# bash prompt MY_BASH_PROMPT=smiley_prompt # terminal title (current directory) __prompt_term_title() { # __prompt_term_title TITLE... printf '\033]0;%s\007\n' "$*" } __prompt_exit_code() { # __prompt_exit_code CODES... # Each CODE is of the form N=STR. If the code doesn't match one of CODES, # its number will be printed. local ec=$? for code; do if ((ec == ${code%=*})); then printf '%s\n' "${code#*=}" return elif ((ec == 0)) && [[ "${code%=*}" = ok ]]; then printf '%s\n' "${code#*=}" return elif ((ec > 0)) && [[ "${code%=*}" = fail ]]; then printf '%s\n' "${code#*=}" return fi done printf '%s\n' "$ec" } git_prompt_integration() { # git bit # see https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/278206 possible_git_prompt_locations=( /usr/share/git/git-prompt.sh # Arch, etc. (default?) /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt # Debian, Ubuntu ... /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh # Fedora ?? # I have yet to find Alpine's git prompt location. ) for file in "${possible_git_prompt_locations[@]}"; do if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then source "$file" && PS1+='\[\e[35m\]$(__git_ps1) \[\e[0m\]' break fi done } two_line_prompt() { PS1= # user, host, and cwd PROMPT_DIRTRIM=3 # how many dirs above current to print (rest are '...') PS1+='\[\e[0;46m\]\u@\h \w' # newline PS1+='\[\e[0m\]\n' PS1+='\[\e[31m\]$(__prompt_exit_code 0=)\[\e[0m\]' PS1+='\[$(__prompt_term_title "$USER@$(hostname): $PWD")\]' # delimiter PS1+='; ' } smiley_prompt() { __prompt_ec() { case $? in 0) echo '^_^' ;; *) echo ';_;' ;; esac } PS1='\[\e[33m\]$(__prompt_exit_code "ok=^_^" "fail=;_;")' PS1+=' \w\[\e[0m\]' git_prompt_integration PS1+='\[$(__prompt_term_title "$USER@$(hostname): $PWD")\]' PS1+='\$ ' } eval "$MY_BASH_PROMPT"