;@@title: I am not abcdw@@ ;@@date: 2022-05-25@@ I'm writing this because I'm just now thinking of it, mostly. Sometimes when I hang around on Reddit or IRC or other nerdy internet places, people mistake me (acdw) with Andrew Tropin (abcdw). I am not Andrew Tropin. He seems like a cool guy, and I've watched some of his YouTube stuff. His work on Guix seems really interesting. I'm just ... not him. Here's a table to clear things up:
ACDW (Case Duckworth) ABCDW (Andrew Tropin)
Website(s) acdw.net, acdw.casa, others trop.in
Mastodon tiny.tilde.website fosstodon
Twitter @caseofducks @andrewtropin
GitHub duckwork abcdw
YouTube not active quite active
Anyway, I hope this clears things up a little!