; Hooks (defmacro acdw/hooks (hook-specs &rest args) "Add functions to hooks, according to HOOK-SPECS. Each HOOK-SPEC is of the following format: (HOOKS FUNCS [DEPTH] [LOCAL]). Either HOOKS or FUNCS can also be a list, in which case `add-hook' is called over the Cartesian product of HOOKS and FUNCS. In each HOOK-SPEC, DEPTH and LOCAL apply to all hooks defined; if finer control is needed, either pass the same hooks and functions in different HOOK-SPECs, or just use `add-hook'. ARGS accept the following keywords: :after FEATURE .. `autoload' all functions after FEATURE." (let ((after (plist-get args :after)) (command-list)) (dolist (spec hook-specs) (let* ((hooks (car spec)) (funcs (cadr spec)) (depth (or (caddr spec) 0)) (local (cadddr spec))) (when (not (listp hooks)) (setq hooks (list hooks))) (when (not (listp funcs)) (setq funcs (list funcs))) (dolist (hook hooks) (dolist (func funcs) (push `(add-hook ',hook #',func ,depth ,local) command-list) (when after (push `(autoload #',func ,after) command-list)))))) `(progn ,@command-list))) ;;; Keybindings (defvar acdw/bind-default-map 'acdw/map "The default keymap to use with `acdw/bind'.") (defmacro acdw/bind (key command &rest args) "A simple key-binding macro to take care of the repetitive stuff automatically. If KEY is a vector, it's passed directly to `define-key', otherwise it's wrapped in `kbd'. The following keywords are recognized: :after ARGS .. call `autoload' on COMMAND using ARGS before binding the key. ARGS can be just the filename to load; in that case it's wrapped in a list. :map KEYMAP .. define KEY in KEYMAP instead of the default `acdw/bind-default-map'." (let ((after (when-let (sym (plist-get args :after)) (if (not (listp sym)) (list sym) sym))) (keymap (or (plist-get args :map) acdw/bind-default-map)) (keycode (if (vectorp key) key (kbd key))) (command-list)) (push `(define-key ,keymap ,keycode ',command) command-list) (when after (push `(autoload ',command ,@after) command-list)) `(progn ,@command-list))) (defmacro acdw/binds (bindings) "Bind multiple keys at once." (let (bind-list) (dolist (bind bindings) (push `(acdw/bind ,@bind) bind-list)) `(progn ,@bind-list))) ;; convenience (defmacro acdw/bind-after-map (file keymap bindings) "Wrap multiple calls of `acdw/bind' after FILE and with KEYMAP. KEYMAP can be nil." (declare (indent 2)) (let ((bind-list) (extra-args (if keymap `(:after ,file :map ,keymap) `(:after ,file)))) (dolist (binding bindings) (push `(acdw/bind ,@binding ,@extra-args) bind-list)) `(progn ,@bind-list))) ;;; Packages (defmacro acdw/pkg (package &rest args) "Set up a package using `straight.el'. ARGS can include the following keywords: :now FORMS .. run forms immediately. Good for settings and auxiliary functions. :then FORMS .. run forms after loading PACKAGE, using `with-eval-after-load'. :binds BINDS .. run `acdw/bind-after-map' on BINDS. :hooks HOOKS .. run `acdw/hooks-after' on HOOKS." (declare (indent 1)) (let ((now-forms (plist-get args :now)) (binds (plist-get args :binds)) (hooks (plist-get args :hooks)) (then-forms (plist-get args :then)) (requirement (if (listp package) (car package) package)) (final-form)) (when then-forms (push `(with-eval-after-load ',requirement ,@then-forms) final-form)) (when hooks (push `(acdw/hooks ,hooks :after ,(symbol-name requirement)) final-form)) (when binds (push `(acdw/bind-after-map ,(symbol-name requirement) nil ,binds) final-form)) (when now-forms (push `(progn ,@now-forms) final-form)) (push `(straight-use-package ',package) final-form) `(progn ,@final-form))) ;;; Keymap & Mode (defvar acdw/map (make-sparse-keymap) "A keymap for my custom bindings.") (define-minor-mode acdw/mode "A mode for `acdw/map'." :init-value t :lighter " acdw" :keymap acdw/map) (define-globalized-minor-mode acdw/global-mode acdw/mode acdw/mode) ;; Disable `acdw/mode' in the minibuffer (defun acdw/mode--disable () "Disable `acdw/mode'." (acdw/mode -1)) (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'acdw/mode--disable) ;; Set up a leader key for `acdw/mode' (defvar acdw/leader (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)) (c-z (global-key-binding "\C-z"))) (define-key acdw/map "\C-z" map) (define-key map "\C-z" c-z) map)) (provide 'acdw) ;;; acdw.el ends here ;;; Elephant graveyard ;; XXX NOT WORKING -- And is this even necessary? ;; (defmacro acdw/defun-hook (hook docstring &optional depth local &rest forms) ;; "Add FORMS to a function described by DOCSTRING, then add that ;; function to HOOK. DOCSTRING is converted to a function name by ;; calling `docstring-to-symbol', if it's a string, or used as-is ;; otherwise. The optional DEPTH and LOCAL are passed to ;; `add-hook', if they're present (i.e., not a list). ;; This macro aims to split the difference between the syntax of ;; lambdas in hooks and the ability to easily disable hooks." ;; (declare (indent 2)) ;; (let ((name (if (stringp docstring) ;; (docstring-to-symbol docstring "hook-") ;; docstring))) ;; (when (listp local) (push local forms) (setq local nil)) ;; (when (listp depth) (push depth forms) (setq depth 0)) ;; `(progn ;; (defun ,name () ,@forms) ;; (add-hook ,hook #',name ,depth ,local)))) ;; Utilities XXX related to `acdw/defun-hook' ;; (defun docstring-to-symbol (docstring &optional prefix) ;; "Convert a DOCSTRING to a symbol by lowercasing the string, ;; converting non-symbol-safe characters to '-', and calling ;; `intern'. Returns the created symbol." ;; (let ((str (split-string (downcase docstring) "[ \f\t\n\r\v'\"`,]+" ;; :omit-nulls))) ;; (when prefix (push prefix str)) ;; (intern (mapconcat #'identity str "-"))))