(import scheme (chicken base) (chicken load) (chicken pathname) (chicken port) (chicken process-context) test) (define test-dir (or (get-environment-variable "TESTS") "tests")) ;;; Setup (import (jimmy emit) (jimmy read) #;(jimmy wrap)) (test-begin) ;;; Reading (define test-file (make-pathname (list test-dir) "test" "gmi")) (define expected-doc '(((meta) ("title" "a" "test" "document") ("date" "2024-05-13T03:02:45Z") ("uuid" "b3daebf1-440b-4828-a4d9-9089c7bd7c61")) ((hdr1) ("a" "test" "document" "of" "some" "kind")) ((para) ("here" "is" "a" "test" "document.") ("it" "has" "paragraphs") (link "example.com" "with" "links!") ("and" "other" "things.")) ((hdr2) ("a" "code" "example")) ((verb) ("for (a=1;a<=4;a++) {") ("\tprintf(\"%d\\n\", a);") ("}")) ((hdr3) ("other" "examples")) ((quot) ("a" "blockquote" "is" "a" "quote") ("that" "is" "blocky.")) ((list) ("list" "1") ("list" "2") ("list" "3")) ((link) ("example.com" "link" "list" "1") ("example.com" "link" "list" "2") ("example.com" "link" "list" "3")) ((para) ("ok," "now" "for" "another" "test:") ("will" "*strong*" "in-line" "text" "be" "converted?") ("as" "well" "as" "`code`," "_emph_" "and" "such?") ("what" "if" "*i" "_nest_" "them*") ("what" "if" "*i" "_nest" "them*" "wrong_" "?") ("what" "about" "*breaking" "them") ("over" "two" "lines?*")))) (define actual-doc (with-input-from-file test-file parse)) (test "read" expected-doc actual-doc) (define doc expected-doc) ;;; Emitting (test-group "gemini" (define expected-gmi (string-append "# a test document of some kind\n\n" "here is a test document. it has paragraphs \n" "=> example.com with links!\n" "and other things.\n\n" "## a code example\n\n" "```\nfor (a=1;a<=4;a++) {\n" "\tprintf(\"%d\\n\", a);" "\n}\n```\n\n" "### other examples\n\n" "> a blockquote is a quote that is blocky.\n\n" "* list 1\n" "* list 2\n" "* list 3\n\n" "=> example.com link list 1\n" "=> example.com link list 2\n" "=> example.com link list 3\n\n" "ok, now for another test: " "will *strong* in-line text be converted? " "as well as `code`, _emph_ and such? " "what if *i _nest_ them* what if *i _nest them* wrong_ ? " "what about *breaking them over two lines?*\n\n")) (define actual-gmi (with-output-to-string (lambda () (emit doc)))) (test "emit" expected-gmi actual-gmi)) ;;; HTML (test-group "html" (import (jimmy html)) (define expected-html (string-append "

a test document of some kind

\n" "

\n" " here is a test document.\n" " it has paragraphs\n" " with links!\n" " and other things.\n" "

\n" "

a code example

\n" "
for (a=1;a<=4;a++) {\n"
                   "\tprintf(\"%d\\n\", a);\n"
\n" "

other examples

\n" "
\n" " a blockquote is a quote\n" " that is blocky.\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "

\n" " ok, now for another test:\n" " will strong in-line text be converted?\n" " as well as code, emph and such?\n" " what if i nest them\n" " what if i nest them wrong ?\n" " what about *breaking them\n" " over two lines?*\n" "

\n")) (define actual-html (with-output-to-string (lambda () (emit doc)))) (test "emit html" expected-html actual-html)) (test-end) (test-exit)