lam(n.) -- where you go when a scheme goes bad by C. Duckworth about lam --------- lam is my little toy lisp evaluator. written in lua! (no, it isn't fennel.) this is /very much/ a work in progress. lam uses lua 5.1 or luajit. it might work elsewhere, but i've not tested it on those. using lam --------- you can set up a repl of lam to test it out: > make repl all of lua's math.* functions are available, as well as - +, *, /, - - =, <, >, <=, >= - null? - number? - symbol? - apply - begin - map - car - cdr - list and special forms - quote - define - lambda plus, some special lam functions: - luatype (the lua types of a value) - type (the lam type of the value) lam limitations --------------- - lam just has numbers and operations on them - uh, and symbols. and lists. and lambdas and environments. todo ---- - move schemestr from repl into pp and expand (lua/lam pp, etc) - add more datatypes (strings, anyone?!) - numeric tower (oof) (at least exact/inexact numbers) - .... --------------------------- contributions/help WELCOME!