--- lam.type -- this library implements lam types---atomic and collection---and type -- predicates. it also re-exports lua's `type` as type.luatype and implements -- `type.lamtype`. types are implemented as functions to build the given type -- from some arguments. their metatables contain various metamethods, but also -- `__type`. local m = {} local utf8 = require("utf8") local util = require("util") local tochars, error, constantly = util.tochars, util.error, util.constantly ---[[ ATOMIC TYPES ]]--- -- a lam symbol is a lua string m.symbol = tostring -- a lam number is a lua number -- TODO: implement full numeric tower m.number = tonumber -- a character is a wrapped single-character string -- it contains both the string representation and the character's codepoint m.character_names = { -- some characters, like whitespace, have names ["\n"] = "newline", [" "] = "space", ["\t"] = "tab", } function m.character (x) local s = tostring(x) local uc = utf8.codepoint(s) local t = { v = utf8.char(uc), u = uc, } local mt = { __type = "char", -- scheme name -- compare using codepoints since they're just numbers __eq = function (a, b) return a.u == b.u end, __lt = function (a, b) return a.u < b.u end, __tostring = function (self) local v = self.v if m.character_names[v] then v = m.character_names[v] end return "#\\" .. v end, } return setmetatable(t, mt) end ---[[ INPUT PORTS ]]--- local function tochars (str) local cs = {} for _, code in utf8_codes(str) do table.insert(cs, code) end return cs end -- return the next token from PORT, given READTABLE local function input_port_next_token (port, readtable) repeat if #port.buffer == 0 then if port.file then local ln = port.file:read() if ln == nil then return m.eof end port.buffer = tochars(ln) else return m.eof end end local token, token_type local c = port.buffer[1] if readtable.chars[c] then token, token_type, port.buffer = readtable.chars[c](port.buffer) else for re, fn in pairs(readtable.regex) do if c:match(re) then token, token_type, port.buffer = fn(port.buffer) break end end if token == nil then token, token_type, port.buffer = readtable.default(port.buffer) end end port.buffer = port.buffer or {} if token then return token, token_type end until nil end function m.input_port (source, source_type) -- SOURCE is the name of the file/string to read or nil; nil means -- standard input. SOURCE_TYPE is one of "file", "string"; "file" is -- the default. local f, b source_type = source_type or "file" if source then if source_type == "file" then f = io.open(source, "r") elseif source_type == "string" then b = tochars(source) else error("input-port: bad type", source_type) end else f = io.input() -- ignore SOURCE_TYPE end local t = { file = f, name = f and source or "[string]", type = source_type, buffer = b or {}, flush = function (self) self.buffer = {} end, next = input_port_next_token, -- port:next(readtable) close = function (self) if self.file then self.file:close() end end, } local mt = { __type = "input-port", __tostring = function (self) return string.format("#", self.name) end, } return setmetatable(t, mt) end ---[[ NULL(S) ]]--- -- The empty list () is the only object that is both an atom and a list. It -- forms the ultimate tail of every "proper" list. The important thing is that -- it's its own object. m.null = setmetatable({}, { __type = "null", __tostring = function () return "()" end, }) function m.nullp (x) return x == m.null end -- The EOF object is what the reader emits when it hits an end-of-file or use up -- a port. m.eof = setmetatable({}, { __type = "eof", __tostring = function () return "#" end, }) function m.eofp (x) return x == m.eof end ---[[ COLLECTION TYPES ]]--- -- cons are lisp's fundamental collection type: they link two things together in -- a structure function m.cons (a, b) local t = { a, b, } local mt = { __type = "pair", -- scheme name __tostring = function (self) local t, p = {}, self while p[2] do table.insert(t, tostring(p[1])) if m.luatype(p[2]) == "table" then p = p[2] else table.insert(t, ".") table.insert(t, p[2]) break end end return