;@@title: Paper airplane day and two fire alarms@@ ;@@date: 2022-05-26@@ Apparently, today is National Paper Airplane Day, so we had a little paper airplane contest at work. It was quite fun, though my go-to airplane style didn't win over the YouTube-d and other "professionally"-done airplanes. We also had a potluck with my department and another, and in preparation the ovens set off two fire alarms. The first was totally charred french bread and the second was some drippings that were left on foil in the oven for who knows how long. Quite annoying, but the potluck turned out quite well! I've also sold my desk as we prepare for our move, and I'm looking at others. Thinking an Ikea number, maybe. I'm back on nyan-mode in my mode-line. Oh, I need to remember the actually-selected-window package, which I wrote I belive for nyan-mode! I'll do that when I'm done here. I also wrote a little function to make it easier to post on this blog. Here it is: ``` (defun blog-post (title &optional date) "Make a new blog post, with TITLE on DATE." (interactive (list (read-string "Title: ") (format-time-string "%F"))) (let ((blog-directory (expand-file-name "~/src/hat-trick/src/")) (metadata-format ";@@%s: %s@@\n") (slug (string-trim (downcase (replace-regexp-in-string "[^[:alnum:]]" "-" title)) "-" "-"))) (find-file (expand-file-name (concat slug ".ht") blog-directory)) (insert (format metadata-format "title" title)) (when date (insert (format metadata-format "date" date))) (insert "\n"))) ``` I think the next thing I should do is make a major-mode ... or maybe I should just use web-mode.... And of course, I need to update the syntax of these .ht files. They're okay, but I think I could improve them in a few ways. Not that I've figured out what those ways are, lol.
Wow, this was a long one! That's good, I spose :)