#!/bin/sh # Bootstrap file for XDG_CONFIG_HOME # by Case Duckworth ### License: # Everyone is permitted to do whatever with this software, without # limitation. This software comes without any warranty whatsoever, # but with two pieces of advice: # - Don't hurt yourself. # - Make good choices. ### Commentary: # For some time now, there has been a standard place to put configuration files # for various programs: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. Slowly but surely, programs have # been adapting to that standard for their configuration files, but there have # been some stubborn holdouts. Examples include shells such as sh, bash, and # zsh. # Luckily, the filesystem can help us. This script takes input from a file in # its $PWD, bootstrap.manifest, and reads linking directions from tab-delimited # lines in that file. Then, it creates links from within the cozy confines of # $XDG_CONFIG_HOME to the wild west of ~, so that everyone is happy: you have # your zen garden of configuration, and misbehaving programs have their bazaar. ### Code: ### Main entry point main() { ## Sanity checking # Since bootstrap.sh does some naive path-mangling, let's show an error # if it's not run correctly. Yes, there are other ways to run a # script. But this script should ideally be run, like, one time. Also # you can obviously comment this out or change it if you know what # you're doing! case "$0" in ./*) ;; # this is the way bootstrap.sh /should/ be run. *) printf >&2 'Weird invocation! %s\n' "$*" printf >&2 'Try: cd ; ./bootstrap.sh\n' exit 127 ;; esac ## Variables # option: -d/--dry-run : "${BOOTSTRAP_ACTION:=link}" # option: -v/--verbose : "${BOOTSTRAP_DEBUG:=false}" # option: -k/--keep-going : "${BOOTSTRAP_QUIT_ON_ERROR:=true}" # option: -m/--manifest FILE : "${BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST_FILE:=bootstrap.manifest}" # option: -- (rest are passed to ln) : "${BOOTSTRAP_LN_ARGS:=-s}" ## Handle command-line flags # Basically an easier way of setting the above variables. while [ -n "$1" ]; do case "$1" in -h | --help) cat >&2 <&2 "Bad argument: '$2'" exit 129 ;; esac BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST_FILE="$2" shift 2 ;; -f | --force) BOOTSTRAP_LN_ARGS="$BOOTSTRAP_LN_ARGS -f" shift 1 ;; --) shift 1 BOOTSTRAP_LN_ARGS="$@" break ;; esac done ## Main loop while IFS=' ' read -r source destination; do # Ignore lines beginning with '#' case "$source" in '#'*) if "$BOOTSTRAP_DEBUG"; then printf >&2 '%s %s\n' \ "$source" "$destination" fi continue ;; esac # Ignore empty lines, or lines with only SOURCE or DESTINATION if [ -z "$source" ] || [ -z "$destination" ]; then if "$BOOTSTRAP_DEBUG"; then printf >&2 'Skipping line: %s\t%s\n' \ "$source" "$destination" fi continue fi # Do the thing if ! dispatch "$source" "$destination"; then printf >&2 'ERROR: %s -> %s\n' \ "$source" "$destination" if "$BOOTSTRAP_QUIT_ON_ERROR"; then exit "$dispatch_error" fi fi done <"$BOOTSTRAP_MANIFEST_FILE" } ### Functions dispatch() { # dispatch SOURCE DESTINATION # Depending on environment variables, do the linking or displaying or # whatever of a source and a destination. ## Variables src="$1" dest="$2" dispatch_error=0 # success ## Sanitize pathnames # If the SOURCE starts with ~, /, or $, keep it as-is; otherwise, # prepend "$PWD/". case "$src" in '/'* | '~'* | '$'*) ;; *) src="$PWD/$src" ;; esac # Convert ~ to $HOME in SOURCE and DESTINATION, to get around shell # quoting rules. src="$(printf '%s\n' "$src" | sed "s#^~#$HOME#")" dest="$(printf '%s\n' "$dest" | sed "s#^~#$HOME#")" ## Do the thing # /Always/ tell the user what we're doing. if [ -f "$dest" ]; then printf >&2 'mv %s %s.old\n' "$dest" "$dest" fi printf >&2 "ln %s %s %s\n" "$BOOTSTRAP_LN_ARGS" "$src" "$dest" case "$BOOTSTRAP_ACTION" in link) # actually ... do the links # if DESTINATION exists, move it to DESTINATION.old if [ -f "$dest" ]; then mv "$dest" "$dest.old" fi ln $BOOTSTRAP_LN_ARGS "$src" "$dest" || dispatch_error="$?" ;; print) ;; # already printed. esac return "$dispatch_error" } ### Do the thing main "$@"