string.format("(%s)", table.concat(t, " ")) end, __len = function (self) local function go (x, acc) -- improper lists don't have lengths if not m.isp(x, "pair") then return nil end if m.nullp(x[2]) then return acc else return go(x[2], acc + 1) end end return go(self, 1) end, } return setmetatable(t, mt) end -- a series of cons cells linked together is a list function m.list (items, final) -- ITEMS is a table of items to turn into a list, and FINAL is an -- optional final cdr. If it's nil, the list is a "proper" list, -- i.e. it ends in (); otherwise, it's an "improper" list. local function tolist (base, items) if #items == 0 then return base end return tolist(m.cons(table.remove(items), base), items) end return tolist(final or m.null, items) end -- strings are vectors of chars. not lam characters, but one-character strings. -- this is for utf8 ease-of-use... TODO i still need to write functions to pluck -- out a single lam character from a string, etc. function m.string (x) local t if m.luatype(x) == "table" then t = x else t = tochars(tostring(x)) end t.v = table.concat(t) local mt = { __type = "string", __tostring = function (self) local esc = table.concat(self): gsub("[\\\"]", "\\%1") return string.format("\"%s\"", esc) end, } return setmetatable(t, mt) end ---[[ PROCEEDURES AND ENVIRONMENTS ]]--- function m.environment (inner, outer) local mt = { __type = "environment", __index = outer, __newindex = function (self, key, val) if rawget(self, key) then rawset(self, key, val) else getmetatable(self).__index[key] = val end end, __tostring = function (_) return "#" end, } return setmetatable(inner, mt) end function m.procedure (params, body, env, eval) local t = { params = params, body = body, env = env, eval = eval, } local mt = { __type = "procedure", __tostring = function (self) return string.format("#", self.params) end, __call = function (self, r) local rlen = #r local function doargs (p, r, e) -- base case if m.nullp(p) and m.nullp(r) then return e end -- (lambda x ..) or (lambda (x . y) ..) if type.isp(p, "symbol") then e[p] = r return e end if p[1] == nil then error("too many arguments", rlen, #self.params) end if r[1] == nil then error("too few arguments", rlen, #self.params) end -- bind car(p) to car(r) e[p[1]] = r[1] -- recurse return doargs(p[2], r[2], e) end -- create new, expanded environment e = doargs(self.params, r, m.environment({}, self.env)) local b = self.body -- evaluate body forms while not m.nullp(b[2]) do self.eval(b[1], e) b = b[2] end -- return last body form return self.eval(b[1], e) end, } return setmetatable(t, mt) end function m.assert_arity (r, min, max) local rmin = min or 0 local rmax = max or 1/0 -- infinity local rlen = #r if rlen < rmin or rlen > rmax then error("wrong arity", rlen, m.cons(rmin, rmax)) end end ---[[ TYPE DETECTION AND PREDICATES ]]--- -- to avoid name clashes, `type` is saved in type.luatype m.luatype = type -- return the lam type of a given expression function m.lamtype (x) if getmetatable(x) and getmetatable(x).__type then return getmetatable(x).__type elseif m.luatype(x) == "string" then return "symbol" else return m.luatype(x) end end --- Predicates are named with a `p', lisp-style -- is X of type T ? function m.isp (x, t) return m.lamtype(x) == t end -- is X a "proper" list? function m.listp (x) -- take advantage of cons' __len operator, but since it returns a -- number, convert that to a bool if m.isp(x, "pair") and #x then return true else return false end end -- type assertion function m.assert_type (x, t) local pred = function (a) return m.isp(a, t) end if t == "list" then pred = m.listp end if not pred(x) then error("wrong type", m.lamtype(x), t) end end -- according to CHICKEN, `atom?' returns #t if X is not a pair (cons) function m.atomp (x) return not m.isp(x, "pair") end --[[ CONVERTING BACK TO LUA TYPES ]]-- -- convert a cons back to a table -- this doesn't special-case for proper/improper lists function m.totable (cons) local t, p = {}, cons while p[2] do table.insert(t, p[1]) if m.isp(p[2], "pair") then p = p[2] else table.insert(t, p[2]) break end end return t end -------- return m