;@@title: books to read, sff edition@@ ;@@date: 2022-06-13@@ i make a lot of lists of books to read. here's another one. it's from => https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/27/books/review/new-science-fiction-fantasy.html the New York Times but they like to shut off access to their articles, so I'm repeating the list here. - And Then I Woke Up -- Malcolm Devlin - Hell Followed with Us -- Joseph White - Her Majesty's Royal Coven -- Juno Dawson - Kaikeyi -- Vaishnavi Patel - In a Garden Burning Gold -- Rory Power - The Stardust Thief -- Chelsea Abdullah In order to not steal too much from the venerable Times, I've only listed the books here. Subscribe, I guess, for the reviews themselves.